UTU LYRICS - Alikiba
Do you enjoy the lyrics of the song "UTU" sung by "Alikiba"? If you don't, you should give it a try! The lyrics are playful, and the song is catchy. It's sure to get you moving!
Listen UTU - Alikiba with Lyrics and feel it at your soul's deepest level 😊
UTU LYRICS - Alikiba
UTU English LYRICS - Alikiba
UTU Spanish LYRICS - Alikiba
UTU Hindi LYRICS - Alikiba
UTU - Alikiba Song Credits
Song Title: UTU
Singer: Alikiba
Lebel: Alikiba
UTU - Alikiba song released on Jan 28, 2022
UTU LYRICS - Alikiba
Do you like to sing along to your favorite songs? If so, you're going to love "UTU" by Alikiba. The lyrics are upbeat and easy to remember, and the melody is catchy. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to groove to this one!
If you haven't already heard the newest hit song by Alikiba, UTU, you're missing out! This upbeat and catchy song is sure to get your toes tapping and put a smile on your face. The lyrics are fun and will have you singing along in no time. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to enjoy UTU!
UTU is a lovely song, worthy of every repeat. The lyrics are simple and the song flows well. It's an easy piece to sing (although the vocalists are clearly more capable than most of us). I've personally gone through a lot of "sad" songs, but this one is different. I haven't stopped feeling upbeat enough to dance every time I listen to it! The lyrics have several meanings, which means you can interpret it in whichever way you choose; that's what makes the song so special.
This is another song from Alikiba. This song is about Alikiba's son. He had fallen sick and couldn't breathe as his throat was closing. This son passed away a few days later due to the watery eyes that were caused by the sickness. This whole song is in memory of his little son who is never going to be forgotten by the great Alikiba. May the soul of this baby boy rest in peace.
Well, you were the one who sang it to me As the story goes, you persuaded me that love was on route Laugh now I'll laugh for a long time Because you are my best friend Because then we can laugh together Now I'm not burdened with this kind of sadness anymore.
“UTU’” is a love and devotional song that has been composed and performed by the Tanzanian Rapper Alikiba who was named as the best East African Hip Hop Artist of the year 201 The song tells the story of how a man propose a lady to be his woman, he explains her qualities that attracted him and at the end, he longs to be with her forever. This song is one of my favourites and I hope as you listen to it it has a positive impact on your life as it did mine.
The song discusses how nothing is completely black and white (even emotions, relationships, even crime and punishment may not be black and white), while urging the listener to love him/herself gently and with great compassion. Tenderly is the operative word; this is a song about humanism and empathy, reminding us that we are all fellows on Earth. And my prayer to God is that He will continue to give you strength to deliver powerful messages like these through your music.
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Original Lyrics Credits:
2. Musixmatch
3. Azlyrics
4. Genius
6. Lyricfind
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