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CRACKER ISLAND LYRICS — Gorillaz X Thundercat

CRACKER ISLAND LYRICS — Gorillaz X Thundercat
CRACKER ISLAND LYRICS — Gorillaz X Thundercat

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song CRACKER ISLAND sung by Gorillaz X Thundercat, understand the lyrics of the song CRACKER ISLAND and feel happy with music of the song CRACKER ISLAND. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


[Verse 1: 2-D & Thundercat]
On Cracker Island it was born
To the collective of the dawn
They were planting seeds at night
To grow a made-up paradise
Where the truth was auto-tuned (Forever cult)
And it's sadness I consumed (Forever cult)
Into my formats every day (Forever cult)
In the end, I had to pay (What world is this?)
In the end, I had to pay (I purged my soul)
In the end, I had to pay (I drank to write)
Nothing more to say (I drank to write)

[Chorus: 2-D]
They taught themselves to be a cult
They didn't know its many strategies
They taught themselves to be a cult
They didn't know its many strategies (Fantasies)

[Bridge: Thundercat]
What world is this?
What world is this?

[Verse 2: 2-D & Thundercat]
On Cracker Island it was raised (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
By the collective from the grave (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
It only came out at night (Hey, hey, hey, hey)
It ate up their paradise (Paradise)
Where the truth was auto-tuned (Forever cult)
And it's sadness I consumed (Forever cult)
Into my formats everyday (Forever cult)
In the end, I had to pay (What world is this?)
Out there on my silver lake (I was not there)
In the end, it will be grey (Beneath the hills)
I'm like a ship between the tides (I saw myself)
I held on, I survived (Beneath the void)

[Chorus: 2-D]
They taught themselves to be a cult
They didn't know its many strategies
They taught themselves to be a cult
They didn't know its many strategies (Fantasies)

[Verse 3: 2-D & Thundercat]
On Cracker Island it will die (Forever cult)
Join the collective in the sky (Forever cult)
And on the shining bolt of light (Forever cult)
Go up to paradise (What world is this?)
Where the truth is auto-tuned (I purged my soul)
And it's sadness I consume (I drank to write)
Into my formats every day (I drank to write)
In the end I had to pay (Forever cult)
In the end I had to pay (Forever cult)
In the end I'll be okay (Forever cult)

[Outro: 2-D]
Nothing more to say
Nothing more to say
Nothing more to say


1. Who is the singer of the song "CRACKER ISLAND"?.
"CRACKER ISLAND" is sung by "Gorillaz X Thundercat".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "CRACKER ISLAND" song?.
"Greg Kurstin, Damon Albarn & Thundercat" has written the lyrics for the song "CRACKER ISLAND".
4. What is the label for the song "CRACKER ISLAND"?.
Label for the song "CRACKER ISLAND" is "Gorillaz ".
7. When was "CRACKER ISLAND" song released?.
The song "CRACKER ISLAND" released on "22 June, 2022".

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CRACKER ISLAND LYRICS — Gorillaz X Thundercat

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song CRACKER ISLAND sung by Gorillaz X Thundercat, understand the lyrics of the song CRACKER ISLAND and feel happy with music of the song CRACKER ISLAND!

Do you love music? Do you love lyrics? If you answered yes to both of those questions, then you'll absolutely love the new song CRACKER ISLAND by Gorillaz X Thundercat. Not only is the song catchy and addictive, but the lyrics are meaningful and can help you reflect on your life. 

In this article, we provide a guide to the lyrics of CRACKER ISLAND so that you can better understand the song's meaning and feel happy while listening to it. Don't wait any longer - start listening today!

If you're a fan of the Gorillaz, then you'll love the new song CRACKER ISLAND! Released last week, the song is sung by Gorillaz X Thundercat and it's sure to get you pumped up. But what's the story behind the song? 

And what does the lyricsmean? In this post, we'll provide you with all the information you need to understand CRACKER ISLAND and feel happy listening to the music. So come on over and join the party!

Do you like the new Gorillaz song CRACKER ISLAND? If so, you'll love the accompanying music video, which features Thundercat singing the lyrics. Not to mention, the song is catchy and will make you happy! 

So why not take some time to understand the lyrics? After all, understanding the lyrics of a song can make it all the more enjoyable. Whether you're looking to enjoy the music on your own or want to share the song with your friends, understanding the lyrics of CRACKER ISLAND is a good way to do that.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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