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Check out the video below to see the lyrics of the new song FOREVER ONLY sung by JAEHYUN (재현) and understand the lyrics of the song FOREVER ONLY! Then, feel happy with the music of the song FOREVER ONLY!😊


너의 빈 자리
더 짙게 너를 느낀
조금 뒤늦은 Irony
길 잃은 맘은 Lonely

늘 익숙한 거릴
계속해서 헤매던 우리
짙어지는 불빛
선명해지지 않는 빈자리

Where you been my whole life
돌아누우면 흐릿했던
홀로 남겨진 꿈이었던

너의 빈 자리
더 짙게 너를 느낀
조금 뒤늦은 Irony
길 잃은 맘은 Lonely

아프게 번진
이별의 마지막 Kiss
내겐 너의 뒷모습만이
Be my forever only

불빛 아른댄 바다 위로 비친
널 담아 반짝이는 That view
손 닿으면 어느새 흩어져
잡힐 듯 널 잡을 수가 없고

Ooh ooh
네가 이미 없는 이 순간
여전히도 너무 선명한
너는 또다시 날 찾아와 Oh yeah

너의 빈 자리
더 짙게 너를 느낀
조금 뒤늦은 Irony
길 잃은 맘은 Lonely

아프게 번진
이별의 마지막 Kiss
내겐 너의 뒷모습만이
Be my forever only

Be my Be my
Be my forever only
Be my Be my
Be my forever only

Be my Be my
Be my forever only
Be my Be my
Be my forever only

어스름히 짙어지는 밤바다 위
물들이는 둘의
일렁이는 눈빛

까마득히 보이지 않는 밤바다 밑
갈수록 깊숙이
남아있는 온기

너의 Memories
떠난 후에 온전히
내 것이 된 이 흔적만이
Uh Be my forever only

너의 빈 자리
더 짙게 너를 느낀
조금 뒤늦은 Irony
갈 길 잃은 맘은 Lonely

잊을 수 없이
기억을 맴돌겠지
내겐 여전히 우리만이
눈부신 Forever only
Forever only yeah yeah

Be my Be my
Be my forever only
Be my Be my
Be my forever only

Be my oh Be my
Be my forever only
Be my Be my
Be my forever only


1. Who is the singer of the song "FOREVER ONLY"?.
"FOREVER ONLY" is sung by "JAEHYUN (재현) ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "FOREVER ONLY" song?.
"JAEHYUN (재현), Ellie Suh, TIDO, Micah Premnath & Dewain Whitmore" has written the lyrics for the song "FOREVER ONLY".
3. What is the label for the song "FOREVER ONLY"?.
Label for the song "FOREVER ONLY" is "SM Entertainment".
4. When was "FOREVER ONLY" song released?.
The song "FOREVER ONLY" released on "18 August, 2022".

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Do you love the lyrics of the new song FOREVER ONLY sung by JAEHYUN (재현)? If so, then you're in for a real treat. Not only are the lyrics catchy and cheerful, but the music is simply wonderful too! 

We're happy to introduce you to the music of FOREVER ONLY, and we hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we do. Not only that, but by understanding the lyrics of FOREVER ONLY, you'll be able to feel even happier with the song. So what are you waiting for? Let's take a look at the lyrics of FOREVER ONLY!

You can enjoy the lyrics of the new song FOREVER ONLY sung by JAEHYUN (재현) , understand the lyrics of the song FOREVER ONLY and feel happy with music of the song FOREVER ONLY right here on kpoplyrics.com. We hope you enjoy!

Happy to introduce the new song FOREVER ONLY sung by Jaehyun (재현). The song tells the story of a love that will last forever and is perfect for those who want to enjoy the lyrics and feel happy with the music. 

Listen to the song and understand its lyrics, and you'll be in a good mood all day long!

If you listen to the lyrics of “FOREVER ONLY” by JAEHYUN (재현), you'll understand the emotions he was trying to portray in the song. You'll feel happy, optimistic, and inspired. 

And if you enjoy the music of “FOREVER ONLY”, you'll feel happy too! Jaehyun has worked very hard on this song, and he deserves your appreciation.

If you're a fan of K-Pop, then you're probably familiar with the song FOREVER ONLY by Jaehyun (재현). Released earlier this year, the song has quickly become a hit with fans and is now being sung all around the world. 

In this post, we're going to share with you the lyrics of the song, so that you can understand them and feel happy whenever you listen to it. Additionally, we'll provide a music video for you to enjoy!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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