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Bruno X Spacc — VAKMELEG [English] Lyrics

Bruno X Spacc — VAKMELEG [English] Lyrics
Bruno X Spacc — VAKMELEG [English] Lyrics

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song VAKMELEG sung by Bruno X Spacc, understand the lyrics of the song VAKMELEG and feel happy with music of the song VAKMELEG. VAKMELEG is a love song with a cheerful message about looking forward to the future. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

VAKMELEG [English] Lyrics

Tudom probléma vagyok de ők nem tudnak megoldani 
A tüzet ami bennem ég nem tudják eloltani 
Drasztikusan csökken a kihívók száma
És mostanság folyton a dráma

I know I'm a problem, but they can't solve it
They can't put out the fire that burns inside me
The number of challengers is drastically reduced
And now it's all drama

Csak az amit én hallok de leszarom mert úgy pattog a csaj rajtam mint egy akrobata akit karácsonyra kaptam a barátnőd az estét nálam tölti vicces hogy közben mégis a te pénzedet költi de hetek óta nem alhat veled
Vakmeleg ahogy rázza az ágyban az kéri hogy ne hagyjam abba hogy üssem bátran a (uhm ah ah uhm ah) vakmeleg a hangulat a lakásban a csajt azt leküldtem a boltba mert szóda van még De elfogyott a vodka a házam egy kocsma a lányok haja copfba de ne gondolj rosszra kedvem nem rontja el semmi 
Egy biztos ma meg fogok menni
Tudom probléma vagyok de ők nem tudnak megoldani
A tüzet ami bennem ég nem tudják eloltani

It's only what I hear but I screw it up because the girl bounces on me like an acrobat who I got for Christmas, your girlfriend spends the evening at my place, it's funny that she's spending your money in the meantime but she hasn't been able to sleep with you for weeks
Hot as he shakes her in bed, he asks me not to stop hitting him boldly (uhm ah ah uhm ah) the mood in the apartment is hot, I sent the girl down to the store because there is still soda But I ran out of vodka, my house is a pub, the girls' hair is in pigtails don't think bad, nothing spoils my mood
I will definitely go today
I know I'm a problem, but they can't solve it
They can't put out the fire that burns inside me


Sötétített ablak
Mögött hotboxol a csapat igen nekünk mindent szabad, végig turnézom a nyarat
Nem szoktam lefeküdni ugyanazzal a csajjal kétszer eltüntetve az egészet
Hozzá se nyúlt kézzel
Gyere rám ez így jó
Gyere ráérek most hajnalig
Bébi te vagy ma este a harmadik
Jah ja csak jussunk el az asztalig
Azt akarom hallani
Tu tu tu
Túl szép, túl jó
Ne hagyd abba


Tinted window
The team is hotboxing behind me, yes, everything is free for us, I'm touring all summer long
I don't tend to sleep with the same girl twice and make it disappear
He didn't touch it
Come on me, it's so good
Come on, I'll get to it now before dawn
Baby you're the third one tonight
Yes, let's just get to the table
I want to hear that
Tu tu tu
Too beautiful, too good
Do not stop


üsd bátran
Vakmeleg ahogy rázza az ágyban
Utána meg a kádban 
Nyelved a számban
Most csináljuk hárman ha kell
Itt nincs habiszti Vaker
Zsigerből zseni vagyok ő is tudja
A fejét nekem teszi
Közben a ruháját szedi fel a földről
Én meg bealszok a zöldtől 
Tudom probléma vagyok de ők nem tudnak megoldani
A tüzet ami bennem ég nem tudják eloltani


strike boldly
He is blindly hot as he shakes her in bed
Then in the tub
Your tongue in my mouth
Now the three of us do it if we have to
There's no Vaker from Habiszt here
I'm a genius by heart, he knows it
He gives me his head
Meanwhile, he picks up his clothes from the floor
Green makes me sleepy
I know I'm a problem, but they can't solve it
They can't put out the fire that burns inside me


1. Who is the singer of the song "VAKMELEG "?.
"VAKMELEG " is sung by "Bruno X Spacc".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "VAKMELEG " song?.
"Bruno X Spacc" has written the lyrics for the song "VAKMELEG ".
3. What is the label for the song "VAKMELEG "?.
Label for the song "VAKMELEG " is "Bruno X Spacc".
4. When was "VAKMELEG " song released?.
The song "VAKMELEG " released on "26 July, 2022".

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Bruno X Spacc — VAKMELEG [English] Lyrics

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song VAKMELEG sung by Bruno X Spacc, understand the lyrics of the song VAKMELEG and feel happy with music of the song VAKMELEG.

The song is about overcoming any hurdles that come your way and staying positive in the face of adversity. Whether you're going through a tough time or just want to enjoy life, Bruno's tones will put you in a good mood. So put on your favorite music and let Bruno's words take you on a happy journey.

Do you like the new song VAKMELEG by Bruno X Spacc? If you do, you'll definitely want to understand the lyrics. In this post, we'll provide a translation of the English lyrics of the song, so that you can enjoy the music to its fullest. 

Not only will this help you to understand the lyrics, but it will also make you happy - after all, who doesn't want to feel happy every once in a while? So read on and get ready to start singing along!

Finally, the much awaited new song by Bruno X Spacc has arrived! If you're a fan of his previous works, you'll definitely love this one. VAKMELEG is a soulful and motivational song that will make you feel happy and inspired. Not to mention, the English lyrics are easy to understand, so you'll be able to enjoy the music to the fullest. Check it out below and feel the vibes!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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