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Bottas Lyrics - Arcangel, Duki, Bizarrap

Arcangel, Duki, Bizarrap Lyrics

Bottas Lyrics - Arcangel, Duki, Bizarrap
Singer Arcangel, Duki, Bizarrap
Producer Bizarrap & Zecca
Music Rimas Music
Song Writer Arcángel, Duki, Bizarrap x Santiago Alvarado

[Estribillo: Duki]
Juice, gotas
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas
Botegga Veneta las botas
Y otros pare' para mi garota
Juice, gotas
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas
Botegga Veneta las botas
Y otros pare' para mi garo—

[Verso 1: Duki]
You know who I am, moneymaker
Le enterré la carrera, Undertaker (Ajá)
En mi city me quieren como a Kobe en Los Laker' (Laker')
Eso' payaso' están usando makeup
Agua pura como Fiji (Fiji)
Si no hay Backwood, fumo de los switcher
Balenciaga it's on my t-shirt (Wuh)
No hay manera que no brille
Haciendo murallas en forma de dishes
Para tu perro tengo la antirrábica (Brrum)
Prendo motore' y no sé de mecánica (Ajá)
Cazo ratone', vola'o como un águila
Los rompí tanto que me cambié el alia'
Me voy pa' España y la gente me dice: "La va' a liar"
Si quiere que me rompa un show, mejor que consiga unas pare' de hectárea'
¿Y los suyo' para cuándo? (¿Cuándo?)
Saben que estamos al mando (Al mando)
Un arma en mano mía es un peligro pa' unos cuanto' (Cuan-Cuanto')
Blando, lo tuyo me suena blando (Mm)
Dijeron que era bueno, pero no era para tanto (Pew)
Un besito y los mandamo' para therapy (Therapy)
Acomplejado porque quiere parecerse a mí (A mí)
Se me cumplen los deseo' y no soy Aladdín (No)
A tu guacha la desbloqueo sin tener el PIN (Muah)
Ah, ah, ah
Esta se la dedico
A mis fanático' nuevo' y también a los que me siguen desde chico (Me siguen desde chico)
Que compartían el sueño conmigo y sabían que me iba a hacer rico (Que me iba a hacer rico)
Ponga el número que quiera en la mesa, que juro que se lo triplico
Si no entienden de lealtad ni de respeto los quiero bien callaíto'
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[Estribillo: Duki & Arcángel]
Juice (Juice), gotas (Gotas)
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas (Brum-brum)
Botegga Veneta las botas (Las bota')
Y otros pare' para mi garota (Ajá)
Juice, gotas (Gota')
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas (Brum-brum)
Botegga Veneta las botas
Y otros pare' para mi garota (¡Arca!; ey)

[Verso 2: Arcángel]
Zapatos Balenci (Auh)
Acá no te hagas el menso (No)
A vestir caro estoy propenso (Yeah)
Uso Gucci desde mi comienzo (Auh)
Versace (-sace)
Ya yo en eso no gasto mi cashi (No)
Me dejó de gustar la Medusa (¿Por qué?)
Si esa mierda to' el mundo la usa (Wow)
Yes, sigo, güey
Por mi camino, the money way (Oh)
Atrás en el carro tengo una Thompson
Y no tiene nada que ver con Klay (Prra)
Este flow no se encuentra en eBay (No)
Ustedes tienen que darse un update (Wow)
Tengo el corte, y adentro 'el closet
Tengo más grasa que una Frito Lay' (Wah; yessir)
Quieren que los mate
Si los pillo no hay rescate, dile a tu gente que ni trate
Se va, prendo un bate (Bate)
Que esta gente pa' guerrear no tiene ticket, cabrón, yo soy un magnate
Duki, te mandaste (Ah)
Y con esta tengo a to' mis domi diciéndome: "Arca, te pasaste" (Ajá)
Les dimo' jaquemate, no hay combate
To' el que trate yo vo'a ser que recoja y empaque (¡Wuh-wuh-uh!), achú
A los falsos soy alérgico
En to's los lao' estoy frío, Connecticut
Fumando un pasto de México
Y al que ronque lo dejamo' para-parapléjico (Wapa)
Soy lo más hijueputa del trap (Yeah)
Le mando y no vuelven pa'trá' (Yeah)
Tengo una .9 que le puse "Biza", si la jalo ella suena "¡rrap!" (¡Auh!)

