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Si Ya Hiciste El Mal (English) LYRICS — Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez

Si Ya Hiciste El Mal (English) LYRICS — Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez
Si Ya Hiciste El Mal (English) LYRICS — Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal sung by Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez, understand the lyrics of the song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal and feel happy with music of the song.
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

Si Ya Hiciste El Mal (LYRICS)

You left and you didn't even say goodbye

You didn't give me an explanation

For what reason did you lie to me?

Things around here have changed a lot

The wounds are healing

I'm not lying to you, it cost me

Emptying boats Monday to Sunday

lost in vice

Guilt of your unrequited love

If you already did wrong

What are you coming back to again?

I'm not going to believe you

what happened to us

A lost case

And I haven't got

Although time passes

to be able to be well

If you already did wrong

We have nothing more to talk about

Better step aside

And never come back

with bitter drinks

I keep forgetting you

And the cycle with you is about to close

Don't make it harder to come get me

And these are to drink with desire, my compa Jessi Uribe


Louis R.

Repeat it!

Uh, uh, huh-huh-huh-huh!

Rafael, faith

Emptying boats Monday to Sunday

lost in vice

Guilt of your unrequited love

If you already did wrong

What are you coming back to again?

I'm not going to believe you

what happened to us

A lost case

And I haven't got

Although time passes

to be able to be well

If you already did wrong

We have nothing more to talk about

Better give me a stop

And never come back

with bitter drinks

I keep forgetting you

And the cycle with you is about to close

Don't make it harder to come get me

"Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal"?.
"Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" is sung by "Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" song?.
"Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez" has written the lyrics for the song "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal".
3. What is the label for the song "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal"?.
Label for the song "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" is "Colombia y México".
4. When was "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" song released?.
The song "Si Ya Hiciste El Mal" released on "29 July, 2022".

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Si Ya Hiciste El Mal (LYRICS) — Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez

Do you love the new song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal sung by Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez? If so, you're in for a treat! 

In this post, we'll dissect the English lyrics of the song, and explain why you'll love listening to it and feeling happy with its music. We hope that this will help you to understand the lyrics better and appreciate them even more!

Do you know the lyrics to the new song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal? Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez have written a beautiful song that will make you happy. Listen to the English lyrics and feel transported to a better place.

You'll also understand the meaning of Si Ya Hiciste El Mal and feel grateful for everything that you have. Enjoy the music of Si Ya Hiciste El Mal and feel happy!

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal sung by Jessi Uribe y Luis R Conriquez, understand the lyrics of the song Si Ya Hiciste El Mal and feel happy with music of the song.

Know that I'm here for you, mi amor, mi hermano, mi vida, mi mundo, mi cariño... Siempre estaré contigo.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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