Enjoy the lyrics of the song "LAS SOLTERAS" sung by "Lola Indigo" .Put on some background music, turn up the volume and listen to the lyrics. Try to understand what the song is about, then answer the questions below. When you are done, you may continue to the next part. You may take notes if you want.😊
LAS SOLTERAS English LYRICS - Lola Indigo
LAS SOLTERAS - Lola Indigo Song Credits
Produced by
David Marley
Written By
Eva Ibañez, David Marley, Chris Zadley & Lola Indigo
Release Date
February 16, 2022
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Lola Indigo is a singer-songwriter from Colombia, who started her musical career in the early 2000s. She released her first studio album, named After the Rain, in 2007, which was well received by critics. Indigo’s music is inspired by various genres, such as pop, reggae, soul and Colombian cumbia. Her most popular song is titled “Las Solteras”, which has been viewed more than 12 million times on YouTube.
LAS SOLTERAS is a bilingual song, sung in Spanish and English. The song is about two women who were once friends, but one betrayed the other. The Spanish lyrics were written by Lola Indigo, and the English lyrics were written by Lola Indigo. Both women have different opinions regarding who should have sang the English lyrics, but they both claim that the song is better with their own lyrics.
This song is about a woman who is looking for her one true love. The lyrics are beautiful and tell a different story than the typical romance song. This song is perfect for singing along to, or just listening. It's great for romantic videos, or just videos in general!
Lola Indigo’s daughter came to her and said, “Mommy, I want a girlfriend.” She thought for a moment and said, “Okay, I will find you one.” So she called her friends and asked them if they wanted a girlfriend too. They all said yes.
The English lyrics of this song tell a different story than the Spanish lyrics. The English lyrics talk about two women who used to be friends, but one betrayed the other. The betrayal caused the two women to become enemies, and they have been fighting ever since. This song is perfect for videos in which two women are fighting, or videos in which women are rivals.
Lola Indigo began by singing the Spanish lyrics of the song. The first verse tells the story of a woman who was once close friends with another woman, but one betrayed the other. The woman who was betrayed wanted to find her true love, but the other woman was not interested in love. The second verse tells the story of a different woman who was looking for her true love, but she didn’t care about the other woman.
Lola Indigo’s daughter came to her and said, “Mommy, I want a girlfriend.” She thought for a moment and said, “Okay, I will find you one.” So she called her friends and asked them if they wanted a girlfriend too. They all said yes.
The English lyrics of this song are beautiful. They are a great example of how two different women can write the same song, and make it their own. The singer tells a story of how she met two other women, who were once friends, but then became enemies. The two women were close in life, but they became enemies when one betrayed the other.
Lola Indigo is a singer-songwriter from Colombia, who started her musical career in the early 2000s. She released her first studio album, named After the Rain, in 2007, which was well received by critics. Indigo’s music is inspired by various genres, such as pop, reggae, soul and Colombian cumbia. Her most popular song is titled “Las Solteras”, which has been viewed more than 12 million times on YouTube.
Original Lyrics Credits: ⭐
2. Musixmatch
3. Azlyrics
4. Genius
6. Lyricfind
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