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Bandana Lyrics — Fireboy DML & Asake

Bandana Lyrics — Fireboy DML & Asake
Bandana Lyrics — Fireboy DML & Asake

Here's a guide on how to enjoy the lyrics of the new song Bandana sung by ireboy DML & Asake, understand the lyrics of the song Bandana and feel happy with music of the song Bandana. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Bandana Lyrics

All of them don dey notice
I’m not joking
All my guys dem dem know me
Since ’06
I’ve been writing this story
I no be OG
But if you ask dem dem know me

I no dey blow trees
Orin lo n yi mi lori
Music chose me
Just know this
And know peace
I dey lowkey
But i’m never lonely
Sexy ladies
Come whine fii me slowly

Na the love wey I see
Na im wey give me liver
I be ghetto boy I be sinner
Fear nobody only Jehovah
And I thank the lord I dey go far
Usain bolt, mo d’aleba
Shoutout s’awon temi ninu shitta
Bandana l’ori bi ti 2pac
Midnight walkers, karashika

Dem never see me coming
See me coming
Mo gbe’won ni is coming
Naija boy wey dey go foreign
Wey go foreign
Oshey Mr. Money

I’m never weak
I never cease
Till eternity
I’m on fire
My legacy
Will not die
My family
Is for life
Where dem dey
Who dem be? (awon da!)
Dem go craze
Dem go tire
Dem go say
Dem go say
Dem no know wetin dey sup

But lowkey
All of them don dey notice
I’m not joking
All my guys dem dem know me
Since ’06
I’ve been writing this story
I no be OG
But if you ask dem dem know me

Na the love wey I see
Na i’m wey give me liver
I be ghetto boy I be sinner
Fear nobody only Jehovah
And i thank the lord I dey go far
Usain bolt, mo d’aleba
Shoutout S’awon temi ninu shitta
Bandana l’ori bi ti 2pac
Midnight walkers, karashika

Dem never see me coming
See me coming,
Mo gbe’won ni is coming
Naija boy wey dey go foreign
Wey go foreign
Oshey Mr. Money

Dem never see me coming
See me coming
Mo gbe’won ni is coming
Naija boy wey dey go foreign
Wey go foreign
Oshey Mr. Money

"Bandana" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Bandana "?.
"Bandana " is sung by "Fireboy DML & Asake".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Bandana " song?.
"Fireboy DML & Asake" has written the lyrics for the song "Bandana ".
3. What is the label for the song "Bandana "?.
Label for the song "Bandana " is "Fireboy DML".
4. When was "Bandana " song released?.
The song "Bandana " released on "14 July, 2022".

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Bandana Lyrics — Fireboy DML & Asake

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Bandana sung by ireboy DML & Asake, understand the lyrics of the song Bandana and feel happy with music of the song Bandana.

The new song Bandana is a beautiful love story sung by ireboy DML & Asake. When you listen to the lyrics of the song, you will fall in love with its melody and feel happy. 

The music of the song Bandana will make you feel calm and relax, and will help you to focus on your tasks. So if you're looking for a romantic and beautiful song to listen to, check out the new song Bandana sung by ireboy DML & Asake today!

Do you love the song Bandana? If you do, then you'll love the lyrics and music of the new song released recently. ireboy DML and Asake have teamed up to create a beautiful track that is sure to make you happy. 

The lyrics of the song are about enjoying life and feeling good about yourself. You'll be able to understand the lyrics and feel happy with the music, no matter what mood you're in. So get ready to enjoy the lyrics and music of Bandana!

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Bandana sung by ireboy DML & Asake, understand the lyrics of the song Bandana and feel happy with music of the song Bandana.

The new song Bandana is a beautiful love story sung by ireboy DML & Asake. When you listen to the lyrics of the song, you will fall in love with its melody and feel happy. The music of the song Bandana will make you feel calm and relax, and will help you to focus on your tasks. So if you're looking for a romantic and beautiful song to listen to, check out the new song Bandana sung by ireboy DML & Asake today!

Get the latest music release from ireboy DML & Asake by heading to their official website. Once there, click on the album cover and you'll be able to listen to all the tracks in full. Then, once you're done listening, head to the lyrics section and start understanding the words. Finally, enjoy the music of Bandana and feel happy with the positive vibes it will be bringing into your life!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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