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LEFT AND RIGHT LYRICS —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook

LEFT AND RIGHT LYRICS —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook
LEFT AND RIGHT LYRICS —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook

Enjoy the lyrics of the song LEF AND RIGHT LYRICS sung by Charlie Puth & Jungkook, understand the lyrics and feel happy with the music. let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics with the video below!😊

LEFT AND RIGHT LYRICS —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook

Memories follow me left and right
I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here
You take up every corner of my mind
(Whatcha gon' do now?)

Ever since the da-day y-you went away
(No, I don't know how)
How to erase your body from out my brain
(Whatcha gon' do now?)
Maybe I should just focus on me instead
(But all I think about)
Are the nights we were tangled up in your bed

Oh no (Oh no)
Oh no (Oh no)
You're going 'round in circles, got you stuck up in my head (Yeah)

Memories follow me left and right
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
Your love stays with me day and night
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
(Whatcha gon' do now?)

Ever since the da-day y-you went away
(Someone tell me how)
How much more do I gotta drink for the pain
(Whatcha gon' do now?)
You did things to me that I just can't forget
(Now all I think about)
Are the nights we were tangled up in your bed

Oh no (Oh no)
Oh no (Oh no)
You're going 'round in circles, got ya stuck up in my head (Yeah)

Memories follow me left and right
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
Your love stays with me day and night
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
(Whatcha gon' do now?)

Did ya know you're the one that got away
And even now, baby, I'm still not okay?
Did ya know that my dreams, they're all the same
Everytime I close my eyes?

Memories follow me left and right
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
(Whatcha gon' do now?)
Your love stays with me day and night
(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
(Whatcha gon' do now?)

(I can feel you over here, I can feel you over here)
(You take up every corner of my mind)
(Whatcha gon' do now?)

LEFT AND RIGHT —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook Song Credits 

Singer:  Charlie Puth & Jungkook


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LEFT AND RIGHT LYRICS —  Charlie Puth & Jungkook

Do you like the song "LEF AND RIGHT" by Charlie Puth and Jungkook? If you like the song, then you'll love the lyrics! Not only are the lyrics catchy, but they also provide a meaningful message. In fact, the song is about celebrating both sides of life - the good and the bad. So if you're feeling down, listening to the song will help you feel happier and more positive. Plus, the music is so catchy that you'll be able to enjoy it no matter what. Isn't that great? If you're curious about how to understand the lyrics and feel happy with the music, read on for some tips.

Is there anything better than spending a summer day enjoying the company of friends, listening to your favorite song, and feeling happy? That's the feeling that comes with listening to the lyrics and music of LEF AND RIGHT by Charlie Puth & Jungkook. Not only do you get to enjoy the lyrics and music, but you can also understand the meaning behind them. This makes the song even more special, and you can feel happy knowing that you understand the lyrics. What are you waiting for? Start listening to LEF AND RIGHT today!

Looking for an upbeat and happy song to listen to? Look no further than LEF AND RIGHT by Charlie Puth and Jungkook. This catchy tune is perfect for sunny days, and the lyrics are easy to understand - so you can feel happy with the music without having to study up on grammar. Whether you're a fan of the song or just want to enjoy some good vibes, we recommend giving it a try!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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