3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) Lyrics & Translations — Егор Крид x Михаил Шуфутинский |
"3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD)" FAQ
1. Who is the singer of the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD)"?
"3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD)" is sung by "Егор Крид x Михаил Шуфутинский".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of the "song" 3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) ?.
"ЕГОР КРИД (EGOR KREED), Alex Davia, Игорь Крутой (Igor Krutoy) x Игорь Николаев (Igor Nikolaev)" has written the lyrics for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) ".
3. What is the label for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) "?.
Label for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " is "Егор Крид".
4. When was "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " song released?.
The song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " released on "2 September, 2022".
Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.
1. Who is the singer of the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD)"?
"3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD)" is sung by "Егор Крид x Михаил Шуфутинский".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of the "song" 3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) ?.
"ЕГОР КРИД (EGOR KREED), Alex Davia, Игорь Крутой (Igor Krutoy) x Игорь Николаев (Igor Nikolaev)" has written the lyrics for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) ".
3. What is the label for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) "?.
Label for the song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " is "Егор Крид".
4. When was "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " song released?.
The song "3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER THIRD) " released on "2 September, 2022".
Do you have any questions about this blog? If so, please leave a comment below and we'll answer any of your queries.
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3-е Сентября (SEPTEMBER 3rd) Lyrics & Translations — Егор Крид x Михаил Шуфутинский
On September 2, the presentation of a re-endeavor of Mikhail Shufutinsky 's hit "September 3" happened. Around a similar time, a video was conveyed for the tune, dispersed on YouTube .
The video has a plot basically dubious from evildoer improvement films. Shufutinsky plays in the catch of the "back up parent", who found his dear with her darling.
It turned out to be the legend of Yegor Creed , who, on the courses of action of the mafiosi, is canvassed alive in the forest area.
Absolutely, even before the presence of the reestablished assortment of the lofty alliance, Creed made on the casual area the gathering individuals were holding tight for the old hit, playing with new tones and having another importance.
Yegor furthermore regarded Shufutinsky considering the way that he partook in the shooting of the video until 6 AM, staying in the storm. 74-year-old Mikhail Zakharovich, thusly, called the rapper a gifted performer with whom it was "impeccable to work."
On September 3, Shufutinsky will play out a basic celebration show in the Kremlin.
It is insisted that the event will be based on the 30th celebration of the gifted worker's re-appearance of his nation, when he began to collaborate with Igor Krutoy and Igor Nikolaev , by honesty of whom the hit "September 3" appeared.
Original Lyrics Credits:
1. Musixmatch
2. Azlyrics
3. Genius
4. Lyricfind
5. LyricsRoll
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