Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song SUFICIENTE sung by Toser One, understand the lyrics of the song SUFICIENTE and feel happy with music of the song SUFICIENTE . let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Con tan poquito no fue suficiente
Vengo de abajo y sé lo que se siente
No tener nada para tus parientes
¿para qué mientes? Tu no lo sientes
With so little was not enough
I come from below and I know what it feels like
Have nothing for your relatives
what are you lying for? You do not feel it
Me dio pa arriba el estupefaciente
Hoy ya no lo uso ya estoy más consciente
Primero tira y luego se arrepiente
Mejor detente, ya no lo intente
He gave me pa up the narcotic
Today I don't use it anymore I'm more aware
First he throws and then he regrets
Better stop, don't try anymore
Porque yo voy voy voy tranquilito yo lo hago a mi manera
No me importa lo que hablen de mi
Voy voy voy donde estoy ya mucho vato lo quisiera
Pero no pueden estar aquí
Because I go I go I go quietly I do it my way
I don't care what they talk about me
I'm going, I'm going, I'm going where I am, and a lot of vato would like it
But they can't be here
Voy acostumbrado a que me traten muy mal
Por la facha que tengo dicen que soy criminal
Muchos se me quedan viendo pa mi es algo normal
Toy esperando el momento para hacerme viral
I'm used to being treated very badly
Because of the appearance that I have, they say that I am a criminal
Many stare at me, for me it's normal
Toy waiting for the moment to go viral
Porque yo le echo muchos huevos desde antaño lo sé
Tonces no se haga pendejo y no me diga no sé
Preguntale al que me ubica o con el que me rocé
Que yo desde antaño siempre de verga me pasé
Because I have thrown a lot of eggs at him since long ago, I know
So don't be stupid and don't tell me I don't know
Ask the one who locates me or with whom I rubbed
That I, from long ago, always spent my dick
Ya los pasee les puse la correa en el cuello
Cuando saco la tinta es algo bello pal cabello
Yo represento alzada ya sabe que ese es el sello
No se me ponga enfrente cabrón porque lo atropello
I already walked them, I put the leash around their necks
When I take out the ink, it's something beautiful for my hair
I represent elevation, you already know that this is the seal
Don't get in front of me, you bastard, because I run over you
Con tan poquito no fue suficiente
Vengo de abajo y sé lo que se siente
No tener nada para tus parientes
¿para qué mientes? Tu no lo sientes
With so little was not enough
I come from below and I know what it feels like
Have nothing for your relatives
what are you lying for? You do not feel it
Me dio pa arriba el estupefaciente
Hoy ya no lo uso ya estoy más consciente
Primero tira y luego se arrepiente
Mejor detente, ya no lo intente
The narcotic gave me pa upstairs
Today I don't use it anymore I'm more aware
First he throws and then he regrets
Better stop, don't try anymore
Porque yo voy voy voy por lo mío no me importa tu carrera
Se me hace fácil estar ahí
Voy voy voy con mi clica yo la cargo a donde quiera
Porque tú solo piensas en ti
Because I'm going, I'm going, I'm going for what's mine, I don't care about your career
It's easy for me to be there
I'm going I'm going with my clique I load it wherever I want
Because you only think of yourself
Porque pa la cima tengo reservación
Todo mi tiempo perdido lo puse en inversión
Tengo bien clara la meta y sé cuál es la misión
Les presento al toser one carnal en su mejor versión
Because for the top I have a reservation
All my wasted time I put into investment
I have a very clear goal and I know what the mission is
I present to you when coughing one carnal in its best version
Porque machín subí nivel
Ya no me alcanzan tu menos aquel
Desde morro con la tinta y papel
Apuntando las cicatrices de mi piel
Because machin I leveled up
I don't get enough of you except that one
From nose with ink and paper
Pointing out the scars on my skin
Ahora machín llaman al cel
Quieren al toser preguntan por él
Pero les digo que él está ocupado
Que no estén mamando que los mando al riel
Now machin call the cel
They want when coughing they ask for him
But I tell them he's busy
That they are not sucking that I send them to the rail
Fue suficiente
De estar escuchando a tanta pinche serpiente
De todo lo que hago siempre están al pendiente
Ya tengo bien afilado este pinche diente
Fue suficiente eh
was enough
To be listening to so many fucking snakes
They are always aware of everything I do
I already have this fucking tooth well sharpened
It was enough huh
Con tan poquito no fue suficiente
Vengo de abajo y sé lo que se siente
No tener nada para tus parientes
¿para qué mientes? Tu no lo sientes
With so little was not enough
I come from below and I know what it feels like
Have nothing for your relatives
what are you lying for? You do not feel it
Me dio pa arriba el estupefaciente
Hoy ya no lo uso ya estoy más consciente
Primero tira y luego se arrepiente
Mejor detente, ya no lo intente
The narcotic gave me pa upstairs
Today I don't use it anymore I'm more aware
First he throws and then he regrets
Better stop, don't try anymore
Eyau eyau
Es el pinche toser one carnal
Agw beats
Dimelo tony
Desde la casa alzada
Eh ey
Otra vez otra vez
hey hey
It's the fucking cough one carnal
agw beats
tell me tony
From the raised house
hey hey
Again again
1. Who is the singer of the song "SUFICIENTE "?.
"SUFICIENTE " is sung by "Toser One".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "SUFICIENTE " song?.
"Eduardo Alejandro Medina Gutierrez, & Ricardo Regalado Perez" has written the lyrics for the song "SUFICIENTE ".
3. Who composed the music for the song "SUFICIENTE"?.
"Cirujano Resendez" composed the music for the song "SUFICIENTE ".
4. What is the label for the song "SUFICIENTE"?.
Label for the song "SUFICIENTE " is "Toser One".
5. Who directed the official music video of the song "SUFICIENTE"?.
"Alan Rodrigo Ledesma Rios, Daniel Takenaga" directed the official music video of the song "SUFICIENTE".
6. Who produced the song "SUFICIENTE "?.
"Baruch Vazquez, " produced the song "SUFICIENTE ".
8. When was "SUFICIENTE " song released?.
The song "SUFICIENTE " released on "23 June, 2022".
Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.
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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SUFICIENTE sung by Toser One, understand the lyrics of the song SUFICIENTE and feel happy with music of the song SUFICIENTE.
Do you love the new song SUFICIENTE by Toser One? Well, if you want to enjoy the English lyrics, and understand the lyrics of the song, then this blog is for you! We'll also be discussing the music of the song SUFICIENTE, so you can feel happy with it. Now go ahead and enjoy the song!
Do you like the new song SUFICIENTE? If so, you'll love the English lyrics of the song, and you'll also be able to understand the lyrics. Plus, the music of the song is really happy and soothing, which will make you feel happy too! If you're looking for a new song to listen to, or if you just want to enjoy some good music, give SUFICIENTE a try. You won't regret it!
If you're looking for a song that will put a smile on your face, then check out SUFICIENTE by Toser One! This catchy tune is in English, and features lyrics that are easy to understand.
Plus, the music of SUFICIENTE is sure to put you in a good mood - it's upbeat and uplifting, perfect for enjoying moments with friends or loved ones. Whether you're a fan of pop music or just want to listen to something relaxing and enjoyable, give SUFICIENTE a try!
You've probably heard that new song by Toser One called "Suficiente." If not, now is the time to check it out! The song is catchy and melodic, and it's sure to put a smile on your face. But what does the song actually mean? And why is it such an important release? In this post, we'll explain everything you need to know about "Suficiente" and its lyrics.
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