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Tamer Hosny — ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat Lyrics

Tamer Hosny — ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat Lyrics
Tamer Hosny — ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat Lyrics

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat  sung by Tamer Hosny, understand the lyrics of the song ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat and feel happy with music of the song ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaaka. let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat Lyrics

خلينا نبعد فتره
و نشوف كدا لما نغيب
إعتبره بُعد مؤقت
و أهو كدا أحسن ليا و ليك

Let's go away for a while
And we see that when we're gone
Think of it as a temporary dimension
And is this better for you and me?

خلينا نبعد فتره
و نشوف كدا لما نغيب
يا نفوق و لبعضنا نرجع
يا نقول محصلش نصيب

Let's go away for a while
And we see that when we're gone
Oh we die and we return to each other
Oh we say we have a share

و أنا لسه باقي عالحاجات
اللي أنا جنبك عيشتها
دا إنت رغم إن إنت آسي
كان فيك حاجات بحبها
سيبنا نبعد فتره يمكن
البُعد دا كدا يفيدنا
و إن حد سألك مرَّه عني
متقولش موضوعنا إنتهى

And I still have the rest of the needs
The one I'm next to you lived
This is you, even though you are Asian
You had things that I love
We'll be away for a while
This dimension helps us
And if someone once asked you about me,
Don't say our topic is over

ساعات الحاجه قيمتها
بتتقدر و هي بعيد
و أنا مطمن في البُعد
إن إحنا هنوحش بعض أكيد
و نشوف أنا و إنت زعلنا من بعضنا كدا إمتى و ليه
عشان لو تاني رجعنا نتعلم من الأيام دي

Worth the hours
You appreciate while she is far away
And I'm reassured in the distance
If we are going to miss each other for sure
And we see that you and I were upset with each other, when and why?
Because if we come back to learn from these days

"( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat "?.
"( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " is sung by "Tamer Hosny ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " song?.
"Ramadan Muhammad" has written the lyrics for the song "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat ".
3. What is the label for the song "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat "?.
Label for the song "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " is " Rotana".
4. When was "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " song released?.
The song "( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat " released on "23 July, 2022".

Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.

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Tamer Hosny — ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat Lyrics

Did you enjoy the song "Bood Moaakat" sung by Tamer Hosny? If you did, you'll definitely want to understand the lyrics. And if you're feeling particularly happy and in the mood for some catchy music, then you should check out "Bood Moaakat" and feel the happiness that comes with its stirring lyrics. 

Whether you're a music lover or not, we think you'll enjoy reading and absorbing all the information we've put together about this catchy song. Thanks for reading!

Do you love listening to music? Then you'll love the new song ( بعد مؤقت) Bood Moaakat sung by Tamer Hosny. 

The lyrics of the song are so meaningful and will make you feel happy. Plus, the music is catchy and will get you singing along in no time. Why not check it out today?

Do you love listening to music? Well, then you'll love this latest blog post! In this article, we're going to be discussing the new song Bood Moaakat sung by Tamer Hosny. 

Not only will you be able to understand the lyrics of the song, but you'll also be able to feel happy and enjoy the music! So whether you're looking for a new song to listen to or just want to feel good, be sure to check out this post!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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