Enjoy the lyrics of the new song (عشأنجي) Aashaangy sung by Tamer Hosny, understand the lyrics of the song (عشأنجي) Aashaangy and feel happy with music of the song (عشأنجي) Aashaangy. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
(عشأنجي) Aashaangy Lyrics
عشأنجي بناله بيت
كرهنجي جاله سكنله فيه هوا
يا هوا يا هوا
يا هوا يا هوا
Ashangji in his house
Karanji is a city where there is air
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
مش ذنبه دق قلبه
لحد و طلع دون المستوى
It's not his fault his heart beat
To the extent and came out below par
يا هوا يا هوا
يا هوا يا هوا
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
فرفوش ماله بقفوش
الإتنين مبيتفقوش
ده نصيب فعلاً غريب
حكايات بنفس المحتوى
Farfoush has no money
the dragon
This is a really strange share
Stories with the same content
دنيا و ماشيه عكس عكاس
و الطيب فيها بيتداس
و الجاحد متشال عالراس
متشال عالراس
Dunya and his cattle opposite Akkas
And the good in it is trampled
And the ungrateful is on the head
Michelle on the head
ملهاش كتالوج ولا مفهومه
مفهومه مفهومه
إديها ضهرك و إرميها ورا
ريح قلبك مهي محسومه
محسومه محسومه
المكتوبلك هو اللي معاك
There is no catalog and no concept
understandable understandable
Give it your back and throw it behind
The wind of your heart is not settled
settled, settled
Your written is what is with you
مزاجنجي قاعد مبسوط
فصلانجي جه غيرله المود كده
ليه كده ليه كده
ليه كده ليه كده
Mazangi sitting happy
Faslanji, he changed the mood like this
Why is that, why is that?
Why is that, why is that?
إيه اللي جابه و ليه جنابه
يطلع منه كل ده
كل ده كل ده
كل ده كل ده
What is wrong and why is it wrong?
He sees it all
All this all
All this all
منحوس بقى يدي دروس
في الحظ لواحد تاني
و العاقل بقى ملحوس
دومنه و قفلت كده
Unfortunate rest of my hands lessons
Good luck for another one
And the wise remained sensible
Domna and locked like this
دنيا و ماشيه عكس عكاس
و الطيب فيها بيتداس
و الجاحد متشال عالراس
متشال عالراس
Dunya and his cattle opposite Akkas
And the good in it is trampled
And the ungrateful is on the head
Michelle on the head
ملهاش كتالوج ولا مفهومه
مفهومه مفهومه
إديها ضهرك و إرميها ورا
ريح قلبك مهي محسومه
محسومه محسومه
المكتوبلك هو اللي معاك
There is no catalog and no concept
understandable understandable
Give it your back and throw it behind
The wind of your heart is not settled
settled, settled
Your written is what is with you
"(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy"?.
"(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" is sung by "Tamer Hosny ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" song?.
"Hamada El-Sayed" has written the lyrics for the song "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy".
3. What is the label for the song "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy"?.
Label for the song "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" is " Rotana".
4. When was "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" song released?.
The song "(عشأنجي) Aashaangy" released on "23 July, 2022".
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Tamer Hosny — (عشأنجي) Aashaangy Lyrics
Do you love the new song (عشأنجي) Aashaangy sung by Tamer Hosny? Well, if you're feeling happy and enjoy the lyrics of the song, then you'll feel right at home with our blog.
We're here to help you understand the lyrics of the song and feel happy with the music. In addition, we'll share our thoughts on the latest music trends and what they mean for you. So be sure to bookmark this page and come back often to stay updated on all the latest news and events in the music world.
If you're feeling down and can't find your happiness, just listen to the lyrics of the new song Aashaangy and feel your mood lighten up. The song is sung by Tamer Hosny and it's sure to put a smile on your face.
Not only that, but you can also understand the lyrics and feel the rhythm of the song - perfect for when you need a little mental stimulation. And if that's not enough, add in the beautiful music and you'll be in a great mood all day!
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