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Adam —Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) Lyrics

Adam —Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) Lyrics
Adam —Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) Lyrics 

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) by Adam , understand the lyrics of the song Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) and feel happy with music of the song Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان). let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) Lyrics 

انا بتاع زمان

I'm a time

بتجرحني ليه يازمان
ده انا بتاع زمان يا زمان
ليه المسنود عليك  واقع 
ليه المتغطي بيك عريان

Why do you hurt me, Zaman?
This is me, time, time
Why are you backed by reality?
Why are you covering you naked?

ده انا اللي وقفت ويا الناس وقفت لوحدي في الاخر
وكنت فاكرها دايمالي اتاري لكل شئ اخر

This is me who stood and you people stood alone in the end
And I thought about it, Daimali, for everything else

ويكفيك عوجه الدنيا ويكفيك شر قلبتها
دي اكتر وقعه في العالم بتوجع وقعه الجدعان

The crookedness of the world is sufficient for you, and the evil of its heart is sufficient for you
This is the most painful thing in the world that Al-Jadaan has done

بتجرحني ليه يازمان
ده انا بتاع زمان يا زمان
ليه المسنود عليك  واقع
ليه المتغطي بيك عريان

Why do you hurt me, Zaman?
This is me, time, time
Why are you backed by reality?
Why are you covering you naked?

في وقت ماقلت اه بصيت لكن ملقتش ولا واحد
وحتي اللي افتكرته حبيب بقي حبيب من طرف واحد

At the time when I said, oh, I heard, but I did not find one
Even the one I remembered was a lover who remained a one-sided lover

في ناس علشان تاخد منك  هيعملو نفسهم منك
ومهما الناس هتتلون مسير اللي في قلوبها يبان

There are people to take from you, they will do themselves from you
And no matter how many people will follow the path of what is in their hearts is clear

"Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)"?.
"Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" is sung by "Adam ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" song?.
"Malak Adel" has written the lyrics for the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)".
3. Who composed the music for the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)"?.
"Madian" composed the music for the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)".
4. What is the label for the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)"?.
Label for the song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" is "Adam | آدم".
7. When was "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" song released?.
The song "Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان)" released on "23 June, 2022".

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Adam —Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) Lyrics 

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) by Adam, understand the lyrics of the song Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) and feel happy with music of the song Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان).

Do you love the new song Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) by Adam ? If so, you'll want to understand the lyrics so that you can feel the emotion that the songwriter is trying to bring out. And if you're looking for a happy and upbeat song to listen to, then you'll want to check out the music of Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان).Both songs are worth your time and will make you happy!

Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان) is a new song by Adam and it's definitely one you'll want to add to your playlist. The lyrics are heartfelt and relate to the everyday struggles of life. You'll also enjoy the upbeat and catchy music, which is perfect for getting you through those tough times. When you listen to Ana Btaa Zama  (أنا بتاع زمان), you'll feel happy and at ease, just like the lyrics suggest. Thanks, Adam, for creating such a beautiful song!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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