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Arabella - Baby I Got Fire Lyrics

Arabella - Baby I Got Fire Lyrics
Arabella - Baby I Got Fire Lyrics

The lyrics of the new song are a hit! Listen to it again and again and try to understand what it means. It might take some time, but you’ll get there. If you’re ready, then let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Arabella - Baby I Got Fire Lyrics

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the lyrics of the song will be updated soon! In the meantime, here's a little something to tide you over. 

"Baby I Got Fire" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Baby I Got Fire"?.
"Baby I Got Fire" is sung by "Arabella".
2. Who wrote the lyrics to "Baby I Got Fire" song?.
"Isabela Dan, Laura Arabo" has written the lyrics for the song "Baby I Got Fire".
3. What is the label for the song "Baby I Got Fire"?.
Label for the song "Baby I Got Fire" is " Thrace Music".
4. When was "Baby I Got Fire" song released?.
The song "Baby I Got Fire " released on "1 July, 2022".
5. Who directed the official music video of the song "Baby I Got Fire"?.
"Cristian Pistol" directed the official music video of the song "Baby I Got Fire".
6. Who produced the song "Baby I Got Fire"?.
"Cristian Pistol, Calin Grajdan" produced the song "Baby I Got Fire".
7. Who composed the music for the song "Baby I Got Fire"?.
"Isabela Dan, Laura Arabo, Cristian Pistol" composed the music for the song "Baby I Got Fire".

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Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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