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Petros Iakovidis — Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] Lyrics

Petros Iakovidis — Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] Lyrics
 Petros Iakovidis — Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] Lyrics

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] sung by Petros Iakovidis, understand the lyrics of the song Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] and feel happy with music of the song!  let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] Lyrics

Είσαι κάποια που λένε τρελή
Και γυρνάει μονάχη τα βράδια
Ξενυχτάς μέχρι να ‘ρθει πρωί
Σαλονίκη οδό Τσιμισκή

You are someone who is called crazy
And she returns alone in the evenings
You stay up until morning comes
Thessaloniki Tsimiski street

Εγώ σε αγαπώ και ας λένε οι άλλοι
Ότι ξενυχτάς στου μυαλού τη ζάλη
Εγώ σε αγαπώ και πoτέ δε θα σ ’αφήσω 
Μία καρδιά μικρού παιδιού θα σου χαρίσω

I love you and let others say
That you spend the night in the mind dizzy
I love you and I will never leave you
I will give you a small child's heart

Είσαι κάποια που λένε τρελή
Και γυρνάει μονάχη τα βράδια
Ξενυχτάς μέχρι να ‘ρθει πρωί
Σαλονίκη οδό Τσιμισκή

You are someone who is called crazy
And she returns alone in the evenings
You stay up until morning comes
Thessaloniki Tsimiski street

Εγώ θα σου μιλώ όταν με κοιτάζεις
Βάζεις το ποτό και με αγκαλιάζεις
Εγώ θα σου μιλώ για τα χείλη σου που καίνε
Και ό,τι και αν πούνε μας ζηλεύουνε, δε φταίνε 

I will talk to you when you look at me
You put the drink and hug me
I will tell you about your burning lips
And no matter what they say, they envy us, they are not to blame

"Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]"?.
"Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" is sung by "Petros Iakovidis".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" song?.
"Petros Iakovidis" has written the lyrics for the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]".
3. Who composed the music for the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]"?.
"Petros Iakovidis" composed the music for the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]".
4. What is the label for the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]"?.
Label for the song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" is " Petros Iakovidis".
5. When was "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" song released?.
The song "Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή]" released on "24 June, 2022".

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Petros Iakovidis — Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] Lyrics

Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] is a song about love and hope, and it will make you feel optimistic and happy. The lyrics are composed by Giorgos Tzortzis and they will touch your heart. You will find yourself singing along to the catchy melodies, and you will feel uplifted after listening to this beautiful song.

If you're in the mood for some catchy music, Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] is the song for you! Released last week, this upbeat number is sung by Petros Iakovidis and is sure to put a smile on your face. Not only is the song catchy, but the lyrics are also very easy to understand. In fact, you can likely sing along to it without even having to read the lyrics! So why not give Tsimiski Street [Οδός Τσιμισκή] a try? You won't regret it!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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