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Rodeo Lyrics — DDG

Rodeo Lyrics — DDG
Rodeo Lyrics — DDG

Do you enjoy the lyrics of the new song Rodeo sung by DDG? If so, then you'll definitely want to understand the lyrics of the song Rodeo. Not only will this help you to feel happy while listening to the music, but it will also help you to understand the meaning behind the lyrics. 
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Rodeo Lyrics — DDG

Uh, yeah, uh, woah-oa-oah
Ay, yeah, uh, tch, woah-oa-oah
Yuh, pssh-pssh, ayy, pssh-pssh, woah-oa-oah
Pssh-pssh, pssh-pssh, pssh-pssh, pssh-pssh, pssh-pssh

[Verse 1]
DDG'll take your ho
Hit her, pass her to the bro
Zaza got me movin' slow (Tory on the beat)
Life ain't gettin' easy (Tory on the beat)
They be finna freeze me
Niggas ain't believe me
Ballin' off the heezy

These bitches talk too crazy, got me fucked up
Patek got the diamonds in they face, them bitches crushed up
It's a couple bitches on my bucket list I must fuck
Took a couple shots of casamigo, finna cut up
Prolly spent a couple million dollars on Rodeo
I be tryna stack the hunnids up just like a lego
Patek bustdown all white, I call it mayo
Niggas claimin' like they be outside but they'll stay home

[Verse 2]
It's a timezone switch, I'm in Germany
They ain't even speak no English but they heard of me
I'm a millionaire in every currency
Keep a 100k just for emergencies
I got a freak bitch, finna lick your scrotum
Took a bitch phone and unplugged the modem
He had bitches in his section 'til I came and stole 'em
He wan' smoke while I got weapons and I can't control 'em (Pssh, pssh-pssh-pssh)

These bitches talk too crazy, got me fucked up
Patek got the diamonds in they face, them bitches crushed up
It's a couple bitches on my bucket list I must fuck
Took a couple shots of casamigo, finna cut up
Prolly spent a couple million dollars on Rodeo
I be tryna stack the hunnids up just like a lego
Patek bustdown all white, I call it mayo
Niggas claimin' like they be outside but they'll stay home

[Verse 3]
Pop shit, pop shit, my niggas pop shit
I can't get each hoes reaction, they on the blocklist
For appearance I just got a package, I bought some fly shit
Some of you should quit the rappin' and learn to drop shit
Magic gate closed, you can't come in
If you see me in the club, I got my gun in
Bitch, I want percentage from the sales, fuck the frontin'
Nigga, I been focused on the money since a youngin'

Okay, these bitches talk too crazy, got me fucked up
Patek got the diamonds in they face, them bitches crushed up
It's a couple bitches on my bucket list I must fuck
Took a couple shots of casamigo, finna cut up
Prolly spent a couple million dollars on Rodeo
I be tryna stack the hunnids up just like a lego
Patek bustdown all white, I call it mayo
Niggas claimin' like they be outside but they'll stay home

"Rodeo " FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Rodeo "?.
"Rodeo " is sung by "DDG".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Rodeo " song?.
"DDG" has written the lyrics for the song "Rodeo ".
3. What is the label for the song "Rodeo "?.
Label for the song "Rodeo " is "DDG".
4. When was "Rodeo " song released?.
The song "Rodeo " released on "29 July, 2022".

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Rodeo Lyrics — DDG 

After all, a good song is more than just catchy tunes and happy lyrics - it has a message that needs to be interpreted and understood. So go ahead and give Rodeo a listen, and enjoy the journey!

Do you like the new song Rodeo? Yes, I love the lyrics of the song Rodeo.

Do you understand the lyrics of the song Rodeo? Yes, I understand the lyrics of the song Rodeo.

Do you feel happy with the music of the song Rodeo? Yes, I feel happy with the music of the song Rodeo.

Do you love the new song by DDG, Rodeo? Well, you're in luck! We've got the lyrics right here, and we're also going to tell you all about the amazing music behind it. Let's start with the lyrics - they're filled with emotion, and you'll be able to understand them better if you know the story behind the song. 

Then we'll tell you about the amazing musicvideo, and finally, we'll give you some tips on how to enjoy the song Rodeo to the fullest! So read on for all the information you need to get fully in sync with this beautiful song!

Do you like the new song Rodeo? If you do, you'll love the lyrics and feel happy with the music. In this post, we'll help you understand the lyrics of the song Rodeo and feel happy with the music. 

We'll also provide a link to download the song Rodeo so that you can enjoy it anytime you want. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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