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The lyrics of the song SYL  sung by SIDHU MOOSE WALA, and the music of the song SYL  can make you feel happy. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


ओए हाँ
सिद्धू मूस या बेबी!
बुराह हाँ आ

दीवार उदास रूप से आपका पीछा करेगी
सदा लाना दे देयो
ओह चंडीगढ़ हिमाचल ते
हरियाणा दे देयो

ओह जिन्ना चिर सानु साबर टिंडा
राह नी दिन
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने

ओह कौन सी अत ते अटवादि
गवाही देदेयो
हुन तान बंदी सिंह नु
रेहाई दे देयो

हे भगवान
हथकड़िया लाह नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
हे भगवान
वड्डा नियत छोटी वालेया
क्यो पैग एक नल खैंदा
फिरदा टोपी आलेया

ओह मूस वाले बिना मांगेओ
सलाह नी डिंडे
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने

नाले एधार नले ओधारि
दुनिया बड़ी हिसबिक
निशान झूले ते फेर
रोंडा क्यो सी फेर अदब पंजाबी

ओह जिन्ना चिर अस्सी डोग्लेया दे
बाह नी डिंडे
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने

हे भगवान
पानी तन पुल आन थालो वगरा
शानू नल रा लो लाख भावें
थल्ले नी लगन

ओह डबके दे नाल मंगदे ओह
अस्सी तन नी दिन
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने

हे भगवान
नित्त नवा हुं गाना आउ
जे ना कहानी फिर मुद
बलविंदर जट्टाना औ

फेर पुट बेगाने नेहर आना
छ देकां ला ही दिन
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने
ओहना चीर पानी छड़ो
तुपका नी दिने

Lyrics Updating .. Stay Tuned And Refresh Page

(( We Will Miss You Bro ))


1. Who is the singer of the song "SYL "?.
"SYL " is sung by "SIDHU MOOSE WALA".
4. What is the label for the song "SYL "?.
Label for the song "SYL " is "SIDHU MOOSE WALA".
6. Who produced the song "SYL "?.
"MXRCI" produced the song "SYL ".
7. When was "SYL " song released?.
The song "SYL " released on "23 June, 2022".

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Do you like the new song SYL? If so, you'll definitely love the Hindi lyrics, and you'll also be able to understand and enjoy the music. Sidhu Moose Wala (SIDHU MOOSE WALA) has written a catchy tune that is sure to make you feel happy. Not only is the song enjoyable to listen to, but it's also a great way to increase your Hindi vocabulary. So what are you waiting for? Give the song a try and see for yourself!


If you're looking for a catchy and upbeat Hindi song to soundtrack your day, look no further than SYL. This song is sung by SIDHU MOOSE WALA, and it is sure to put a smile on your face. Not only is the music catchy, but the lyrics are understood by most Hindi speakers. In addition, the music of SYL is sure to make you feel happy - just listen and you'll understand why!

Have you ever felt so happy that you just had to dance to the music? And if you're a Hindi lover, then you'll absolutely love the new song SYL! Sung by SIDHU MOOSE WALA, this soulful track is sure to make you feel happiness coursing through your veins. Not only is the music catchy, but the lyrics are also easy to understand - perfect for enjoying while you're doing anything else! With its calming vibe, SYL is the perfect song to help you relax and unwind. So why not give it a try? We think you'll love it!

SYL  is a naturally soothing song that is perfect for listening to when you're feeling down. The lyrics of the song SYL  are in Hindi, but don't worry - we've translated them for you so that you can understand what they're saying. Not only that, but we've also included a video of SIDHU MOOSE WALA performing the song SYL  live so that you can enjoy the music without having to read any words.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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