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TiiwTiiw - Kida Lyrics

TiiwTiiw - Kida Lyrics

TiiwTiiw - Kida Lyrics

The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. When you’re ready,
 then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics below!😊

TiiwTiiw - Kida Lyrics

Lyrics will be available soon

TiiwTiiw - Kida Song Credits 

Réalisé & Produit : iliass Tiiwtiiw & ManioProd 
BEAT BY  /  Salih Le Magicien  
Mohamed Mrabet & Nidal Toujgani 
Mohamed Mrabet & Mbarek Nouali


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TiiwTiiw - Kida Lyrics 💖

I have always been fascinated by the sound of arabic music. But I never really knew the music behind it. I had always thought that they were randomly singing. But I found out while I was researching on the Arabic song Kida that they sing according to a particular rhythm.

Blog Post: The complete lyrics of the arabic song Kida sung by TiiwTiiw

How to run a Background Check: A blog around how a small business can run their own background check of a potential employee.

Arabic music is a treasure that is seldom appreciated. If you can appreciate good music, you will find yourself humming along to a song or listening to the lyrics. In this blog, the lyrics of Kida song sung by TiiwTiiw is shown, with a link to the song and a YouTube video of the song.

Blog Post:

Kida by TiiwTiiw

Translated into English

You just got married, you left your house,

You left your father, mother and family,

You left your neighbourhood and your school,

With a broken

Kida is an arabic song which is sung by TiiwTiiw. This song has such a beautiful lyrics and music. The song is really a masterpiece. Here, I have tried my level best to translate the lyrics of the song. Hope you all enjoy the lyrics as much as I did.

Blog Post 1:

As much as the night is darker than the daylight

As much as the sea is more dangerous than the land

As much as the rose dies faster than the thorn

I love you more than my life

As much as the night is darker than

The lyrics of Kida by TiiwTiiw. Enjoying the lyrics of this song will help you open up your mind to a new level.

Blog Details: Kida is a song is by TiiwTiiw an arabic singer from Tunis, Tunisia. This song is from his 7th album Saadeya. You can listen to the song on youtube here or go to his website and listen to the song here .

People who remember the Arab pop songs be it in the 80's or 90's can enjoy these arabic song lyrics.This is an article where you can find the lyrics of one of the arabic music in the Arab pop songs in the 90's or the 80's written in arabic. Some of the famous arabic song of the 80's or the 90's are Sadek, Warda , Amr Diab and many more.

Arabic music is full of beautiful songs and Kida is one such song. The song is sung by the talented TiiwTiiw and it is produced by Issa Masoud. The song is based on a traditional music and it is all about love and that is why it has lyrics that are in poetic format.

Artists are like the heartbeats of a nation as they are the soul of a country. The music industry is something that has been around for a very long time and will forever thrive. One great thing about music is that it is all that matters to the people. There is so much to learn from music but the one thing that we should do is, enjoy it.

Original Lyrics Credits: ⭐

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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