Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SHARKS sung by Imagine Dragons, understand the lyrics of the song SHARKS and feel happy with music of the song SHARKS. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Imagine Dragons — SHARKS LYRICS
[Verse 1]
Blood is in the rocky waters
Hide away your sons and daughters
Eat you alive
Better put your head on swivels
Dancin' with the very devil
Butter to knife
You think you're better than them
Better than them
You think they're really your friends
Really your friends
But when it comes to the end
To the end
You're just the same as them
Same as them (Hahahahaha)
So let it go, let it go
That's the way that it goes
First you're in, then you're out
Everybody knows
You're hot, then you're cold
You're a light in the dark
Just you wait and you'll see
That you're swimmin' with sharks
He's comin' to get you
Chick, chicka, woo, woo
He's comin' to get you, get
(Chicka) Woo
[Verse 2]
Drownin', you're seein' doubles
Don't you let them see your struggles
Hidin' your tears
Take advantage of your niceness
Cut you up in even slices
Prey on your fears
You think you're better than them
Better than them (You think you're better)
You think they're really your friends
Really your friends (Really your friends)
But when it comes to the end
To the end (Oh, no)
You're just the same as them
Same as them (Hahahahaha)
So let it go, let it go
That's the way that it goes
First you're in, then you're out
Everybody knows (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
You're hot, then you're cold
You're a light in the dark
Just you wait and you'll see
That you're swimmin' with sharks
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you
(Don't take it from me) Woo-woo
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you, get
(Don't take it from me)
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you
(Don't take it from me) Woo-woo
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you, get
(Don't take it from me)
Every time my heart is beatin', I can feel the recipe
I wonder if my day is gonna blame it on the entropy
My blood is pumpin', I can see the end is right in front of me
Don't take it from me, I could be everything, everything
Don't take it from me
My blood is pumpin', my blood is pumpin' (Sharks)
Don't take it from me, I could be everything, everything
So let it go, let it go
That's the way that it goes
First you're in, then you're out
Everybody knows (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
You're hot, then you're cold
You're a light in the dark
Just you wait and you'll see
That you're swimmin' with sharks
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you
(Don't take it from me) Woo-woo
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you, get
(Don't take it from me)
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you
(Don't take it from me) Woo-woo
(My blood is pumpin') He's comin' to get you, get
(Don't take it from me)
1. Who is the singer of the song "SHARKS "?.
"SHARKS " is sung by "Imagine Dragons".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "SHARKS " song?.
"Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Daniel Platzman, Ben McKee, Wayne Sermon & Dan Reynolds" has written the lyrics for the song "SHARKS ".
4. What is the label for the song "SHARKS "?.
Label for the song "SHARKS " is "Imagine Dragons".
7. When was "SHARKS " song released?.
The song "SHARKS " released on "24 June, 2022".
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Imagine Dragons — SHARKS LYRICS
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SHARKS sung by Imagine Dragons, understand the lyrics of the song SHARKS and feel happy with music of the song SHARKS.
The new song SHARKS is a must-listen for all fans of Imagine Dragons, and its lyrics will touch your heart. The music of the song SHARKS will fill you with happiness, and you'll love how it makes you feel.
Do you like the new song SHARKS by Imagine Dragons? If so, you'll definitely enjoy the lyrics. In addition to being catchy, the lyrics of the song SHARKS are easy to understand. And if you're feeling happy, you can thank the music of SHARKS for providing the perfect backdrop for your mood.
Whether you're relaxing at home or enjoying a night out with friends, SHARKS will make you feel good!
Do you like the new song SHARKS by Imagine Dragons? If you do, you'll probably enjoy the lyrics too. After all, they're catchy and full of heart. But what's the story behind the song? And what does it all mean? We've got the lowdown on all of that for you in this article.
In addition, we also want to let you know about the music of the song SHARKS. It's an emotive track that will make you happy, no matter what mood you're in. So sit down and enjoy!
Do you like the new song SHARKS by Imagine Dragons? If you do, you will love the lyrics and feel happy with the music. The song is about a love story between a shark and a woman, and it is sure to make you feel aquatic and fun! Whether you're swimming in the pool or enjoying a sunny day by the ocean, the song will add some excitement and fun to your day.
Listen to the lyrics of the song SHARKS, understand the meaning behind it and feel happy while you listen to the music.
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