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The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. When you’re ready,
 then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics below!😊


Ve tu laung main laachi

Tere pichhe aa gawachi

Tu laung main laachi

Tere pichhe aa gawachi

Laung Laachi (Bhojpuri) full song is releasing on 6th April, 2022.

LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) BY Ft Akshara Singh Song Credits 

Song – Laung Laachi (Bhojpuri)

Singers – Akshara Singh

Musicians – Vinay Vinayak

Lyricists – Ajit Mandal


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Lyrics of the song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by Ft Akshara Singh are very simple yet effective. The song is about a farmer who is going to the market to buy vegetables. He is feeling relaxed and happy because he knows he will be able to get the vegetables he needs. The lyrics are easy to understand and provide a sense of peace and relaxation.Lyrics of the song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by Ft Akshara Singh can be very calming and relaxing, if you understand and feel the lyrics. The song is about a lover who is longing for his/her loved one, and expresses his/her feelings in a very tender way.

Lyrics of the song Laung Laachi (Bhojpuri) sung by Ft Akshara Singh are very soothing and relaxing. The song is about the protagonist's love for the ocean, and his longing to go and see it. The lyrics depict the protagonist's journey to the ocean, and his joy upon seeing it. The song is a great way to relax and de-stress, and can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to take a break from their busy day.

The song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by ft Akshara Singh is a beautiful and relax song which helps you to enjoy life to the fullest. The lyrics and the music of this song is very soothing and will help you to feel relax and rejuvenated. The lyrics of this song are in Hindi and are easy to understand. The song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by ft Akshara Singh is a great choice for any time of the day, and can be used as a background music while you work, study, or relax.

Do you love listening to Hindi songs? If so, you'll love this song sung by Ft Akshara Singh. The lyrics of the song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) are soothing and can help you to feel relaxed and enjoy your time. Not only that, but you'll also start to understand the lyrics better, which is a great skill to have. So put on your headphones, sit back, and enjoy the LYRICS of this beautiful song!

If you're looking for a weekend listen that's both soothing and easy on the ears, try out the song LYRICS OF LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by Ft Akshara Singh. This peaceful song is perfect for when you want to kick back and relax after a long day. Not only will you be able to understand the lyrics, but you'll also be able to feel the emotions they evoke. Whether you're looking to wind down after a hard day or simply want to take a break from the stress of daily life, this song is perfect for you!There's a certain peace and serenity that comes with listening to the lyrics of a song and feeling the soothing cadence wash over you. In this post, we'll be exploring the LYRICS of the song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by Ft Akshara Singh and how you can understand and feel the lyrics's relaxing effects. So put on your favorite music and let the lyrics of this Bhojpuri track help you relax and de-stress!

Do you love listening to Hindi songs? If you do, then you will definitely love the LYRICS of the song LAUNG LAACHI (BHOJPURI) sung by Ft Akshara Singh. The lyrics of this song are very soothing and can help you to feel relax and stress-free. In addition, the SOUND of the song is also very beautiful and will help you to get lost in its lyrics. So why not give this song a try and see for yourself? You won't regret it!

Original Lyrics Credits: ⭐

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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