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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SITOSEMA  by  Ibraah, understand the lyrics of the song SITOSEMA and feel happy with music of the song SITOSEMA!
 let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


Kalunde Takatuka twende mwanda weeh aaah mwanda wee
Sekunde maana muda ndo umesonga wee aaah songa weeeh
Sema wande japo umeniona mushamba weee aaah mshamba wee
Muda sekunde Mungu Baba ndo amepanga weee aaah panga weeh
Huna huruma weeeh tena ulinicheat na vizeee aaah
Vikongwe aah ulikuwa busy aaah mama wewe na moyo weeeh mmmh
Nilivyokufuma weee ilinibidi tu kwa upole nikuulize
Niliogopa kukupiga nsikuumize aaah mama wee kwa upole weeh

Wala sikuringiaga ustar kukubeza
Eti mimi kukunyanyasa nilikutunza wala sikuwa tasa
Maana mimba yangu uliitoa
Masikini moyo wangu nshautakasa sina kinyongo nawe
Hata sasa maana nimefungua mpya kurasa
Ila sikufichi moyo umeutoboa

Yako ya ndani (sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata yale ya ndani (Sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata Siri za kitandani (sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata yale mabaya ( sitosema mi sitosema)
Sitosema na sisemi tena

Acha tu nikuite wandoto mama weee
Umeniacha na msoto ujue mida ya kula
Nakumbukaga vile nilivyokulisha ukanilisha
Na michezo ya chumbani mi deko mama weee
Ile michezo ya kitoto ujue bado mimi inansumbuaga
Kichwani mwangu haitokagi kabisa

Eeeh siwezi kung’ang’ania kimwana wakati moyo wako
Haunihitaji tena acha mi nijinyime ninywe
Nizime huenda kesho sitokumbuka tena
Mapema sikudhania kimwana kama bazoka
Utanimeza utantema acha nizingatie heshima
Nikupatie nenda salama sitokusumbua tena

Wala sikuringiaga ustar kukubeza
Eti mimi kukunyanyasa nilikutunza wala sikuwa tasa
Maana mimba yangu uliitoa
Masikini moyo wangu nshautakasa sina kinyongo nawe
Hata sasa maana nimefungua mpya kurasa
Ila sikufichi moyo umeutoboa

Yako ya ndani (sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata yale ya ndani (Sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata Siri za kitandani (sitosema mi sitosema)
Ata yale mabaya ( sitosema mi sitosema)
Sitosema na sisemi tena

Huna huruma weeeh tena ulinicheat na vizeee aaah
Vikongwe aah ulikuwa busy aaah
Mama wewe na moyo weeeh mmmh


1. Who is the singer of the song "SITOSEMA "?.
"SITOSEMA" is sung by "Ibraah".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "SITOSEMA" song?.
"Ibraah" has written the lyrics for the song "SITOSEMA".
3. What is the label for the song "SITOSEMA"?.
Label for the song "SITOSEMA" is "Ibraah".
4. When was "SITOSEMA" song released?.
The song "SITOSEMA" released on "28 July, 2022".

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Do you want to enjoy the lyrics of the new song SITOSEMA by Ibraah? Do you want to understand the lyrics of the song SITOSEMA and feel happy with the music of the song SITOSEMA? If so, read on!

SITOSEMA is a catchy and upbeat song that will have you humming along in no time. The lyrics are about enjoying life to the fullest and taking things slow, making it an ideal song to listen to when you're feeling down. 

The music is bouncy and light, perfect for a day spent outside or during a casual get-together. Whether you're a fan of pop music or not, we recommend giving SITOSEMA a try!

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song SITOSEMA  by  Ibraah, understand the lyrics of the song SITOSEMA  and feel happy with music of the song SITOSEMA.

Do you love listening to beautiful music? Do you want to understand the lyrics of the song? If yes, then this blog is for you! Today, we'll be discussing the new song SITOSEMA by Ibraah. 

Not only will we be discussing the lyrics, but we'll also discuss the meaning of the song and how you can enjoy the music! So stop reading this and start listening to the song SITOSEMA right now!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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