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IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black

IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black
IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song IT AIN'T SAFE sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, understand the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE and feel happy with music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE! The song is composed by, written by, and features vocals from DJ Khaled, Nardo Wick, and Kodak Black. The music video of the song was released on May 5th and has already received over  views on YouTube.
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊

IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled  

[Intro: Nardo Wick & DJ Khaled]
(Tay Keith, fuck these niggas up)
The emergency brakes broke (We the best music)
And ain't no stoppin' this shit either though
Ain't no such things as red lights, I don't even know where to go (Another one, DJ Khaled)

[Verse 1: Nardo Wick]
I don't got no brakes, it ain't not stoppin' this
I'm the youngest nigga poppin' shit
They wanna stop the fire, but it's too late, this shit got super lit
She see the way I pull a bitch
You see the way these diamonds hit
Nigga try to touch my chain, you gon' see the way this 40 kick

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
You don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)

[Verse 2: Nardo Wick]
Why it just got hot in here? Oh, look Wick just walked in here
I don't be with fuck niggas, but I keep my FN
Bro go move the double R, we got somebody blocked in
Just saw my partner from Atlanta, he said "You fresh as fuck, twin"
Swing that stick like Jackie Robinson and we slide home
He so innocent in real life, but gangsta on the phone
Funny how she say that I'm the dog but ate me off the bone
I heard her nigga mad, she came home smelling like my cologne
All I know is go, it ain't no stoppin', ain't no slowin' down
I don't want that nigga around me if he ain't gon' pow-pow
I don't want that necklace if that cuban link don't bling-baow
I don't want that pretty girl if she don't know how to work her mouth
We look like some old people, everybody got a stick
Know my phone ain't never dead, but I pull up five percent
When I walk my chains go back and forth like they in an argument
If he stare at this car too long, "Grrah, grrah" through the tint

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
You don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)

[Verse 3: Kodak Black]
I'm in the cut, uh, scissor, I'm a cutthroat lil' nigga
I been fucking her since December, now her butt been gettin' bigger
Nobody ain't told me I was trippin' when I picked up the pistol
Started off with good intentions, how the fuck I turned to a killer?
Cutthroat motherfucker, I go straight for the jugular
I'ma cut through with that cutter "Doo-doo-doo-doo", did I stutter?
I'm sleepin' on this side of the bed tonight, bitch, don't touch me
Finna breeze through every nigga block I don't fuck with
Ain't none of my homeboys got stepped on 'cause we do the stompin'
Don't fuck with the niggas from the ugly corner, this shit gon' get ugly
We ain't have shit in the projects, so I made it regardless
And I never ain't have a problem I couldn't solve with my chopper (This shit ain't safe, this shit ain't safe)

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)
They don't want no problems with us ('Cause it ain't safe)
You don't want no problems with us (That shit ain't safe)

[Outro: Kodak Black & Nardo Wick]
This shit ain't safe, this shit ain't safe ('Cause it ain't safe)
This shit ain't safe, this shit ain't safe (That shit ain't safe)
This shit ain't safe, this shit ain't safe ('Cause it ain't safe)
This shit ain't safe, this shit ain't safe (That shit ain't safe)


1. Who is the singer of the song "IT AIN'T SAFE"?.
"IT AIN'T SAFE" is sung by "DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "IT AIN'T SAFE" song?.
"Kodak Black, Nardo Wick, Tay Keith & DJ Khaled" has written the lyrics for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE".
3. What is the label for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE"?.
Label for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE" is "Chris Athens".
4. When was "IT AIN'T SAFE" song released?.
The song "IT AIN'T SAFE" released on "26 August, 2022".

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IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black

Listen to the lyrics of the new song IT AIN'T SAFE sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, and understand the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE. Finally, you can feel happy with the music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE.

Do you like the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE? If you do, then you're going to love the music too! DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black have created an infectious track that will have you feelin' good from start to finish. 

Whether you're listening to it on your daily commute, enjoying a happy hour with friends, or tearing it up in your car, IT AIN'T SAFE is sure to put a smile on your face. So how do you understand the lyrics? We've got you covered! In this article, we'll walk you through the meaning of each line so that you can really get into the song. Thank us later!

Well, we put it together for you, and we think you'll love it! The song is sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, and it's full of energy and positvity.

The lyrics talk about how everything is temporary - love, happiness, etc. - and that life is full of risks. But that's what makes it so beautiful.

And finally, we've included the music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE so you can enjoy it without any interruptions!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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