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The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. If you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics with the video below!😊
Song by: Bebi RomeoLyrics by: Bebi RomeoMusic produced, mixed, mastered : Irwan simanjuntakvocal direct by: Bowo SoulmateRecorded at: Cabbyland Studio,Bebi Romeo StudioAdditional by: Back Voc Bowo Soulmate
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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SETENGAH HATI by BETRAND PETO PUTRA ONSU, Understand the lyrics of the song SETENGAH HATI and feel happy with music of the song SETENGAH HATI. The lyrics of SETENGAH HATI are about a person's love for another person. The song is about a young couple who are in love and want to spend all their time together.
Do you like the new song by BETRAND PETO PUTRA ONSU, "SETENGAH HATI"? If you do, then you'll love the lyrics of the song as well. In this post, we'll discuss the lyrics of SETENGAH HATI and how they can help you feel happy. We'll also provide a music video for you to enjoy!
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SETENGAH HATI by BETRAND PETO PUTRA ONSU, Understand the lyrics of the song SETENGAH HATI and feel happy with music of the song SETENGAH HATI. Setengah hati is a heartwarming and catchy tune that will make you feel happy. The lyrics of the song are about celebrating life and being grateful for every moment that you are alive. The music of the song is upbeat and will make you want to groove along. Whether you're out on a date, at a party, or just relaxing at home, this song is sure to bring happiness and peace of mind. So give it a try and enjoy!
Welcome to the world of Setenghah Hati. This beautiful song is about love and happiness. The lyrics are easy to understand, and the music is catchy and happy. You'll be happy you found it!The new song 'SETENGAH HATI' by BETRAND PETO PUTRA ONSU is a beautiful and heartfelt ballad, and the lyrics are well worth understanding. The music of the song SETENGAH HATI is also wonderful, and will make you feel happy and content. So don't wait any longer - download the song now and enjoy its beautiful lyrics and uplifting music!
Recently, the new song SETENGAH HATI by BETRAND PETO PUTRA ONSU was released and enjoyed by many. The lyrics of the song are meaningful and can make you feel happy. Feel the rhythm of the music and enjoy the lyrics of the song SETENGAH HATI.
Original Lyrics Credits:
2. Musixmatch
3. Azlyrics
4. Genius
6. Lyricfind
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