[Estribillo: Arcángel & Duki]
Juice, gotas
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas
Botegga Veneta las botas
Y tengo un flow que de lejo' lo notas (¡Auh!; okey)
Juice, gotas (Brrum)
Una fórmula, Valtteri Bottas (Brrum)
Botegga Veneta las botas (Ajá)
Y otros pare' para mi garota

[Outro: Arcángel]
Yo sé que dos o tre' no tienen la capacidad de entender lo que aquí acaba de pasar (Arca)
Tranquilo, mientras tanto dale pa'trás al tema pa' que le llegue' bien (Duki)
Ve reajustando el volumen y el bajo de tu radio pa' que no se te funda (Biza)
De Argentina a Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico a Argentina (¡Rra!)
Esto quedó bellaco (EHXX)
Y si tu radio es una mierda, tranquilo, que comoquiera se va a escuchar bien (¡Sike!)
(The Professor)

Bottas English Lyrics

[Chorus: Duki]

juice, drops

A formula, Valtteri Bottas

Botegga Veneta boots

And others stop for my girl

juice, drops

A formula, Valtteri Bottas

Botegga Veneta boots

And others stop for my garo—

[Verse 1: Duki]

You know who I am, moneymaker

I buried his career, Undertaker (Aha)

In my city they love me like Kobe in Los Laker' (Laker')

That' clown' are using makeup

Pure water like Fiji (Fiji)

If there is no Backwood, I smoke from the switchers

Balenciaga it's on my t-shirt (Wuh)

There's no way I don't shine

Making walls in the form of dishes

For your dog I have the anti-rabies (Brrum)

I turn on the motor and I don't know about mechanics (Aha)

I hunt ratone, I flew like an eagle

I broke them so much that I changed my alias'

I'm going to Spain and people tell me: "She's going to mess up"

If you want me to break a show, you better get some par' de hectare'

And yours' for when? (When?)

They know we're in command (In command)

A weapon in my hand is a danger for a few (How-How much)

Soft, yours sounds soft to me (Mm)

They said it was good, but it wasn't that bad (Pew)

A little kiss and we send them for therapy (Therapy)

Complexed because he wants to look like me (Me)

My wishes come true and I'm not Aladdin (No)

I unlock your guacha without having the PIN (Muah)

oh oh oh

I dedicate this to you

To my 'new' fans and also to those who have followed me since I was a child (They have followed me since I was a child)

That they shared the dream with me and knew that it was going to make me rich (That it was going to make me rich)

Put the number you want on the table, I swear I'll triple it

If they don't understand loyalty or respect, I want them to be very quiet.

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[Chorus: Duki & Archangel]

Juice (Juice), drops (Drops)

A formula, Valtteri Bottas (Brum-brum)

Botegga Veneta the boots (The boots')

And others stop for my girl (Aha)

Juice, drops (Drop')

A formula, Valtteri Bottas (Brum-brum)

Botegga Veneta boots

And others stop for my girl (Arca!; hey)

[Verse 2: Archangel]

Balenci shoes (Ouch)

Don't play dumb here (No)

I'm prone to dress expensively (Yeah)

I wear Gucci since my beginning (Auh)

Versace (-sace)

I don't spend my cash on that anymore (No)

I stopped liking Medusa (Why?)

If the whole world uses that shit (Wow)

Yes, I continue, dude

By my way, the money way (Oh)

Back in the car I have a Thompson

And it has nothing to do with Klay (Prra)

This flow is not found on eBay (No)

You have to give yourself an update (Wow)

I have the cut, and inside 'the closet

I have more fat than a Frito Lay' (Wah; yessir)

they want me to kill them

If I catch them there is no rescue, tell your people not to try

He leaves, I light a bat (Bate)

That these people to fight do not have a ticket, bastard, I am a tycoon

Duki, you sent yourself (Ah)

And with this I have all my domi telling me: "Arca, you went too far" (Aha)

We gave them checkmate, there is no combat

Whoever tries I'm going to pick up and pack (Wuh-wuh-uh!), achú

I'm allergic to fake ones

In all the lao' I'm cold, Connecticut

Smoking a grass from Mexico

And we leave the one who snores para-paraplegic (Wapa)

I'm the most bastard of the trap (Yeah)

I send them and they don't come back pa'trá' (Yeah)

I have a .9 that I put "Biza" on it, if I pull it, it goes "rrap!" (Ouch!)

[Chorus: Archangel & Duki]

juice, drops

A formula, Valtteri Bottas

Botegga Veneta boots

And I have a flow that you notice from afar (Auh!; okay)

Juice, drops (Brrum)

A formula, Valtteri Bottas (Brrum)

Botegga Veneta the boots (Aha)

And others stop for my girl

[Other: Archangel]

I know that two or three do not have the capacity to understand what has just happened here (Arca)

Don't worry, in the meantime, go back to the topic so that it reaches you well (Duki)

Go readjusting the volume and bass of your radio so that you do not melt (Biza)

From Argentina to Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico to Argentina (Rra!)

This was bellaco (EHXX)

And if your radio is shit, don't worry, it's going to be heard well anyway (Sike!)


(The Professor)


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