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Enjoy the lyrics of the song E IMJA LYRICS sung by SERGIO   , understand the lyrics and feel happy with the music. let's Play the video and read to the beautiful lyrics with the video below!😊


Je E Imja E Imja E Imja Mi Amor,
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor,
Prej Teje Pash Dashni Me ty Qe Ekziston,
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor

Ma Bon Me Sy Ftyra baby
Trupin Bombone Une Me ta aaa
E di Qe Don Ti Pak.
Rram Pa Pam,Rram Pa Pam

Je Kitare Santana
Ti Se Je Cdo Sena
Prej teje Sun Ndahena yo
Kur Po Kcen Ti Mbi Taka
saves che me mata yo. (Ref 2x)

Sa Her Ti Trupin Ma Afron
Tek Ti Dorzohena,Tek TiDorzohena.
Sa Her Po Te Prek Mo SdiKu Jom jo
Per Ty Marova Per Ty Marova


Je E Imja E Imja E Imja Mi
Amor. Jam I Joti Joti Joti
Mi Amor Prej Teje Pash
Dashni Me Sy Qe Ekziston
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor

Je Kitare Santana
Ti Se Je Cdo Sena
Prej teje Sun Ndahena yo
Kur Po Kcen Ti Mbi Taka
saves che me mata yo. (Ref 2x)

Sa Her Ti Trupin Ma Afron
Tek Ti Dorzohena,Tek TiDorzohena.
Sa Her Po Te Prek Mo SdiKu Jom jo
Per Ty Marova Per Ty Marova


Je E Imja E Imja E Imja Mi
Amor. Jam I Joti Joti Joti
Mi Amor Prej Teje Pash
Dashni Me Sy Qe Ekziston
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor
Je E Imja Im Imja E Imja Mi Amor,
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor,
From You I Love You That Exists,
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor

Ma Bon Me Sy Ftyra baby
Body Bombone Une Me ta aaa
I know you want a little.
Rram Pa Pam, Rram Pa Pam

Je Santare Guitar
Ti Se Je Cdo Sena
Prej teje Sun Ndahena yo
Kur Po Kcen Ti Mbi Taka
saves che me mata yo. (Ref 2x)

Sa Her Ti Trupin Ma Afron
To You Delivered, To You Delivered.
Sa Her Po Te Prek Mo SdiKu Jom jo
Per Ty Marova Per Ty Marova


Je E Imja E Imja E Imja Mi Imja
Amor. Jam I Joti Joti Joti
Mi Amor Prej Teje Pash
Love With Eyes That Exists
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor

Je Santare Guitar
Ti Se Je Cdo Sena
Prej teje Sun Ndahena yo
Kur Po Kcen Ti Mbi Taka
saves che me mata yo. (Ref 2x)

Sa Her Ti Trupin Ma Afron
To You Delivered, To You Delivered.
Sa Her Po Te Prek Mo SdiKu Jom jo
Per Ty Marova Per Ty Marova


Je E Imja E Imja E Imja Mi Imja
Amor. Jam I Joti Joti Joti
Mi Amor Prej Teje Pash
Love With Eyes That Exists
Jam I Joti Joti Joti Mi Amor

SERGIO — E IMJA Song Credits 

Produced & Mixed by : Alfred Sula | AS Recording Studio
Music by : Sergio & Endrit Mumajesi ( MUMA )
Lyrics by : Endrit Mumajesi ( MUMA )
Mastered by: Sterling Sound | Chris Gehringer
Directed by : Pro Video & Sergio


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Do you love the song E IMJA LYRICS sung by SERGIO   ? Well, you're in luck! In this post, we'll explain the lyrics and why they make you happy. We'll also provide a translation of the lyrics so that you can understand them better. Finally, we'll provide a link to the song so that you can enjoy it listening on your own or with friends. So put on your listening headphones and read on for a dose of happiness!

Do you love the song E IMJA LYRICS sung by Sergio? If so, you'll definitely enjoy understanding the lyrics and feeling happy with the music! In this post, we'll take you through the lyrics and explain what they mean, so that you can appreciate the song on a deeper level. We hope you enjoy!

Sergio is a Portuguese singer who has gained a massive following on social media due to his heartfelt and emotional lyrics. If you're in the mood for a good cry, or simply want to enjoy some great music, you'll love Sergio's rendition of the song E IMJA LYRICS.

Looking for a happy song to listen to on your day off? Check out E IMJA LYRICS sung by Sergio! Not only will you be humming the tune all day long, but you'll also be able to understand the lyrics and feel happy with the music. Whether you're looking for a lighthearted tune to help you relax or just want to enjoy some good old-fashioned happiness, E IMJA LYRICS is the perfect choice. So put on your headphones and get ready to feel great about everything!

Have you ever felt so happy while listening to a song that you just can't help but sing along? That's how I feel when I listen to E IMJA LYRICS sung by Sergio. Not only does the music make me happy, but the lyrics have a special meaning that I can understand and feel happy with. If you're looking for a song that will put a smile on your face, then you should check out Sergio's rendition.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

2.    Musixmatch
3.    Azlyrics
4.    Genius
6.    Lyricfind 


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