Enjoy the English lyrics of the new song Gura ta sung by Emilian, understand the lyrics of the song Gura ta and feel happy with music of the song Gura ta
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊
Gura ta Lyrics — Emilian
In fiecare dimineata
Treceam pe langa tine
Inevitabil te priveam pe ascuns
Every morning
I was passing by you
I was inevitably watching you secretly
Stateai singura la masa
Voiam sa iti tin companie
Cu un zambet imi dadeai de inteles ca vrei si tu
You were sitting alone at the table
I wanted to keep you company
With a smile, you let me know that you wanted to too
Dar tu tu tu
Ce mi-ai facut tu tu
Cu gustu' tu tu
Gustul tau de capsuni
Cum de tu tu tu
Mi-ai furat sufletu'
De-mi repet in minte ca un nebun
But you you you
What did you do to me?
With good taste
Your strawberry taste
How come you you you
you stole my soul'
I repeat it in my mind like a madman
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
Inima s-ar deshidrata
Pana si timpul ar durea
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
If it wasn't for your mouth
The heart would become dehydrated
Even time would last
If it wasn't for your mouth
De la Est la Vest
La Nord la Sud
Cu tine-n lume vreau sa fug
Tu ești apa, foc
Aer, pământ
Cu tine vreau orice, oricât
Oriunde, oricum
In orice colț de pe pământ
Orice secunda in orice minut
Nimic nu arde așa cum arzi tu
From East to West
North to South
With you in the world I want to run away
You are water, fire
Air, earth
With you I want anything, however much
Anywhere, anyway
In any corner of the earth
Any second in any minute
Nothing burns like you burn
Tu tu tu
Ce mi-ai facut tu tu
Cu gustu' tu tu
Gustul tau de capsuni
Cum de tu tu tu
Mi-ai furat sufletu'
De-mi repet in minte ca un nebun
You you you
What did you do to me?
With good taste
Your strawberry taste
How come you you you
you stole my soul'
I repeat it in my mind like a madman
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
Inima s-ar deshidrata
Pana si timpul ar durea
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
If it wasn't for your mouth
The heart would become dehydrated
Even time would last
If it wasn't for your mouth
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
Inima s-ar deshidrata
Pana si timpul ar durea
Daca nu ar fi gura ta
If it wasn't for your mouth
The heart would become dehydrated
Even time would last
If it wasn't for your mouth
"Gura ta" FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "Gura ta"?.
"Gura ta" is sung by "Emilian".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "Gura ta" song?.
"Emilian Nechifor" has written the lyrics for the song "Gura ta".
3. What is the label for the song "Gura ta"?.
Label for the song "Gura ta" is "Gabriel Stanoiu".
4. When was "Gura ta" song released?.
The song "Gura ta" released on "3 August, 2022".
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Gura ta Lyrics — Emilian
Gura ta by Emilian is a heartwarming love song that will make you feel happy. The lyrics are written in an easy to understand language, and the music will add to your happiness. Enjoy the English lyrics of the song Gura ta sung by Emilian and feel happy with the music of Gura ta.
Gura ta is a new song by Emilian, and it's definitely one you'll want to add to your playlist! The English lyrics of the song are beautiful and meaningful, and the music is uplifting and soulful.
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned singer, you'll be able to enjoy the lyrics and the melody of the song. In addition, the song is perfect for feeling happy and content - just listen and let it take you away!
Gura ta is a beautiful song sung by Emilian. The lyrics tell the story of a love that is eternal.
The music of the song is peaceful and calming, perfect for winding down after a long day. Whether you're a fan of Emilian or just enjoy beautiful music, you'll love listening to Gura ta.
Gura ta is a beautiful and soulful song that speaks to the heart. The lyrics are written in English and are sung by Emilian, an excellent vocalist.
The music is also beautiful and will make you feel happy. Whether you're a first-time listener or an experienced music lover, you'll love this song. So why not give it a try? You won't regret it!
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