Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Emlék sung by Lil G, understand the lyrics of the song Emlék and feel happy with music of the song Emlék!
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Emlék [English] Lyrics
Felnézek az égre,
Együtt két madár száll
Emlékszem a szépre,
De a szívem most továbbáll
I look up at the sky
Two birds fly together
I remember the beautiful
But my heart is leaving now
Tudod volt ami volt elmúlt már
A seb amit okoztál már nem fáj
Maradtál emlék a széllel
Ami többé nem kísér el
Már nem megy azóta amit járunk
Egymás mellett mindig eláztunk
Nincs többé az hogy ,,mi ketten " nélküled végre boldog lettem
You know what happened is over
The wound you caused no longer hurts
You remained a memory with the wind
Which no longer accompanies me
It doesn't work anymore since we've been going
We always got wet next to each other
It's no longer "the two of us" without you, I'm finally happy
Kérlek ne várj, kérlek ne szólj, kérlek most menj el csendben messze
Többé nem fáj,most vagyok jól távol tőled lehetek
Please don't wait, please don't speak, please go quietly far away now
It doesn't hurt anymore, now I can be away from you
Felnézek az égre,
Együtt két madár száll
Emlékszem a szépre,
De a szívem most továbbáll
Please don't wait, please don't speak, please go quietly far away now
It doesn't hurt anymore, now I can be away from you
Túl sokáig ült rajtam bánat
Most a mosoly az arcomra rá fagy
Tudom hogy egyedül lesz jobb
És lesz még más aki megfog
I look up at the sky
Two birds fly together
I remember the beautiful
But my heart is leaving now
Szótlan a város az éjjel
Barátkozok még a sötéttel
Viszont érzem a lelkem azt súgja
Meghal a fájdalom, jól leszek újra
I have been in grief for too long
Now the smile freezes on my face
I know it will be better alone
And there will be others who catch it
Kérlek ne várj, kérlek ne szólj, kérlek csak menj el csendben messze
Többé nem fáj, most vagyok jól távol tőled lehetek rendben
Please don't wait, please don't speak, please just go quietly far away
It doesn't hurt anymore, now I'm fine away from you, I can be fine
Felnézek az égre
Együtt két madár száll
Emlékszem a szépre
De a szívem most továbbáll
I look up at the sky
Two birds fly together
I remember the beautiful
But my heart is leaving now
"Emlék " FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "Emlék "?.
"Emlék " is sung by "Lil G".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Emlék " song?.
"Lil G" has written the lyrics for the song "Emlék ".
3. What is the label for the song "Emlék "?.
Label for the song "Emlék " is "Lil G official".
4. When was "Emlék " song released?.
The song "Emlék " released on "29 July, 2022".
Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.
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Emlék [English] Lyrics — Lil G
Emlék - the new song by Lil G, featuring vocals from Emmy the Great!
This beautiful song is about enjoying life to the fullest and feeling happy no matter what life throws your way. Whether you're fighting off a cold, taking a walk in the park, or just spending time with your loved ones, Emlék is a song that will make you feel happy and content.
Thanks to Emmy the Great for lending her beautiful voice to this beautiful song!
Today, we're going to give you a great opportunity to learn the English lyrics of the new song Emlék. This beautiful track was written and recorded by Lil G and is sure to make you feel happy!
Not only will you be able to understand the lyrics, but you'll also feel the positive vibes that the song radiates. So why not give it a try right now? You won't regret it!
In today's world, where there are so many different types of people, it's nice to find a song that can bring everyone together. Emlék, the new song by Lil G, is definitely one of those songs.
Not only does it have English lyrics, but it also has lyrics in Hungarian, which many people can understand. If you're looking for a song that will make you happy and give you a sense of peace, then check out Emlék.
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