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Confundido (English) Lyrics — Lefty SM

Confundido (English) Lyrics — Lefty SM
Confundido (English) Lyrics — Lefty SM

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song "Confundido" sung by Lefty SM, understand the lyrics of the song "Confundido" and feel happy with music of the song "Confundido". Confundido is a beautiful and meaningful song that will make you feel happy and joyous. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Confundido (English) Lyrics — Lefty SM

Sí, uno, dos; uno, dos

Yes, one, two; one two

Confundido por todo lo que dijiste
Tú solo jugaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Tanto que en mi cara avergonzada te reíste
Me pongo a pensarte y haces que me ponga triste

Confused by everything you said
You just played, teased, lied to me
So much so that you laughed at my embarrassed face
I start thinking about you and you make me sad

Confundido sin saber por qué te fuiste
Tú solo jugaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Haces que te llore y que también me ponga triste
El malo del cuento no soy yo, tú me perdiste

Confused without knowing why you left
You just played, teased, lied to me
You make me cry and make me sad too
The bad guy in the story is not me, you lost me

Confundido, estoy ahogándome otra vez
Una botella de tequila me calma el estrés
Ando dolido por tu culpa, pero es hora que no ves
Que por ti ya valí verga por tu culpa

Confused, I'm drowning again
A bottle of tequila calms my stress
I'm hurt because of you, but it's time that you don't see
That for you I was worth a dick because of you

¿Cómo es que solo querías jugar, que solo pasabas el rato?
Que solo me tenías como tu mascota, un gato
Que nada vale la pena, que no te importó ni el trato
Ese de siempre contigo miro que salió barato

How come you just wanted to play, just hang out?
That you only had me as your pet, a cat
That nothing is worth it, that you didn't care about the deal
That always with you I see that it came cheap

Porque nada vale para ti lo que yo siento
Porque nada vale para ti mi sufrimiento
Porque nada vale para ti que muera lento
Porque yo te valí mierda, triste termina este cuento

Because nothing is worth to you what I feel
Because nothing is worth my suffering to you
Because nothing is worth to you that dies slowly
Because I was worth shit to you, sad this story ends

Porque sé que no hay final feliz y sé que no podrás tenerlo
Con otra persona, pues también vas a perderlo
No vas a sentirte bien, pues no soy yo y no vas a verlo
Jamás como a mí me viste, nunca que podrás quererlo

'Cause I know there's no happy ending and I know you can't have it
With another person, well you're also going to lose it
You're not going to feel good, because it's not me and you're not going to see it
Never like you saw me, never that you can love it

Confundido por todo lo que dijiste
Tú solo juzgaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Tanto que en mi cara avergonzada te reíste
Me pongo a pensarte y haces que me ponga triste

Confused by everything you said
You only judged, you mocked, you lied to me
So much so that you laughed at my embarrassed face
I start thinking about you and you make me sad

Confundido sin saber por qué te fuiste
Tú solo jugaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Haces que te llore y que también me ponga triste
El malo del cuento no soy yo, tú me perdiste

Confused without knowing why you left
You just played, teased, lied to me
You make me cry and make me sad too
The bad guy in the story is not me, you lost me

¿Por qué será que se fue?, ¿por qué el agua me sabe mala?
Quisiera que fueras tú a la que todo esto le cala
Pa' que sientas lo que siento, vieras que nadie te iguala
Mariposa traicionera, lárgate y abre tus alas

Why is it that he left? Why does the water taste bad to me?
I would like it to be you who is affected by all this
So that you feel what I feel, you would see that nobody equals you
Treacherous butterfly, get out and spread your wings

Vete lejos por ahí, piérdete, ya no regreses
Aunque yo te llore un poco y también te extrañe a veces
Ya no pienses en volver que a mí tú ya no me mereces
Ojalá por donde vayas haya piedras y tropieces

Go far out there, get lost, don't come back
Although I cry a little and miss you sometimes
Don't think about coming back because you don't deserve me anymore
I hope wherever you go there are stones and you stumble

Pa' que llores
Pa' que sientas mis dolores
Se marchitaron las flores
Por favor, no te enamores

pa' that you cry
So that you feel my pain
the flowers withered
Please don't fall in love

Que aquí me tienes a mí (sigo esperando)
Que aquí me tienes a mí (me tienes llorando)
Que aquí me tienes a mí (ya me estoy cansando)
Que aquí me tienes a mí

That here you have me (I'm still waiting)
That here you have me (you have me crying)
That here you have me (I'm already getting tired)
that here you have me

Confundido por todo lo que dijiste
Tú solo jugaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Tanto que en mi cara avergonzada te reíste
Me pongo a pensarte y haces que me ponga triste

Confused by everything you said
You just played, teased, lied to me
So much so that you laughed at my embarrassed face
I start thinking about you and you make me sad

Confundido sin saber por qué te fuiste
Tú solo jugaste, te burlaste, me mentiste
Haces que te llore y que también me ponga triste
El malo del cuento no soy yo, tú me perdiste

Confused without knowing why you left
You just played, teased, lied to me
You make me cry and make me sad too
The bad guy in the story is not me, you lost me

Ja, oye
Otra vez tomando
Pásame otra, Bruja
Ja, ja
Oye, Tony
La shit masiva está en la casa, cabrones
San Luis, Sonora
Es el Lefty, papá

ha hey
again taking
Pass me another, Witch
Ha ha
Hey Tony
Massive shit is in the house, motherfuckers
San Luis, Sonora
It's the Lefty, dad

"Confundido " FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Confundido "?.
"Confundido " is sung by "Lefty SM".
4. What is the label for the song "Confundido "?.
Label for the song "Confundido " is "Lefty SM".
7. When was "Confundido " song released?.
The song "Confundido " released on "24 June, 2022".

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Confundido (English) Lyrics — Lefty SM

Looking for an addictive and upbeat song to enjoy while you work or relax? Look no further than Confundido by Lefty SM. This catchy tune will have you humming along in no time, and the English lyrics will make you feel happy and content.

Plus, the music is perfect for any mood - be it joyful, peaceful, or celebratory. Whether you're a fan of Latin-style music or just want to enjoy a good tune, Confundido is a must-have in your music library.

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Confundido sung by Lefty SM, understand the lyrics of the song Confundido and feel happy with music of the song Confundido. Lefty SM, who is popularly known as Lefty, has released a new song titled Confundido. 

The song is a beautiful love ballad with romantic lyrics that will make you feel happy. Lefty SM's husky vocals and soulful performance will touch your heart. Enjoy listening to Confundido and feeling happy!

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Confundido sung by Lefty SM, understand the lyrics of the song Confundido and feel happy with music of the song Confundido. Lefty SM's new song Confundido is an amazing composition that has been well received by the public. 

The song talks about how love can confuse people and how it can blind them from what's really going on. It's a beautiful and heartfelt song that will make you feel happy and at peace. If you're looking for a catchy and heartwarming song to listen to, then look no further than Confundido.

Lefty SM's smooth voice and heartfelt lyrics will touch your heart, and the instrumentation - a mix of acoustic and electronic instruments - will uplift your soul. Whether you're a fan of Latin music or just want to enjoy a great song, Confundido is sure to please.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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