Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Star Rain (星の雨) sung by Johnny's WEST, understand the lyrics of the song Star Rain (星の雨) and feel happy with music of the song Star Rain (星の雨). let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Star Rain (星の雨) Lyrics
僕らの前に 流れる星の雨
掴みたくて 掴めなくて また手を伸ばし そこで夢から覚める
忘れたいのに 忘れていいのか分からないのに
The rain of stars flowing in front of us
I wanted to grab it, I couldn't grab it, I reached out for her again and woke up from my dream there
I want to forget it, but I don't know if I can forget it
I only remember the brilliance
もしも神様がいるなら どんな顔してんだろう
なんて言ったものの 興味もなくて ただ続く道路(みち)を走らせる
スピードを上げて 向かい風を受けるたび
こんな季節なのに 少し肌寒く感じてしまうような
What would he look like if there was a god?
No interest in what he said, he just runs on the road that continues
Speed up and every time you receive a headwind
Even though it's such a season, it feels a little chilly
別にもう 寂しくないよ全然この通りさ
地図はないけど 身を任せてみようか
いつだって平気だ 平気だ
Apart from that, I'm not lonely anymore.
I don't have a map, but let's leave it to us
It ’s always okay. It ’s okay.
僕らの前に 流れる星の雨
掴みたくて 掴めなくて また手を伸ばし そこで夢から覚める
忘れたいのに 忘れていいのか分からないのに
残酷だ 輝きだけは覚えている
The rain of stars flowing in front of us
I wanted to grab it, I couldn't grab it, reached out again, and woke up from my dream there
I want to forget it, but I don't know if I can forget it
It's cruel, I only remember the brilliance
目覚めよう 押し込もう
笑っていよう 押し込もう
Let's wake up, let's push
A beautiful day is waiting for me today
Let's laugh, let's push
すぐそこにある 小さな奇跡には
なかなか気づけず 過ごしてしまうかな 上手くいかないもんだよな
でも確かな温度は 君と僕が感じたはずの 僕らだけのこの人生は
信じたい ただそれだけ
For a small miracle right there
I wonder if I will spend it without noticing it. It doesn't work.
But the certain temperature is what you and I should have felt in this life only for us
She just wants to believe that
僕らの前に 流れる星の雨
掴みたくて 掴めなくて また手を伸ばし そこで夢から覚める
もう届かなくても もうそこにあるはずもなくても
君と見た 輝きだけを覚えていく
The rain of stars flowing in front of us
I wanted to grab it, I couldn't grab it, reached out again, and woke up from my dream there
Even if it doesn't arrive anymore, even if it shouldn't be there anymore
I will only remember the brilliance I saw with you
"Song" FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "Star Rain (星の雨)"?.
"Star Rain (星の雨)" is sung by "Johnny's WEST".
2. What is the label for the song "Star Rain (星の雨)"?.
Label for the song "Star Rain (星の雨)" is " J Storm Official".
3. When was "Star Rain (星の雨)" song released?.
The song "Star Rain (星の雨)" released on "25 June, 2022".
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Johnny's WEST — Star Rain (星の雨) Lyrics
If you're feeling down, or just want to take a break from all the stress of the world, give this song a listen. It's got an uplifting melody that will help you feel better in no time.
Not only that, but the lyrics are easy to understand, so you can enjoy the song without feeling lost. And if you're in the mood for some cheerful music, give Star Rain a try. We think you'll love it!
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Star Rain (星の雨) sung by Johnny's WEST, understand the lyrics of the song Star Rain (星の雨) and feel happy with music of the song Star Rain (星の雨).
Do you want to enjoy the beautiful lyrics of the new Johnny's West song, Star Rain (星の雨)? Then you'll need to learn the Japanese lyrics!
Not only will this help you understand the meaning of the song better, but you'll also feel happy when you listen to it - thanks to the beautiful music! Let Johnny's West take your happiness level up a notch and help you get to know the lyrics of Star Rain (星の雨) like a pro.
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