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Hey everyone, check out the latest song by H1GHR MUSIC - BRB! The song is a catchy mix of English and Hindi lyrics, and it's sure to make you happy. If you're liking the song, be sure to check out the lyrics so you can understand them better. And if you're feeling really happy, listen to the music! You'll love it!
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

BRB [English] LYRICS 

Don't worry, baby
I'ma be right back (Yeah-eh)
You can ask your baby
She wants me right back (Yeah-eh)
It's H1GHR gang til I D-I-E (Yeah, woo, ooh)
It's H1GHR gang til I D-I-E (Yeah, woah)

Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (I'ma be right back)

[Verse 1]
If I say, be right back
Wait, not gonna lie, that's probably cap
I guess the blood didn't dry out
still seventeen
I'm just chasing
I was afraid when I was too young
The nose bleeder suits you pretty well.
Now all the good times are like that
I don't want to be left behind either
My eyes know how to point to reality
That's right, I didn't go to school (Yeah)
Dream in dream, I'm zooming out
What you been up to?
Man, just breathe
It's been years like that
sorry only for me
My fingers are crooked
Hold on
I'ma be right back

[Verse 2]
I don't want everyone to be the same
You must stand side by side at the destination
'Cause I'm not doing it anymore
But I've come a long way to go back
But no
I was born into a family
die as a family
I've learned good things differently from anyone else
Don't need Carrot Whip
Live as Minsik Kwon Go as Minsik Kwon
I'm going crazy for going back to the original place
Non-believer, I gotta leave her
look at me watch me
I'm on the verge of 1 point difference, buzzer beater, yeah

[Verse 3]
My hole in D-I-G in midsummer (D-I-G)
Don't go far B-R-B, okay (B-R-B)
We regret it P-I-C for the gram
You heard this too, V-I-P, okay
I still make songs
Can't stop 'til I die (Woah-woah-woah-woah)
Makin' history too busy
They say nothing lasts forever
I brought it forever, H1GHR gang
No, no, no kizzy
Uh, yeah, uh
I still don't know how much
I don't care no, mo tho
Uh, yeah, uh
we will meet again
Let's look back each way
Ain't show window fam like them
Those rapper kids keep bluffin' yeah
I remember the first time
This is not the point
Woah, woah, ayy

[Verse 4]
One more album next year.
I'ma go touring city to cities
It's all the road the hyungs have paved
Jun-won, Min-sik, Woo-gi, Woody, Groovy, Ha-on
I'm not saying it's true
It's just called hyung, we a team
I already knew when I was 20, the meaning of family
H1GHR gang, no label, issa la familia
Belief without any business
Don't be cocky nigga that's rat poison
It's the story of drunk brothers who become blood
Compared to the hyungs, this is just the beginning
This is my first and last B-R-B
Don't be silly, Janathi.
Don't buy a car, Janathi
Don't do drugs, Natya
Do it when I die, good bye

Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, B-R-B (Yeah)
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B

[Verse 5]
H1GHR gang 'til I die (Yeah)
You know we got it on lock
A lot of memories from the past 5 years
Reminds me of a lot (Yeah)
Nothing has changed, I have to pay
Excluding taxes (Woah, woah)
How many times more we get the bread up
That's all thanks fans
thanks I can't forget
The ever-growing H1GHR gang
Talkin' 'bout double up, no
Triple up, no kizzy (Kizzy)
we worldwide
Still reppin' Seoul city (Woah)
I’m not in the constantly changing jet lag, I’m out of my mind (Yeah)
You'll never know how it feels (Yeah)
We'll be right back, No worries
Wherever we go, we're already together (Yeah)
you shared your heart
Family forever (Yeah, yeah)
We can get together again, we'll be right back

[Verse 6]
Be right back (Right back)
H1GHR will be right back (Yeah)
Yeah, we got that
'Til I D-I-E we right there (Yeah)
Everyone gather B-R-B
Fill in the blanks proudly
I've endured well, I'm on the slope
After 2 years, mouth-watering with Wonjoju
We be riding for the team
what you know
We forever bigger label
you better know
H1GHR gang till I D-I-E, yeah
Gather later, B-R-B (Yeah)

[Verse 7]
H1GHR gang, WONSOJU, VIP (What?)
We got awards Like Minari (Yes)
We're hypnotizing like B-I-G, B-I-G
Fuck a piece of paper, yeah, the fam is fam (Yeah)
Don't tie it up, just stand it up, plan (Yup)
Even if you earn separately, still help you build your brand (Let's go)
I'm the older brother, not the boss man
H1GHR gang, we in the place (Uh)
Never come in second place (Uh)
legends never die
So, for once, B-R-B, B-R-B
Baby faces, they want to see ID B-R-B, heh

If necessary, we will gather together someday
Uniting in loyalty, we are always
Even if we are apart, our hearts are the same
It won't break, it's not a last

Don't worry, baby
I'ma be right back (Yeah-eh)
You can ask your baby
She wants me right back (Yeah-eh)
It's H1GHR gang til I D-I-E (Yeah, woo, ooh)
It's H1GHR gang til I D-I-E (Yeah, woah)

Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (Yeah-yeah)
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B
Gather later, once B-R-B
Woah, woah B-R-B (I'ma be right back)


1. Who is the singer of the song "BRB"?.
"BRB" is sung by "HAON (김하온), Sik-K (식케이), TRADE L (이승훈), BIG Naughty (서동현), pH-1, PARK HYEON JIN (박현진), Jay Park (박재범) & JAY B".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "BRB" song?.
"HAON (김하온), Sik-K (식케이), TRADE L (이승훈), BIG Naughty (서동현), pH-1, PARK HYEON JIN (박현진), Jay Park (박재범) & JAY B" has written the lyrics for the song "BRB".
3. What is the label for the song "BRB"?.
Label for the song "BRB" is "H1GHR MUSIC".
4. When was "BRB" song released?.
The song "BRB" released on "28 July, 2022".

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If you're looking to enjoy the English lyrics of the new song BRB by H1GHR MUSIC, understand the lyrics of the song BRB and feel happy with music of the song BRB, then you've come to the right place! 

Here on this website, you'll find everything you need to know about BRB - from the official lyrics to translations and even videos that will help you get to know the song better. So what are you waiting for? Start singing along today!

Do you love listening to English songs? If so, then you're going to love the new song by H1GHR MUSIC called BRB. Not only is the song catchy and fun, but the English lyrics are easy to understand. 

In addition, the music of the song BRB is sure to make you feel happy and content. Whether you're at home or out and about, you're going to love listening to this catchy tune!

Do you want to enjoy the English lyrics of the new song BRB by H1GHR MUSIC? Here you can find the lyrics of the song BRB, and you can also read a happy review of the music of the song BRB. 

With this, you'll be able to understand and feel happy with the music of BRB. So why not start listening to it right now

Do you like the new song BRB by H1GHR MUSIC? If so, you'll want to read the lyrics so that you can understand the message the song is trying to send. And if you're feeling really happy, you can listen to the song BRB and feel the joy it brings!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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