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DOROTA — Ojciec (Father) [English] Lyrics

DOROTA — Ojciec (Father) [English] Lyrics
DOROTA — Ojciec (Father) [English] Lyrics

DOROTA has just released her new song Ojciec (Father), and it's sure to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The beautiful lyrics of this song are sung with heartfelt emotion, and the upbeat music will have you tapping your feet in no time. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Ojciec (Father) [English] Lyrics

[Zwrotka 1]
Widzę obrazki jak palisz marsy
Patrzysz na parking przez firanki, czy auto stoi
Taki wielki, wszechmocny
Dziś mały i blady jak papier
Wyczerpany brzegu pościeli się jak tonący brzytwy łapiesz
Ale i tak
Toniesz, tato
To już lato

[Verse 1]
I can see pictures of you smoking Mars
You look at the parking lot through the curtains, if the car is stationary
So great, so almighty
Today it is small and pale as paper
The exhausted shore is bedding like drowning razors
But anyway
You're drowning, Dad
It's summer already

Ale jakby raczej koniec zimy
Usta masz sine jak luty w Gdyni
Patrzę jak twój statek już czeka, już czas, tato
Bo to już jakby raczej koniec zimy
Mówię "zostań jeszcze chwilę", ale ty już puszczasz liny
Pamiętam jak lubiłeś las i lubiłeś się śmiać

But rather the end of winter
Your lips are blue like February in Gdynia
I watch your ship wait, it's time Dad
Because it's more like the end of winter
I say "stay a minute longer" but you're already letting go of the ropes
I remember you liked the forest and you liked to laugh

[Zwrotka 2]
W szpitalu z każdą chemią twoje oczy patrzą coraz dalej
Przez ścianę i firanę, choć Megane już dawno sprzedane
Tata, co między nami poszło nie tak?
Że krzyczałeś i nas biłeś tak, żeby bolało
Mam ci za złe, za skórę mi zalałeś, trzymam na zawsze
Te wszystkie dane dna, w DNA
Nieważne, tato

[Verse 2]
In the hospital, with each chemotherapy, your eyes look farther and farther
Through the wall and curtain, although Megane has long been sold
Dad, what went wrong with us?
That you screamed and beat us to make it hurt
I hold it against you, you got it under my skin, I keep it forever
All this DNA data in DNA
Whatever, Dad

Bo to już jakby raczej koniec zimy
Usta masz sine jak Bałtyk, jak luty w Gdyni
Patrzę jak twój statek już czeka, już czas, tato
Bo to już jakby raczej koniec zimy
Mówię "zostań jeszcze chwilę", ale ty już puszczasz liny
Pamiętam jak lubiłeś las i lubiłeś się śmiać, tato
Bo to już jakby raczej koniec zimy
Usta masz sine jak luty w Gdyni
Patrzę jak twój statek znika wśród fal, tato

Because it's more like the end of winter
Your mouth is blue like the Baltic Sea, like February in Gdynia
I watch your ship wait, it's time Dad
Because it's more like the end of winter
I say "stay a minute longer" but you're already letting go of the ropes
I remember you liked the forest and you liked to laugh, Dad
Because it's more like the end of winter
Your lips are blue like February in Gdynia
I watch your ship disappear into the waves, Dad

Bo to już jakby raczej koniec zimy
Mówię "zostań jeszcze chwilę", ale nie mam siły
Wiem, że właśnie się widzimy ostatni raz (tato)
Because it's more like the end of winter
I say "stay a while longer" but I don't have the strength
I know we're just seeing each other for the last time (Daddy)

"Ojciec " FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Ojciec "?.
"Ojciec " is sung by "DOROTA ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Ojciec " song?.
"DOROTA" has written the lyrics for the song "Ojciec ".
3. What is the label for the song "Ojciec "?.
The label for the song "Ojciec " is "SBM Label".
4. When was "Ojciec " song released?.
The song "Ojciec " released on "4 July 2022".
5. Who directed the official music video of the song "Ojciec "?.
"andra Terpińska" directed the official music video of the song "Ojciec ".
6. Who produced the song "Ojciec "?.
"Lanek" produced the song "Ojciec ".

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DOROTA — Ojciec (Father) [English] Lyrics

Do you want to enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Ojciec (Father) sung by DOROTA ? Understand the lyrics of the song Ojciec (Father) and feel happy with music of the song Ojciec (Father)? If yes, then you're in the right place! In this blog post, we'll provide you with all the information you need to enjoy this amazing song. We'll also give you tips on how to understand the lyrics, and explain what they mean. So read on, and be prepared to feel happy!

Are you feeling blue? Why not try a little English music to cheer you up? DOROTA has just released her new song Ojciec (Father), and it's sure to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The beautiful lyrics of this song are sung with heartfelt emotion, and the upbeat music will have you tapping your feet in no time. Why not give it a try today and enjoy the delightful lyrics and catchy melody?

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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