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BARABA [English] Lyrics — ZERA

BARABA [English] Lyrics — ZERA
BARABA [English] Lyrics — ZERA

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song BARABA sung by ZERA, understand the lyrics of the song BARABA and feel happy with music of the song BARABA

let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

BARABA [English] Lyrics — ZERA

Koji je to sat?
Za mene skup, al' na njemu vrijeme kasni
Nije za nas
Ova ljubav samo kad su kasni sati
Na mapi grada gde je tvoja mala sada nestala
Baš si baraba, baš si baraba, ja pobesnela

What time is it?
Expensive for me, but time is running out on it
It's not for us
This love only when the hours are late
On the map of the city where your little girl has now disappeared
You're such a scumbag, you're such a scumbag, I'm furious

[Strofa 1]
Ti si tako drzak i jak
Treba svako da se plaši
Taman, taman, meni taman si al' pazi
Verna kô pas, znaš da nećeš bolju naći
Gde si do sad? Slobodno me laži
Ja hoću samo da si tu
I kada je tuga i kada se pije
Što se bebo praviš lud
Da ti do mene ni malo stalo nije

[Stanza 1]
You are so bold and strong
Everyone should be afraid
Just right, just right, you're just right for me, but be careful
Faithful as a dog, you know you won't find a better one
Where are you so far? Feel free to lie to me
I just want you to be here
And when there is sadness and when drinking
Baby what are you doing crazy
That you don't even care about me

Mala u klubi topi se kô led (Uh, uh)
Nemoj da me zoveš, napila sam se
Mala u klubi topi se kô led (Uh, uh)
Tako je kako je

Little girl melts like ice in the club (Uh, uh)
Don't call me, I got drunk
Little girl melts like ice in the club (Uh, uh)
It is, as it is

Koji je to sat?
Za mene skup, al' na njemu vrijeme kasni
Nije za nas
Ova ljubav samo kad su kasni sati
Na mapi grada gde je tvoja mala sada nestala
Baš si baraba, baš si baraba, ja pobesnela

What time is it?
Expensive for me, but time is running out on it
It's not for us
This love only when the hours are late
On the map of the city where your little girl has now disappeared
You're such a scumbag, you're such a scumbag, I'm furious

[Strofa 2]
A što tol'ki si kreten?
Ovog puta si preterô
I jebo te BMW, i tvoje srce ledeno
Nek mi hladi piće u kibli
Pijane oči, to tako se vidi
I kada sviće ti mene okrivi
Jer ove noći nemaju limit

[Stanza 2]
Why are you such a jerk?
This time you overdid it
And fuck you BMW, and your heart is icy
Let him cool my drink in the qibla
Drunk eyes, that's how you see it
And when dawn comes, you blame me
Because these nights have no limit

Mala u klubi topi se kô led (Uh, uh)
Nemoj da me zoveš, napila sam se
Mala u klubi topi se kô led (Uh, uh)
Tako je kako je

Little girl melts like ice in the club (Uh, uh)
Don't call me, I got drunk
Little girl melts like ice in the club (Uh, uh)
It is, as it is

Koji je to sat?
Za mene skup, al' na njemu vrijeme kasni
Nije za nas
Ova ljubav samo kad su kasni sati
Na mapi grada gde je tvoja mala sada nestala
Baš si baraba, baš si baraba, ja pobesnela

What time is it?
Expensive for me, but time is running out on it
It's not for us
This love only when the hours are late
On the map of the city where your little girl has now disappeared
You're such a scumbag, you're such a scumbag, I'm furious


1. Who is the singer of the song "BARABA "?.
"BARABA " is sung by "ZERA".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "BARABA " song?.
"Henny, Zera, Relja Torinno & Laki Sosa" has written the lyrics for the song "BARABA ".
3. What is the label for the song "BARABA "?.
Label for the song "BARABA " is "Generacija Zed".
4. When was "BARABA " song released?.
The song "BARABA " released on "21cAugust 2022".

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BARABA [English] Lyrics — ZERA

Today, we have something special for you - the English lyrics of the new song BARABA, sung by ZERA. Not only will you be able to enjoy the beautiful vocals of ZERA, but you'll also be able to understand the lyrics of the song. 

In addition, you'll feel happy and joyous while listening to the beautiful music of BARABA. So don't wait any longer - start listening now!

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song BARABA sung by ZERA, understand the lyrics of the song BARABA and feel happy with music of the song BARABA. With this blog, you will know everything about the new song BARABA, from its lyrics to its music. 

We will also provide you with useful information about the song, such as its meaning and what to expect while listening to it. So whether you're a fan of the song or just want to learn more about it, you're in the right place!

Do you love the new song BARABA by ZERA? If you do, then you'll want to check out the English lyrics of the song. Not only will you be able to enjoy the lyrics, but you'll also be able to understand them. 

In addition, you'll feel happy listening to the beautiful music of the song BARABA. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song BARABA sung by ZERA, understand the lyrics of the song BARABA and feel happy with music of the song BARABA. The new song BARABA is a beautiful and emotional love song. 

The lyrics talk about the love between a man and a woman and how they feel happy together. The song is moody and beautiful, and will touch your heart. Listen to it and feel the emotions that the singer ZERA has put into it!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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