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Rochy RD — Cuando Taba Bobo (Letra + Lyrics)

Rochy RD — Cuando Taba Bobo (Letra + Lyrics)
Rochy RD — Cuando Taba Bobo (Letra + Lyrics)

Cuando 'taba bobo nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo' que na' má' hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detene' (Ñiño)
Sé que hablan de mí, pero no lo' escucho

Cuando 'taba bobo nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo' que na' má' hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detene'
Sé que hablan de mí, pero no lo' escucho

Cuando 'taba bobo nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo' que na' má' hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detene'
Sé que hablan dе mí, pero no lo' escucho

Cuando 'taba bobo mucha gentе se apartaron de inmediato
Se esfumaron gente que apreciaba y le' daba un buen trato
Fui a un recinto por un rato, ya no se trata de mí
E' mi camino y esto fue lo que elegí

Ahora hay gente que ya no 'tan aquí, no los merecen
Ojalá que no me odien, tampoco e' que me interese
El mundo sigue igual, no me usa, no me reta
No valoran, no respetan, es un círc*lo sin careta

Me coreé con gente falsa, aún sabiendo que me afecta
No me creo mejor que nadie, pero nací pa' ser lu'
Dio' me mostró el camino y yo alumbrando cara 'e tú
Ya conozco ese guión el de Iscariote con Jesú'

Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detener
Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho

Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detener
Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho

Humildad, corazón, amor nene, patrón
Luego quieren lo tuyo y envidian tu posición
Trabaja tiguerón, da rodilla' yo no duermo
Me creé yo mismo insomnio [?]
Complica'o, [?] veces trabajaba enfermo

Yo doy mi testimonio, Dio' sabe que no e' mintiendo (Ah)
Débil joseando, me sané trabajando
Me quieren quitar lo mío que yo me gané sudando
Yo hace rato 'toy ligao, no tengo que estar sanando
Pero mis amigos son familia y no los quiero ver raneando (Ya)
Dio' mismo me castiga si yo le doy banda [?]

Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detener
Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho

Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detener
Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho

Ey, ¿es mentira? (Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi)
Rochy (Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho)
¿Qué lo qué, Wa Wa Wa? (Yo sé que no me puedo detener)
Nata Producer (Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho)
(Cuando 'taba bobo, nunca te vi
Me saliste de lo que na' más hablan mucho
Yo sé que no me puedo detener
Sé que hablan de mi pero no lo escucho

Cuando Taba Bobo (Lyrics)

When 'taba bobo I never saw you
You left me out of what no one else talks a lot
I know that I can't stop (Child)
I know they talk about me, but I don't listen

When 'taba bobo I never saw you
You left me out of what no one else talks a lot
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me, but I don't listen

When 'taba bobo I never saw you
You left me out of what no one else talks a lot
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me, but I don't listen

When 'taba bobo many people immediately moved away
People who appreciated and gave him a good deal disappeared
I went to a precinct for a while, it's not about me anymore
E' my way and this was what I chose

Now there are people who are no longer here, they don't deserve them
I hope they don't hate me, neither is it that interests me
The world remains the same, it does not use me, it does not challenge me
They do not value, they do not respect, it is a circle without a mask

I cored with fake people, even knowing that it affects me
I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I was born to be a lu'
Dio 'showed me the way and I illuminated face 'and you
I already know that script, the one with Iscariot with Jesus.

When I was stupid, I never saw you
You left me about what no one else talks a lot about
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me but I don't listen

When I was stupid, I never saw you
You left me about what no one else talks a lot about
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me but I don't listen

Humility, heart, love baby, pattern
Then they want yours and envy your position
Work tiguerón, give knee' I do not sleep
I created myself insomnia [?]
Complica'o, [?] sometimes I worked sick

I give my testimony, Dio 'knows that I'm not lying (Ah)
Weak joseando, I healed myself working
They want to take away what is mine that I earned by sweating
I've been 'toy ligao' for a while, I don't have to be healing
But my friends are family and I don't want to see them ranting (Now)
Dio' himself punishes me if I give him a band [?]

When I was stupid, I never saw you
You left me about what no one else talks a lot about
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me but I don't listen

When I was stupid, I never saw you
You left me about what no one else talks a lot about
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me but I don't listen

Hey, is that a lie? (When I was stupid, I never saw you)
Rochy (You left me out of what they don't talk a lot about)
What what, Wa Wa Wa? (I know I can't stop myself)
Nata Producer (I know they talk about me but I don't listen)
(When 'taba bobo, I never saw you
You left me about what no one else talks a lot about
I know that I can't stop
I know they talk about me but I don't listen

"Song" FAQ

1. Who is the singer of the song "Cuando Taba Bobo"?
"Cuando Taba Bobo" is sung by "Rochy RD".
2. Who wrote the lyrics of the "song" Cuando Taba Bobo ?.
"Rochy RD" has written the lyrics for the song "Cuando Taba Bobo ".
3. What is the label for the song "Cuando Taba Bobo "?.
Label for the song "Cuando Taba Bobo " is "Rochy RD".
4. When was "Cuando Taba Bobo " song released?.
The song "Cuando Taba Bobo " released on "1 September, 2022".

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Rochy RD — Cuando Taba Bobo (Letra + Lyrics)

Do you like the new song Cuando Taba Bobo? If you do, you'll love the lyrics. And if you're feeling particularly happy, you can understand the lyrics too. In this post, we'll take a look at the music of Cuando Taba Bobo and how you can enjoy it without any translation required. We hope you enjoy the song and that it brings you happiness!

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Original Lyrics Credits: 

1.  Musixmatch
2.  Azlyrics
3.    Genius
4.    Lyricfind 
5.    LyricsRoll

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