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FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli

FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli 

FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli

The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. When you’re ready,
 then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics below!😊

FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli 

Când am nevoie de ajutor tu nu mai sari Cum te ascunzi în asfintire nu răsări apui o data cu dragostea  Tine lumina sa fii tu lampadar Sufletul de raze tu sa mi-l separi Unde ești tu nu te văd bine Prea multe stele seamănă cu tine Si m-arunc în visare ramai imaginar Arunc amintirile tale din sertar Doar mi-am închipuit cât te-am iubit  O inima de gheață Nu poate oferi Mai mult decât Flori de argint.. Si nu le pot primi ca nu se vor ofili Vreau mai mult decât flori de-arignt  Vad adevarul gol când e luna plina Mi-ai lăsat în urma setea de zi senina Si mă flutura numai norii la cum suspina Ce-am ridicat cândva acum e o ruina  O inima de gheață Nu poate oferi Mai mult decât Flori de argint! Si nu le pot primi ca nu se vor ofili Vreau mai mult decât flori de’arignt  Nu mai vad,nu mai simt Nu mai pot, nu ai timp Nu mai zic cum ar fi, nu mai cred daca-i sti Ca tremur îmi e frig și încerc sa adorm Cand lacrimile o sa se intoarca-n zori O sa le spun și lor povestea  Tu inima de gheață Nu imi poti oferi Mai mult decât Flori de argint! Si nu le pot primi ca nu se vor ofili Vreau mai mult decât flori de-arignt

FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli

When I need help you don't jump anymore How you hide in the sunset do not rise you go with love  Keep the light to be your lamp You separate my soul from the rays I don't see you well where you are Too many stars look like you And I dream of staying imaginary I'm throwing your memories out of the drawer I just imagined how much I loved you  An ice heart He can't offer More than Silver flowers. And I can't receive them because they won't wither I want more than flowers  I see the empty truth when the moon is full You left me thirsty for a clear day And only the clouds swayed at me as he sighed What I once erected is now a ruin  An ice heart He can't offer More than Silver flowers! And I can't receive them because they won't wither I want more than flowers  I don't see anymore, I don't feel anymore I can't, you don't have time I don't say what it's like anymore, I don't think so if you know them I'm shivering and I'm trying to fall asleep When the tears will return at dawn I'll tell them the story too  You heart of ice You can't offer me More than Silver flowers! And I can't receive them because they won't wither I want more than flowers

When I need help
you don't jump anymore
How you hide in the sunset
do not rise
you go with love

Keep the light to be your lamp
You separate my soul from the rays
I don't see you well where you are
Too many stars look like you
And I dream of staying imaginary
I'm throwing your memories out of the drawer
I just imagined how much I loved you

An ice heart
He can't offer
More than
Silver flowers.
And I can't receive them because they won't wither
I want more than flowers

I see the empty truth when the moon is full
You left me thirsty for a clear day
And only the clouds swayed at me as he sighed
What I once erected is now a ruin

An ice heart
He can't offer
More than
Silver flowers!
And I can't receive them because they won't wither
I want more than flowers

I don't see anymore, I don't feel anymore
I can't, you don't have time
I don't say what it's like anymore, I don't think so
if you know them
I'm shivering and I'm trying to fall asleep
When the tears will return at dawn
I'll tell them the story too

You heart of ice
You can't offer me
More than
Silver flowers!
And I can't receive them because they won't wither
I want more than flowers

FLORI DE ARGINT — Feli  Song Credits 


Flori de argint




Flori de argint


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FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) LYRICS — Feli 

The English lyrics of the song FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) sung by Feli are as follows:

Welcome to the blog! Here, you will find all the latest news and advice on fashion, beauty, lifestyle and everything in between. In this post, we will be discussing a song by Feli called FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers). The song is in English and has beautiful lyrics that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Do you know the song "FLORI DE ARGINT" by Feli? If you don't, you should! This beautiful song is about flowers in the moonlight. It's a melancholic tune that will take you on a journey, and the English lyrics will make your heart ache. Feli's beautiful voice transports you to another world, and the lyrics paint a vivid picture that will stay with you long after you finish listening. Whether you're going for a walk or just want to relax, this song is perfect for the occasion. Why not give it a try?

Enjoy the English lyrics of the song FLORI DE ARGINT (Silver flowers) sung by Feli. Feli is an up-and-coming Romanian singer who has a captivating voice that is sure to take your breath away. Her delicate and classical vocals mesh perfectly with the acoustic instrumentation in this song, making it a perfect choice for listening while relaxing or enjoying a romantic evening. The melancholic lyrics touch upon themes of love, loss, and longing, making it an ideal track to listen to when you're looking for a little poetic insight into your life.

If the night is dark and you're feeling blue,

and you all you want to do is to cuddle up in your bed,

then put on this playlist and let the Silver flowers take you away.

This song tells the story of a young man who is in love with a girl who is also in love with someone else. The lyrics talk about how the young man loves the girl so much that he wants to abandon everything else for her. The song is sung in a melancholic and wistful way, and it is perfect for when you are feeling down and want to escape from reality.

Have you ever wondered how the lyrics of a song can be translated into another language? Wonder no more, because we have the perfect guide for you! In this blog, we will be detailing the process of translating English lyrics into Spanish. By doing so, not only will you be able to understand the meaning of the song better, but you will also be able to sing along with it in the Spanish language! Ready to learn? Let's get started!

Original Lyrics Credits: ⭐

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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