Kabira 2 Lyrics - Jubin Nautiyal
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) is the beautiful song and nowadays Kabira 2is on trending on social media YouTube. It's really a good song
“When you are feeling happy, you just listen to this song 😍 and when you are feeling sad, you try to understand the lyrics 🤔”
Listen Kabira 2 and You are feeling it at your soul deep level.
Detail about Kabira 2 Song
Song Title: Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे)
Kabira 2 Singer: Jubin Nautiyal
Kabira 2 Songwriter: Traditional
Kabira 2 Music Composition: Raaj Aashoo
Kabira 2 Directed by: Lovesh Nagar
Kabira 2 Lebel: T-Series
Let's enjoy Kabira 2 beautiful and Romantic Song HD lyrics 😊
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) Lyrics - Jubin Nautiyal
Call kary so aaj kar, aaj kary soo ab
Call kary so aaj kar, aaj kary soo ab
Phal me perlaye hoye ge
Bahore karega kub kabira
Bahore karega kub
Boraa jo dekhan me chalaan
Boraa na mile yaar koi
Boraa jo dekhan me chalaan
Boraa na mile yaar koi
Jomun koh jan apna
Mujh se boraa na koi kabira
Mujh se boraa na
Dukh me sumirunn sab kary
Sukh me kary na koi
Dukh me sumirunn sab kary
Sukh me kary na koi
Jo sukh me sumirunn kary
Tu dukh khaye howy kabira
Tu dukh khaye howy kabira
Poti parh parh jugmo aa
Panditi biana koi
Poti parh parh jugmo aa
Panditi biana koi
Daye akshur prem ka
Parhy so pundit hoye kabira
Parhy so pundit hoye
Mati kahy haar se
Tu kia rondhy mohye
Mati kahy haar se
Tu kia rondhy mohye
Ak din aisa aaye ga
Me rondhongi tu ay kabria
Me rondhongi tu ay
Mera mujh me kuch nahi
Jo koch hein so tera
Mera mujh me kuch nahi
Jo koch hein so teraa
Tera tujh ko sampthe
Kia lagy hein mera kabira
Kia lagy hein mera
Ninduk niyre rakhye
Angun kuti chawaaye
Ninduk niyre rakhye
Angun kuti chawaaye
Bin paani, sabun bin
Nermal kary sohaye kabira
Nermal kary sohaye
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Who is the singer of Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song?
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song is sung by Jubin Nautiyal
Who are the Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) Lyrics Writers?
Lyrics for Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song is written by Traditional
Who is the music composer for Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song?
The music in Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song composed by Raaj Aashoo
What is the label of Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song?
The label of Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song is T-Series
Who is the director of Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song?
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song is directed by Lovesh Nagar
When Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song released?
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) song Released on 7 January 2022
1. LyricsReels
3. Azlyrics
4. Genius
5. Kgasa
Kabira 2 (कबीर दोहे) Lyrics - Jubin Nautiyal, Kabira 2 Lyrics, Kabira 2 Lyrics by Jubin Nautiyal, Kabira Lyrics Jubin Nautiyal, Kabira 2, Jubin Nautiyal song, Jubin Nautiyal new song, Kabira Lyrics, Kabira2,
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