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Hussein Al Jasmi — Leh (ليه) Lyrics

Hussein Al Jasmi — Leh (ليه) Lyrics
Hussein Al Jasmi — Leh (ليه) Lyrics

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Leh  (ليه) sung by Hussein Al Jasmi, understand the lyrics of the song Leh  (ليه) and feel happy with music of the song Leh  (ليه). let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Hussein Al Jasmi — Leh  (ليه) Lyrics

إيه اللي كده قسّاك وِخلّاك
 غيّرت كل كلامك ليه 
 يعني اللي قولتُه ده كله أنساه 
وقصدك ضحكت عليا بيه

What made you so hard and left you?
  Why did you change all your words?
  I mean, what I said is all I forget
And you mean you laughed at me with it

بيّاع  ..  غدّار
 وغدرت  بيّا ف غمضة عين  
كدّاب  .. خدّاع 
وانا اتخدعت بكلمتين 
ليه خلتني أحبك 
ليه يا حبيبي ليه 

seller.. treacherous
  You betrayed me in the blink of an eye
Lie, deceive
And I was deceived by two words
Why did you make me love you
Why, my love, why?

علّقت قلبي بيك ومشيت 
ولا بُعدي أثّر فيك 
 بكّيتني بس عليك وياريت 
ماكُنتِ حنّيت ليك

I hung my heart with you and walked
And no longer can affect you
  You made me cry, just for you, and I hope
I didn't long for you

"Leh (ليه)" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Leh  (ليه)"?.
"Leh  (ليه)" is sung by "Hussein Al Jasmi".
2. What is the label for the song "song "?.
Label for the song "Leh  (ليه)" is "Hussain Al Jassmi | حسين الجسمي".
3. When was "Leh  (ليه)" song released?.
The song "Leh  (ليه)" released on "23 June, 2022".

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Hussein Al Jasmi — Leh  (ليه) Lyrics

Do you like the new song Leh  (ليه) sung by Hussein Al Jasmi? If you do, then you'll definitely want to understand the English lyrics. Not only will this make the song that much more enjoyable, but it will also help you feel happier with the music. In this post, we'll take you through the lyrics of Leh  (ليه) so that you can get a better understanding of what it is about, and why people may find it appealing. We hope you enjoy!

Do you love the English lyrics of the new song Leh  (ليه) sung by Hussein Al Jasmi? Or are you just curious to understand the lyrics of the song Leh  (ليه)? If so, this article is for you! In this article, we will take you through the English lyrics of the song Leh  (ليه), and provide a translation so that you can understand the lyrics on a deeper level. We will also provide an overview of the song Leh  (ليه) and its music, so that you can feel happy with the sounds of this beautiful song. Happy reading!

Leh (ليه) is a new song sung by Hussein Al Jasmi and it has English lyrics. The song is about a happy journey and how the singer feels on that journey. The music of Leh (ليه) is very happy and uplifting, making you feel happy and satisfied once you listen to it.

Do you love the English lyrics of the new song Leh (ليه)? Hussein Al Jasmi has sung a beautiful and heartfelt song about love that touches your heart. Even if you don't speak Arabic, you can still enjoy the music of Leh (ليه) and feel happy. In this post, we'll provide you with English lyrics of the song Leh (ليه), as well as a translation of the lyrics so that you can understand them. We hope you enjoy listening to this beautiful song!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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