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BMM Lyrics (Translation) - Yzomandias x Nik Tendo

 Yzomandias x Nik Tendo Lyrics

BMM Lyrics (Translation) - Yzomandias x Nik Tendo
Singer Yzomandias x Nik Tendo
Director Saymon Seriš
Music Milion Plus
Song Writer Fredo Bang

BMM Lyrics (Translation)

Nick Tendo:

Harp on the beat, bitch!

(Harp on the beat)

Yo, yo, hey

Nik, Nik?

Uh, yeah, uh


Love come they go they can change their face

Numbers will never change me, but I will change numbers

It's not about having a lot, but you know I'm a player

I play for my team Milion+ white black still in colors

God's mills grind once they grind you

Finally admit the truth, come to terms with yourself

God's mills grind once they grind you

Finally admit the truth, come to terms with yourself

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind


Still grinding the mills of God, the sea never stops (Still round and round)

And I'll come for you too if you're opp

You're having a pillow talk with your old lady

This means that the whole of Prague knows what he was whining about

Karma is free but I am not Buddha

Whoever digs a hole for me always ends up in it himself

I am always honest, I understand that it hurts you

But I have no problem telling you to your face

People are angry for the truth, let me be ostracized, no sorry

The only thing I say are facts, not a made-up story

Go get high with coke and booze, have the guts

And write it to me in the FB chat, that's the only thing you can do

Nick Tendo:

Loves come, they go, they can change their face

Numbers will never change me, but I will change numbers

It's not about having a lot, but you know I'm a player

I play for my team Milion+ white black still in colors

God's mills grind once they grind you

Finally admit the truth, come to terms with yourself

God's mills grind once they grind you

Finally admit the truth, come to terms with yourself

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

God's mills grind, God's mills grind

Abbreviation Kratochvíl:

“I will take you there, but once you leave the castle gates, remember that it will never be in your power to turn back. God's mills grind slowly but surely."

BMM Lyrics

Nik Tendo:

Haarp on the beat, bitch!
(Haarp on the beat)
Yo, yo, hey
Nik, Niku?
Uh, yeah, uh
Love přijdou odejdou dokážou změnit tvář
Mě nezmění čísla nikdy ale čísla změnim já
Nejde o to mít hodně ale víš že já jsem hráč
Hraju za svůj tým Milion+ bílá černá furt v barvách
Boží mlýny melou jednou tě semelou
Konečně přiznej si pravdu srovnej se se sebou
Boží mlýny melou jednou tě semelou
Konečně přiznej si pravdu, srovnej se se sebou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou


Pořád melou boží mlýny more nikdy nemaj stop (Pořád dokola)
A přijdem si i pro tebe jestli jsi opp
Se svojí starou jedeš pillow talk
To znamená že celá Praha ví cos jí fňukal
Karma je zadarmo ale já nejsem Buddha
Kdo jámu mi kope sám v ní vždycky skončí
Já jsem vždycky upřímnej chápu že tě to bolí
Ale nedělá mi problém říct ti to do očí
Lidi se za pravdu zlobí ať mě vyhulí žádný sorry
Jediný co říkám fakta žádný vymyšlený story
Jdi se napálit koksem a chlastem ať máš kuráž
A napiš mi to do chatu na FB, to je jediný co umíš

Nik Tendo:

Love přijdou, odejdou, dokážou změnit tvář
Mě nezmění čísla nikdy ale čísla změnim já
Nejde o to mít hodně ale víš že já jsem hráč
Hraju za svůj tým Milion+ bílá černá furt v barvách
Boží mlýny melou jednou tě semelou
Konečně přiznej si pravdu srovnej se se sebou
Boží mlýny melou jednou tě semelou
Konečně přiznej si pravdu srovnej se se sebou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou
Boží mlýny melou, boží mlýny melou

Zkrat Kratochvíl:

“Vemu tě tam, ale jakmile opustíš brány hradu, pamatuj, že už nikdy víc nebude v tvé moci vrátit se zpět. Boží mlýny totiž melou pomalu, ale jistě.”

Comments BMM 

What you've been doing lately is amazing 🔥 This album reminds me so much of the old days of a million+ and I absolutely fucking love it

What you've been doing lately is amazing 🔥 This album reminds me so much of the old days of a million+ and I absolutely fucking love it

It's extreme to see the quality work, everyone has already distributed half-naked girls and fast cars, but this is a new chapter, this should be introduced to the * Institute of Rap *🔥​​

Well, this is a crazy ride.. for a few moments I felt like I was watching another melange because this is really a masterpiece... a big big up to the whole M+ team and all the people behind this gem

This clip is something so incredibly artistic, the second segment, the fire, the psycho atmosphere, the lyrics, everything fits together, incredible. Boys create on a different level of creativity, they create a work

Okay, this was the most extreme thing I've seen, it's unbelievable what these legends create on the scene. Amazing song and I'm totally out of the video. Extremely good work, for me the best on the scene, and anyone who says no is fooling themselves. Keep it up boys 🙏 and of course #FREEKARLO 🙏

Omg guys, I'm laughing at your new works, I'm crying, what a success of joy it makes me feel,, I experienced this last time with supercroo!! Big up and respect

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