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Catrina (Lyrics) —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R

Catrina (Lyrics) —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R
Catrina (Lyrics) —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R 

The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. If you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics with the video below!😊

Catrina (Lyrics) —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R 

[Irina Rimes:]
Eu vad fulgi, tu vezi cenusa
Eu vad casa, tu vezi usa
Eu vad soarele, tu luna
Tu-mi vezi toate ranile,
Eu la tine nu vad una.

Tu vezi lacrimi si durere,
Eu lumina, cer senin
Tu imi sui ca eu sunt slaba
Si m-alungi, iar eu revin.

Hai Catrina si-ni arata, mai
Da' cum jucam cand eram fata, maim ai
Stanga unu, dreapta doi
C-asa-i hora pi la noi, mai, s-ai di-ri-di-dam, s-ai di-ri-di-dam

La la la la la la, La la la la la la
La la la la la la, La la la la la la

[Irina Rimes:]

Eu sunt focul, tu esti fierul
Fierul tare dur si rece
Dar cand flacara mi-e mare
Iti vad ochii licarind
Cand prin foc caldura trece

Curge ploaia peste noi,
Tu ma mangai, eu te cred
Dar cand plang de dor in ploaie
Lacrimile nu se vad.

Hai Catrina si-ni arata, mai
Da' cum jucam cand eram fata, maim ai
Stanga unu, dreapta doi
C-asa-i hora pi la noi, mai, s-ai di-ri-di-dam, s-ai di-ri-di-dam

La la la la la la, La la la la la la
La la la la la la, La la la la la la


Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the lyrics of the song will be updated soon! In the meantime, here's a little something to tide you over. 

Catrina —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R  Song Credits 

Muzica: Irina Rimes, Damian Draghici, Connect-R
Text: Irina Rimes, Connect-R
Productie muzicala & aranjament: Damian Draghici
Co-productie muzicala & aranjament: Damian Rusu, Leonard Croitoru
Mix & Master: Damian Rusu


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Catrina (Lyrics) —  Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R 

The new song Catrina sung by Damian Draghici, Irina Rimes, and Connect-R has blown everyone's minds with its catchy lyrics and beautiful music. If you haven't listened to it yet, we suggest that you do so right away. Not only will you enjoy the lyrics, but you'll also understand the meaning behind the song.

Do you love the song Catrina by Damian Draghici, Irina Rimes, and Connect-R? If so, you'll love the lyrics of the song as well! In this article, we'll explain the meaning of the lyrics and how they can make you feel happy. We'll also explore the music of the song and how you can connect with it on a personal level. So read on and enjoy the lyrics of Catrina!

The new song Catrina sung by Damian Draghici, Irina Rimes, and Connect-R has everyone feeling happy. The lyrics of the song are about a young girl who is in a happy relationship and is looking forward to the future. The music of the song is upbeat and will make you feel happy and optimistic.

Looking for some happiness in your life? Look no further than the lyrics of the new song Catrina sung by Damian Draghici, Irina Rimes, and Connect-R. This catchy tune will have you feeling happy and upbeat, no matter how you try to interpret the lyrics. Whether you're feeling down or just need a little pick-me-up, listening to Catrina is sure to make you feel better! So what are you waiting for? Feel the joy of the new song Catrina today!

The new song Catrina sung by Damian Draghici ✘ Irina Rimes ✘ Connect-R , Understand the lyrics of the song Catrina and feel happy with music of the song Catrina. The song is composed by Toni Cipriani and written by Nicola Martini, with lyrics by Franco Dragone. The music video of the song was shot in Los Angeles, CA and directed by Emilio Santamaria.

Do you like the new song Catrina sung by Damian Draghici Irina Rimes Connect-R? If you like the song, then you will definitely enjoy understanding the lyrics of the song Catrina. The lyrics of the song are about a woman who is happy and content with her life. She is in a good relationship and has a fulfilling job. She loves spending time with her friends and family, and she has a beautiful home. The lyrics of the song make you feel happy and optimistic, and they can help you to feel more connected to your surroundings and to yourself.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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