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아이브 (After LIKE) LYRICS — IVE |
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song 'After LIKE' sung by IVE, understand the lyrics of the song 'After LIKE' and feel happy with music of the song 'After LIKE'.
아이브 (After LIKE) LYRICS — IVE
"아이브 (After LIKE) " FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "아이브 (After LIKE) "?."아이브 (After LIKE) " is sung by "IVE".2. Who wrote the lyrics of "아이브 (After LIKE) " song?."Ryan S. Jhun, Anders Nilsen, Seo Ji Eum (서지음), André Jensen, ISELIN, Mommy Son (마미손) & REI (IVE)" has written the lyrics for the song "아이브 (After LIKE) ".3. What is the label for the song "아이브 (After LIKE) "?.Label for the song "아이브 (After LIKE) " is "Starship Entertainment".4. When was "아이브 (After LIKE) " song released?.The song "아이브 (After LIKE) " released on "25 August, 2022".
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아이브 (After LIKE) LYRICS — IVE
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song "After LIKE" sung by IVE.
Understand the lyrics of the song "After LIKE" and feel happy with the music.
Have you been enjoying the new song "After LIKE" by IVE? If you're like most people, you've probably been singing and dancing along to the catchy lyrics.
What you may not know, however, is that the lyrics of the song are actually very meaningful. In fact, they're about the importance of love and relationships. If you're looking for a way to connect with your loved ones, or just want to feel happy and uplifted, then give the song a listen and start feeling the vibes!
Looking for a happy song? Check out 아이브 (After LIKE), sung by IVE! The catchy lyrics and upbeat melody will put you in a good mood, and the music will make you feel all happy and excited. Whether you're watching the video or listening to the audio, you're sure to enjoy the catchy lyrics and feel happy!
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