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18 LYRICS —  White 2115

18 LYRICS —  White 2115
18 LYRICS —  White 2115

The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. If you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics with the video below!😊

18 LYRICS —  White 2115

[Zwrotka 1] Sorry, że tak długo, lecz tak wyszło Od zera do setki się zbierałem jak Fred Flinstone Przez dwa lata oglądałem bajki i nic No bo tak bardzo chciałem znowu małym dzieciakiem być Sentymentalny ze mnie gość, czasem żyję tym co było I wielu powie, że to błąd kurwa,  ale jakby mnie to jeszcze obchodziło, co mówi ktoś Ej, dobra powiem ci coś Się czuję jakbym znowu miał osiemnaście  i tak samo zawstydzony mała brał cię na randkę Potem se grał na konsoli z ziomem i palił ganję,  kminił co dziś będę robił, a nie o tym co ważne Nawet teraz daję to w cudzysłów,  bo do dzisiaj w środku we mnie żyje gimbus,  który tak samo jak tamten uważa, że to nieważne I chcę przeżyć takie akcje,  by je pamiętać na zawsze nawet,  jak mnie dojedzie Alzheimer  [Bridge] Słuchaj, jesteś bardzo zdolny,  mądry facet, więc dasz sobie radę  jeszcze i znów będzie tak "Boże, po co ja się stresowałem?",  zobaczysz  [Refren] Znów osiemnaście mam, ten czas minął mi nawet nie wiem kiedy Otwórz flaszkę, jak na skate parku za szkołą wtedy Osiemnaście mam (hejejejej) Znów osiemnaście mam (hejejejej)  [Zwrotka 2: White 2115, Białas] Teraz wszyscy skaczą nade mną, jak Avril Lavigne A ja w ręku z perłą się czuję, jak z diamentami I to nie moja wina, że chcemy się wiecznie bawić Czuję się, jak dziecko, pomimo że dorastamy Mam dwadzieścia sześć lat, łańcuch za 26k (żartowałem) No bo więcej jest wart (zwariowałeś?) Ja pierdolę no tak, dziś są moje urodziny, więc tańcz  [Refren] Znów osiemnaście mam, ten czas minął mi nawet nie wiem kiedy Otwórz flaszkę, jak na skate parku za szkołą wtedy Osiemnaście mam (hejejejej) Znów osiemnaście mam (hejejejej)
18 LYRICS —  White 2115
[Verse 1] Sorry it's been so long, but that's how it turned out From zero to a hundred, I flocked like Fred Flinstone For two years I watched cartoons and nothing Because I wanted so much to be a little kid again I'm a sentimental guest, sometimes I live what was And many will say it's a fucking mistake but if I still care what someone says Hey, okay, let me tell you something I feel like I'm eighteen again and just as embarrassed the little one took you on a date Then se played the console with the homie and smoked ganja, Cummin what I will be doing today, not about what is important Even now I put it in quotation marks because there is a gimbus inside me until today, who thinks it doesn't matter as much as the other one And I want to experience such actions, to remember them forever, even, when I get Alzheimer's  [Bridge] Listen you're very clever smart guy, so you can handle it again and again it will be like "God, why was I stressed?", you will see  [Chorus] I'm eighteen again, this time has passed, I don't even know when Open the bottle, like in the skate park behind the school back then Eighteen moms (hey dear) I'm eighteen again (hey dear)  [Verse 2: White 2115, Białas] Everyone is jumping over me now, like Avril Lavigne And in my hand with a pearl I feel like with diamonds And it's not my fault that we want to play forever I feel like a child even though we grow up I'm twenty-six, chain for 26k (kidding) Because it's worth more (are you crazy?) I'm fucking yeah, it's my birthday today, so dance  [Chorus] I'm eighteen again, this time has passed, I don't even know when Open the bottle, like in the skate park behind the school back then Eighteen moms (hey dear) I'm eighteen again (hey dear)
18 LYRICS —  White 2115

18 —  White 2115 Song Credits 

Title: 18
Artist: White 2115
Music: ZBeatz
Vocals: DJ Johny
Mix / mastering: DJ Johny


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18 LYRICS —  White 2115

18 is the latest hit song by White 2115. Released just a few weeks ago, this song has quickly become a favorite among music lovers all over the world.

Not only is the music catchy and enjoyable, but the lyrics can also be quite meaningful. Released as part of White 2115's new album 18, this song is about celebrating your life and all that you've accomplished. It's an encouragement to live life to the fullest and to never take things for granted.

Feel happy with the music of 18 and understand the lyrics of 18!

White 2115 has released a new song called "18", and it's sure to make you happy! The lyrics talk about the importance of being happy and understanding the meaning of '18', and the music of the song is upbeat and memorable. Whether you're feeling down or just want to enjoy some uplifting music, "18" is a song you'll want to listen to time and time again.

Are you looking for a new song to listen to? Well, we've got just the thing - the new song 18 by White 2115! Released just a few weeks ago, this catchy tune is sure to make you happy. Not only does the song have catchy lyrics that will make you feel happy, but it's also accompanied by beautiful music that will help you understand the lyrics. So whether you're feeling down or just want to enjoy some music, give the new song 18 a try!

18 is a song about hope, and it's the perfect song to listen to when you're feeling down. The lyrics are insightful and feel-good, and the music is upbeat and catchy. Whether you're a fan of pop or rock music, you're sure to enjoy 18. So why not give it a listen? You might just be pleasantly surprised!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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