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IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black |
Enjoy the lyrics of the new song IT AIN'T SAFE sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, understand the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE and feel happy with music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE! The song is composed by, written by, and features vocals from DJ Khaled, Nardo Wick, and Kodak Black. The music video of the song was released on May 5th and has already received over views on YouTube.
IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled
1. Who is the singer of the song "IT AIN'T SAFE"?."IT AIN'T SAFE" is sung by "DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black".2. Who wrote the lyrics of "IT AIN'T SAFE" song?."Kodak Black, Nardo Wick, Tay Keith & DJ Khaled" has written the lyrics for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE".3. What is the label for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE"?.Label for the song "IT AIN'T SAFE" is "Chris Athens".4. When was "IT AIN'T SAFE" song released?.The song "IT AIN'T SAFE" released on "26 August, 2022".
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IT AIN'T SAFE Lyrics — DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black
Listen to the lyrics of the new song IT AIN'T SAFE sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, and understand the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE. Finally, you can feel happy with the music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE.
Do you like the lyrics of the song IT AIN'T SAFE? If you do, then you're going to love the music too! DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black have created an infectious track that will have you feelin' good from start to finish.
Whether you're listening to it on your daily commute, enjoying a happy hour with friends, or tearing it up in your car, IT AIN'T SAFE is sure to put a smile on your face. So how do you understand the lyrics? We've got you covered! In this article, we'll walk you through the meaning of each line so that you can really get into the song. Thank us later!
Well, we put it together for you, and we think you'll love it! The song is sung by DJ Khaled x Nardo Wick x Kodak Black, and it's full of energy and positvity.
The lyrics talk about how everything is temporary - love, happiness, etc. - and that life is full of risks. But that's what makes it so beautiful.
And finally, we've included the music of the song IT AIN'T SAFE so you can enjoy it without any interruptions!
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