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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song  BLACK MASCARA sung by RAYE, understand the lyrics of the song  BLACK MASCARA and feel happy with music of the song  BLACK MASCARA
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


Once you see my black mascara 
Run from you 
into my mama’s hands 
You selfish man 
You’d understand 
(understand what you)

Once you see my slick eyeliner 
Blend into my black designer 
bags under my eyes 
Oh how’d you try  
To understand 
What you done (to me)
What you done (to me) 
What you 

Done To me 
You done to me 
You done to me
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 

You made your bed 
(Made your bed)
Lied your lies 
(Lied your lies) 
And fucked my mind up 
Try to understand 
Just what you 

Verse 2

Now you see my black mascara 
Run from you 
into my mama’s hands 
You selfish man 
You’d understand 
How it feels 
And what you done

(Done to me 
You done to me 
You done to me 
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 
You’re done to me 
You made your bed 
Lied your lies
And fucked my mind up
Try to understand just what you


Tripped on the throttle 
sipped on bottle
Tell them hoes to be minding they business 
Heart broke but I’m still looking like millions 
6 shots down so I can’t feel this 
Talking my ear off cocaine 
Got a bitch gassed up propane
Now I can’t come down or 
it pours 
oh underneath my eyes how it rains 

There’s clouds up high
But there’s stars on the ceiling of the Royce 
I hear this pain
drown every other noise 
You talk to me dumb 
like you didn’t have a 
I’m here now fucked up thinking this why 
I’m out here sinking in these dark nights, nights ah yeah 

Look what you’ve done to me 
You’ve done to me my baby 
Look what you’ve done to me
You’ve done to me my lover 
Look what you’ve 
Done to me 
You’ve done to me
You’ve done to me 
You’ve done to me 
You’ve done 
Try to understand just what you 


1. Who is the singer of the song "BLACK MASCARA"?.
"BLACK MASCARA" is sung by "RAYE".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "BLACK MASCARA" song?.
"RAYE, John Morgan & Will Lansley" has written the lyrics for the song "BLACK MASCARA".
3. What is the label for the song "BLACK MASCARA"?.
Label for the song "BLACK MASCARA" is "Human Re-Sources".
4. When was "BLACK MASCARA" song released?.
The song "BLACK MASCARA" released on "25 August, 2022".

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If you're looking for a happy and easy listening song, look no further than "Black Mascara." The catchy lyrics and upbeat music will have you singing and dancing along from start to finish. 

Not only that, but you'll also be able to understand the full meaning of the song thanks to the accompanyingyrics.com. Just click on the link below and enjoy!

Do you love the lyrics of the new song  BLACK MASCARA? Did you understand them the first time you heard them? If so, you're in good company! Many people love the beat and melody of the song, but don't really know what the lyrics are saying. 

In this blog post, we'll take a look at the lyrics of the song  BLACK MASCARA and explain what they mean. Not only will this help you understand the song better, but it will also make you happy and bring some joy to your music life!

Do you like the new song BLACK MASCARA? Do you understand the lyrics of the song BLACK MASCARA? If you do, then you're probably feeling happy with the music of the song BLACK MASCARA. The song is a hit, and not just because of its catchy melody. 

The lyrics are meaningful, and they can help you connect with your own emotions. Whether you're feeling sad, angry, or excited, the lyrics of BLACK MASCARA can help you express those feelings in a meaningful way. So if you're looking for a catchy tune that will make you feel good, then check out the lyrics of the song BLACK MASCARA!

Here's a quick guide on how to enjoy the new song  BLACK MASCARA sung by RAYE, understand the lyrics of the song  BLACK MASCARA, and feel happy with music of the song  BLACK MASCARA.

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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