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Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) Lyrics —  Najwa Kara

Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) Lyrics —  Najwa Kara
 Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) Lyrics —  Najwa Kara

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) sung by Najwa Kara, understand the lyrics of the song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) and feel happy with music of the song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا).
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

 Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) Lyrics

بلَحظَة صارْ الكَونْ كلّو خْيالْ
وما عِدِتْ إقشَعْ لمّا قرَّبِتْ لَيّي
مِشْ ذَنبَكْ إنِتْ ما مْرَقِت عالبالْ
ذنبي أنا الـ ما شافوكْ عينيّي

ساعَة بيضا لِمْ شِفْتَكْ
شِفتْ الدّنيي قدّامي
من يوم لـ أنا عرِفْتَكْ..يا عِيني لا تنامي 

لا تنامي..لا تنامي..يا عِيني لا تنامي
مَحبوبي قِدّامي والله وكيف لِكِ عِينْ تنامي.

ياما قلبي صلّى..هالّلحظة أوّصلّا
اشتقتلّكْ قدّ الفَضا قدّ السّما قدّ السّاعات ومِنْ هلّقْ كلّ لـ شِفْتو ولـ ما شِفْتو بعيوني ماتْ..
اشتقتلّكْ يا عيوني..اشتقتلّكْ يا جنوني
وساعة بيضا لِمْ شِفْتَكْ ..يابا يا عِيني لا تنامي

In an instant, the universe became all fiction
And I was no longer pissed when you came close to me
It is not your fault that you have not passed through my mind
It's my fault that my eyes didn't see you

white hour i did not see you
I saw the world before me
From the day I knew you, my eyes do not sleep

Don't sleep..don't eyes don't sleep
My beloved is before me, by God, how do you have an eye for growth?

Oh my heart, pray.. for a moment, pray
I miss you, as far as space has passed, as long as the sky has passed, as long as the hours have passed, and whosoever has not seen you and what you have seen with my eyes has died.
I miss you, my eyes, I miss you, my madness
And an hour white I did not see you.. O my eyes, do not sleep

"Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)"?.
"Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" is sung by "Najwa Kara".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" song?.
"Emile Fahd" has written the lyrics for the song "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)".
3. What is the label for the song "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)"?.
Label for the song "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" is "George Merdirosian".
4. When was "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" song released?.
The song "Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا)" released on "30 July, 2022".

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 Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) Lyrics —  Najwa Kara

Do you like the new song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) sung by Najwa Kara? If you do, then you'll definitely want to know the lyrics. Not only will this help you understand the song better, but you'll also be able to feel the happiness and joy that the lyrics convey. 

And of course, if you're a fan of music in general, then you'll love the melodies of the song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا).

Do you love the new song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) by Najwa Kara? Well, if you're looking to get acquainted with the lyrics, we've got you covered. 

And if that's not enough, we've also included a video that will let you understand the meaning of the lyrics and feel happy while listening to the music! So what are you waiting for? Click below to get started!

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) sung by Najwa Kara, understand the lyrics of the song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا) and feel happy with music of the song Saaa Bayda (ساعة بيضا).

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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