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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song TOPI ME sung by AMNA, understand the lyrics of the song TOPI ME and feel happy with music of the song TOPI ME. 
let's Play the video and read the beautiful lyrics with the video just below!😊


[Strofa 1]
Čak i da je sve ovo samo san (San)
Vozi brže, vozi dalje, ne gledaj nazad (Nazad)
Daj da izgubimo vrijeme, pokvaren je sat (Pokvaren)
Ostani, ostani, ostani mi tu blizu
Ovdje noći baš su duge
Vjetar duva, mrsi kosu, ja galamu čujem
Ako posljednja je noć, ma neka tako bude, bude
Cijele noći plešem ispod duge

Ne mogu da odolim
Kad je gas u ovoj sobi kô u komori
Bebo, vodi me na more da se odmorim
Ne mogu da odolim, da odolim jer

To topi me, to topi me
To topi me-e-e-e-e
To topi me, otopi me
To topi me
To topi me, to topi me
To topi me-e-e-e-e
To topi me, otopi me
To topi me

[Strofa 2]
Cijeli svijet na dlanu, u jednom danu
Ne mogu da me nađu kad gubim razum
Povedi me daleko, u tu maglu
Dok more se pjeni, slobodno daj, daj se meni
Ne, to nije šala, nisam sama
Sada srce ne bi dala, nisam mala
Polagano pala, nisam znala
Ne fali ti šarma, dobra si karma
A ti si tako taman, za mene si taman
Pisao bi šaman knjigu o nama
Prži me kô lava ta tvoja drama
Biće tebi aman kad dođe Amna

Ne mogu da odolim
Kad je gas u ovoj sobi kô u komori
Bebo, vodi me na more da se odmorim
Ne mogu da odolim, da odolim jer

To topi me, to topi me
To topi me-e-e-e-e
To topi me, otopi me
To topi me
To topi me, to topi me
To topi me-e-e-e-e
To topi me, otopi me
To topi me

[Stanza 1]
Even if this is all just a dream (Dream)
Drive faster, drive further, don't look back (Back)
Let's waste time, the clock is broken (Broken)
Stay, stay, stay close to me
The nights are really long here
The wind is blowing, ruffling my hair, I hear the commotion
If it's the last night, so be it, so be it
I dance all night under the rainbow

I can't resist
When the gas in this room is in the chamber
Baby, take me to the sea to rest
I can't resist, to resist because

It melts me, it melts me
It melts me-e-e-e-e
It melts me, melts me
It melts me
It melts me, it melts me
It melts me-e-e-e-e
It melts me, melts me
It melts me

[Stanza 2]
The whole world in the palm of your hand, in one day
They can't find me when I'm losing my mind
Take me far, into that fog
While the sea is foaming, give yourself freely, give yourself to me
No, it's not a joke, I'm not alone
I wouldn't give my heart now, I'm not small
She fell slowly, I didn't know
You don't lack charm, you have good karma
And you're so perfect, you're perfect for me
A shaman would write a book about us
Your drama is burning me like a lion
You will be safe when Amna comes

I can't resist
When the gas in this room is in the chamber
Baby, take me to the sea to rest
I can't resist, to resist because

It melts me, it melts me
It melts me-e-e-e-e
It melts me, melts me
It melts me
It melts me, it melts me
It melts me-e-e-e-e
It melts me, melts me
It melts me


1. Who is the singer of the song "TOPI ME"?.
"TOPI ME" is sung by "AMNA ".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of "TOPI ME" song?.
"AMNA " has written the lyrics for the song "TOPI ME".
3. What is the label for the song "TOPI ME"?.
Label for the song "TOPI ME" is "IDJVideos.TV".
4. When was "TOPI ME" song released?.
The song "TOPI ME" released on "22 August, 2022".

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Enjoy the lyrics of the new song TOPI ME sung by AMNA, understand the lyrics of the song TOPI ME and feel happy with music of the song TOPI ME. Topi me is a Punjabi song which is composed by ਜਰਮੜੀ ਨੂਬੇ, Lyrics by ਜ਼ਮੜੀ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੋੜਾ. The music video of the song was released on 9th of January 2019.

Do you love the new song TOPI ME sung by AMNA ? If so, you'll definitely want to understand the lyrics. Not only will this help you to enjoy the song more, but it will also help you to feel happier with the music. Not only that, but by understanding the lyrics, you'll be able to connect with the song on an emotional level. 

So if you're looking for a way to make your day brighter, or just want to feel happy and connected to your music, understanding the lyrics of TOPI ME is a great way to start!

Enjoy the lyrics of the new song TOPI ME sung by AMNA, understand the lyrics of the song TOPI ME and feel happy with music of the song TOPI ME.

Do you love the new song TOPI ME? Well, you're in luck, because we've got the lyrics for you! And if that's not enough, we also have a video of the song performing live. Not only that, but we've got the music of the song - so you can really get into it! 

Whether you're feeling happy or feeling sorry for yourself, this song will put a smile on your face. So what are you waiting for? Let's take a look at TOPI ME and its lyrics!

Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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