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The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. If you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


[Строфа 1: Таско]
Гаси светло, сме сами
А се што имаш тоа ме мами
Ти си се што ми фали
Поглед леден, тело врело ко Miami
А ти би само една ноќ и ништо више
(Една ноќ) Ал убрзано дишеш
(Една ноќ) За да смени се
(Една ноќ) Да ме убиеш
А тело гори ко Havana
Ти фрли ме во Нирвана-на-на-на
Се што несмееш го сакаш, да сме на два грама
Ти се враќам као бумеранг
Бум-бум, bye, долго нема крај, сме ко пекол и рај
Бум-бум, bye, нема крај, сме ко пекол и рај

[Verse 1: Tasko]
Turn off the light, we are alone
And everything you have deceives me
You are everything I miss
An icy look, a body as hot as Miami
And you would only have one night and nothing more
(One night) You breathe fast
(One night) To change everything
(One night) To kill me
A body burns like Havana
You threw me into Nirvana
Everything you must not want, to be at two grams
I'm coming back to you like a boomerang
Boom-boom, bye, there is no end for a long time, we are like hell and heaven
Boom-boom, bye, there is no end, we are like hell and heaven

[Пред-Рефрен: Таско]
Не гледаат ко криминалци, је
На нас нови Nike и ланци
Наркотици, campari, je
За медуза да ни стои на гради
Чувај ми тајни, [?]
Чувај ми тајни, ааа, [?]

[Pre-Chorus: Tasko]
They do not look like criminals, yes
New Nike and chains on us
Narcotics, campari, je
For a jellyfish to stand on our chests
Keep my secrets, [?]
Keep me secrets, aaa, [?]

[Refren: Rasta]
I kažu da smo kriminalci
Na nama su Nike i lanci
Leđa čuvaju ortaci, je
Lovu čuvaju u banci, je
Čuvaj mi tajne
Čuvaj mi tajne

[Chorus: Rasta]
I kažu da smo criminci
Na nama su Nike i lanci
Leđa čuvaju ortaci, je
Lovu čuvaju u banci, je
Vajuvaj mi tajne
Vajuvaj mi tajne

[Strofa 2: Rasta]
I voli sve što volim i ja, čet'ri dana hoda pijana
"Ma jedna noć u BMW-u", kaže, "jako bi opijala"
Kaže mi "Shvati", kaže da će me zvati ponovo
Ja vreme kratim, ali me vrati kô brodolom
Ma samo reci gde da dođem, ja ću biti tu kô nekad
Ma samo reci gde da prođem, tu kroz srce kao metak
Lomi na komade, ruke hladne, njima krao sam
Te britve preko brade, preko zgrade, ja pao sam

[Verse 2: Rasta]
I voli sve što volim i ja, čet'ri dana hoda pijana
"Ma jedna noć u BMW-u", kaže, "jako bi opijala"
When "Shvati" came to me, I heard it again
Ja vreme kratim, ali me vrati kô brodolom
Ma samo reci gde da dođem, ja ću biti tu kô nekad
Ma samo reci gde da prođem, tu kroz srce kao metak
Lomi na komade, ruke hladne, njima krao sam
Te britve preko brade, preko zgrade, ja pao sam

[Пред-Рефрен: Таско]
Не гледаат ко криминалци, је
На нас нови Nike и ланци
Наркотици, campari, je
За медуза да ни стои на гради
Чувај ми тајни, [?]
Чувај ми тајни, ааа, [?]

[Pre-Chorus: Tasko]
They do not look like criminals, yes
New Nike and chains on us
Narcotics, campari, je
For a jellyfish to stand on our chests
Keep my secrets, [?]
Keep me secrets, aaa, [?]

[Refren: Rasta]
I kažu da smo kriminalci
Na nama su Najke i lanci
Leđa čuvaju ortaci, ye
Lovu čuvaju u banci, ye
Čuvaj mi tajne
Čuvaj mi tajne

[Chorus: Rasta]
I kažu da smo criminci
Na nama su Najke i lanci
Leđa čuvaju ortaci, ye
Lovu čuvaju u banci, ye
Vajuvaj mi tajne
Vajuvaj mi tajne


1. Who is the singer of the song "TAJNE "?.
"TAJNE " is sung by "Rasta & Tasko".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "TAJNE " song?.
"Rasta & Tasko" has written the lyrics for the song "TAJNE ".
3. Who composed the music for the song "TAJNE "?.
"Stefan Djurić Rasta, Hristijan Taskovski Tasko." composed the music for the song "TAJNE ".
4. When was "TAJNE " song released?.
The song "TAJNE " released on "May 6, 2022".

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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song TAJNE sung by RASTA x TASKO, understand the lyrics of the song TAJNE and feel happy with music of the song TAJNE.

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Tajne sung by Rasta x Tashko, understand the lyrics of the song Tajne and feel happy with the music of the song Tajne.

TAJNE is the latest song by RASTA x TASKO. It's sung in English and has lyrics that you can enjoy. The music of TAJNE is also really happy and upbeat, so you'll feel happy when you listen to it. Not only that, but you'll also understand the meaning of the lyrics thanks to the helpful subtitles that are included in the video. So whether you're looking for a fun and upbeat song to listen to, or you want to learn the English lyrics of a new song, TAJNE is definitely worth checking out!

TAJNE is the new song by RASTA x TASKO, and it's a beautiful mix of English and Hindi lyrics that will make you happy. The song is sung by RASTA x TASKO and it has a catchy tune that will stay with you long after you've finished listening. Not only is the song beautiful, but the lyrics are also meaningful, so you can enjoy the music and understand its meaning too. Whether you're feeling down or want to celebrate something special, TAJNE is the perfect song for you!

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song TAJNE sung by RASTA x TASKO, understand the lyrics of the song TAJNE and feel happy with the music of the song TAJNE!

Do you love listening to English songs with amazing lyrics? If so, then you'll love the new song Tajne sung by Rasta x Tasko. This beautiful song is about enjoying life and all that comes with it - from the good times to the bad. And of course, there are the lyrics that will make you feel happy and content. Whether you're a fan of soulful music or just want to enjoy a catchy tune, you'll love the lyrics and music of Tajne. So give it a try and let the joy wash over you!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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