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DESPECHÁ is perfect! Not only do the lyrics of this song make you happy, but the music is also uplifting and enjoyable to listen to. So what are you waiting for? Give DESPECHÁ a try and enjoy your day! let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


Baby, no me llame'
Que yo estoy ocupá' olvidando tus male'
Ya decidí que esta noche se sale
Con toa' mis motomami', con toda mis gyale'

Y ando despechá', oah, alocá'
Bajé con un flow nuevo 'e caja, baby, hackeá'
Lo muevo de la'o a la'o y a otro la'o
Hoy salgo con mi baby de la disco coroná'
Y ando despechá', oah, alocá'
Que Dios me libre de volver a tu la'o
Lo muevo de la'o a la'o y a otro la'o
Hoy salgo con mi baby de la disco coroná', coroná', yeah

Voy con la falda (Ah), aro' y cadena' (Eh)
Piña colada (Sí), no tengo pena (Ah, no)
Voy con la Fefa (Wuh), ella es la jefa (Sí)
Ella lo baila (Eh), ella me enseña (Eh)
Hoy no trabaja (Uh) esta morena
Fuck la fama (Eh), fuck la faena (Jaja)
La noche está larga (Eh), la noche está buena (Eh)
Un mambo violento y fin del problema
Mira qué fácil te lo vo'a decir
A, B, C; one, two, three
Mira qué fácil te lo vo'a decir
Que esta motomami ya no está pa' ti
Mira qué fácil te lo vo'a decir
A, B, C; one, two, three
Mira qué fácil te lo vo'a decir
Que esta motomami—

Y a—Y ando despechá', oah, alocá'
Bajé con un flow nuevo 'e caja, baby, hackeá'
Lo muevo de la'o a la'o y a otro la'o
Hoy salgo con mi baby de la disco coroná'
Y ando despechá', oah, alocá'
Que Dios me libre de volver a tu la'o
Lo muevo de la'o a la'o y a otro la'o
Hoy salgo con mi baby de la disco coroná', coroná', yeah

Mmm, voy a 180 porque soy una racineta, ¿qué, qué?
Te distrae' y yo te adelanto por la derecha, uh
Voy a 180 porque soy una racineta, ey, ey
Te distrae' y yo te adelanto por la derecha, mmm, mmm, mmm

Chris Jedi
Gaby, Gaby, Gaby
De Barcelona pa' Santo Domingo
La ROSALÍA, mmm, jaja, je
Uh, uh, uh, uh
Ey, ey, ey
Uh, uh, uh, uh


1. Who is the singer of the song "DESPECHÁ "?.
"DESPECHÁ " is sung by "ROSALÍA ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "DESPECHÁ " song?.
"ROSALÍA, Chris Jedi, Gaby Music, Noah Goldstein, Sir Dylan, Dímelo Ninow & David Rodríguez" has written the lyrics for the song "DESPECHÁ ".
3. What is the label for the song "DESPECHÁ "?.
Label for the song "DESPECHÁ " is "Sony Music Entertainment & Columbia Records".
4. When was "DESPECHÁ " song released?.
The song "DESPECHÁ " released on "28 July, 2022".

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If you don't know the lyrics of the new song DESPECHÁ sung by ROSALÍA, you are not alone. Many people are still trying to understand the meaning of the lyrics, and some people just don't like the song because of its sad mood. 

But no matter what you think of the lyrics, you should definitely listen to the song DESPECHÁ because it is one of the best songs of the year.

The music of the song DESPECHÁ is also very beautiful. It will make you feel happy and cheerful, so you can overcome any difficult situation in your life.

This song is about a young man who is in love with a girl and is trying to figure out what to do. The lyrics talk about how he's indecisive and doesn't know what to do. 

He feels like he's losing control and that he's not sure if he can handle the situation. However, the song finishes on a positive note with him realizing that he can still make things happen, even if he feels like he's not in control.

Did you know that the lyrics of the new song DESPECHÁ sung by ROSALÍA can be read and understood? If you're feeling down, or just want to enjoy some beautiful music, give the song a try. And if you're looking for a happy tune to help you start the day, 

Despéchá is the new song sung by Rosalía and it's already making waves on the music charts. Whether you're a fan of Spanish pop or just enjoy catchy tunes, you'll love this song. But how do the lyrics of this song relate to your life? And what is the music like? In this blog post, we'll answer all these questions and more.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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