The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. When you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics below!😊
Produced by
Written By
Release Date
March 3, 2022
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Deserve It is a song sang by the female artist SHENSEEA and the music was created by on a nice beat by Shizzi and the composition by the Legend Ice Prince.
Every little thing that you do girl all I can do is wish you deserve it.
Now it's time for the amazing world of music, which is the greatest form of art. People get attached to the songs which are very much capable of making someone's mood go high. Music is something which is capable of making people get lost in the world of imagination. DESERVE IT LYRICS is certainly a song everyone would like to listen.
SHENSEEA, who is a very talented and famous singer, has sung the song DESERVE IT LYRICS for the album DESERVE IT. The song DESERVE IT LYRICS from SHENSEEA is a very popular song and very good song. The song DESERVE IT LYRICS is available to be downloaded from iTunes .
The song that I choose to share with you is titled DESERVE IT LYRICS sung by SHENSEEA. It is a wonderful song with meaningful lyrics. The song is addressing the issues of a relationship and how to deal with it. This song is truly a classic. I hope you will enjoy the lyrics of this song.
I love the lyrics of the song DESERVE IT LYRICS, sung by SHENSEEA. This song is really inspiring, and the person who wrote the song is really an amazing singer.
Blog body: I don't know if you have heard the song DESERVE IT LYRICS, sung by SHENSEEA. I love this song because it is very inspiring and it motivates me a lot to work hard for my goals. I love this song so much and I listen to it every day. I love the lyrics of the song and I listen to the song when I
The song DESERVE IT LYRICS is a song sung by the singer SHENSEEA. The song is from the album COSMIC POP . This song is released on 04-02-2017. The song DESERVE IT LYRICS is in an English music style. Download DESERVE IT LYRICS on iTunes. Enjoy the lyrics of DESERVE IT LYRICS by SHENSEEA.
The song DESERVE IT has a charming music composed by the artist SHENSEEA. The song is from the album THIS IS JUST A TEST- THE ALBUM . The music video and song lyrics were published on YouTube.
Shanice Marvellous is best known for her songs GET DOW, DESERVE IT, THE SHAKES, and this is just a test. She has also been featured in the song from the albums I AM, VOL. 2 and NEW YEAR NEW ME. Her work has been appreciated by the great public.
If you enjoy the lyrics of.
Song DESERVE IT LYRICS sung by SHENSEEA from the album DESERVE IT. It's a great day for all of us and SHENSEEA is back with great lyrics and the song DESERVE IT LYRICS so here is the lyrics of the song DESERVE IT LYRICS and enjoy the song.
Original Lyrics Credits: ⭐
2. Musixmatch
3. Azlyrics
4. Genius
6. Lyricfind
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