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Hoodie Lyrics - Anuel AA, Bryant Myers

Anuel AA, Bryant Myers Lyrics

Hoodie Lyrics - Anuel AA, Bryant Myers
Singer Anuel AA, Bryant Myers
Producer Chris Jedi, Gaby Music & Dímelo Ninow
Music Sony Music Latin
Song Writer Anuel AA & Bryant Myers

[Intro: Anuel AA]
Real hasta la muerte, ¿oíste, lambebicho?
Real hasta la muerte, ¿oíste, cabrón?
Norton got the sauce

[Coro: Anuel AA]
Debajo del hoodie (Debajo del hoodie)
Ando con la .40 llegando a tu ubi (Ubi)
Debajo del hoodie (Brr)
Le enganché los de .30, cabrón, Stephen Curry (Curry)
Debajo del hoodie, del hoodie, del hoodie
Cabrón, ¿qué pasó? (¿Qué pasó?)
El hoodie e' Louis, e' Louis
Te mueres tú o te mato yo (Brr)
Debajo del hoodiе (Del hoodie)
Ando con la .40 llegando a tu ubi (A tu ubi)
Dеbajo del hoodie (Del hoodie)
Le enganché los de .30, cabrón, Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry; brr)
Debajo del hoodie, del hoodie, del hoodie (Del hoodie)
Cabrón, ¿qué pasó? (Ey)
El hoodie e' Louis, e' Louis (Brr)
Te mueres tú o te mato yo (La AA, brr)

[Verso 1: Anuel AA]
Se me llenaron de sangre las Nike
Le prendimo' la Jordan en la cara y le hicimo' el fade (Brr)
Rojo Chicago la 45 (45)
La máscara del demonio es samurai
47, .40, Glock .30, yo tengo más número' que Spotify (¿Ah?)
Y nos vamo' a meter pa' la Calle 13 y te vamo' a meter chulin culin chunfly, ¡brr!
Le doy par de carro' a los nene' (Nene')
R y Draco' ya tienen (Tienen)
Cabrone' en guerra y jangueando, se mueren fácil uno de esos weekene' (Brr)
Más caja' de bala' ya vienen
Un palo nuevo que quiero que lo estrenen
Que lo mandé a pintar to' de Raytheon pa' que cada vez que yo lo prenda truene (¡Brr!)
Y mámame el bicho tú y to' tu corillo
El malo es malo con pistola o cuchillo
En el mío casi todo' son asesino' (Son asesino')
Y el más pendejo, mínimo es un pillo (¡Jaja!)
Le pido a Dios que los míos no me fallen (No me fallen)
Que nunca dentro 'e la prisión se me guayen
Que no vean a un enemigo y no hagan na'
Y digan que eso era un problema de calle, ¡brr!
To'a la banda con los dron, con los dron, con los dron (Con los dron)
To' el que se viró despué' en paz descansó (Descansó)
Soy de una, no de do', no de do', no de do' (No de do')
Él también estaba arma'o, el más rápido ganó, se murió, ¡brr!
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[Coro: Anuel AA]
Debajo del hoodie (Brr)
Ando con la .40 llegando a tu ubi (A tu ubi)
Debajo del hoodie (Brr)
Le enganché los de .30, cabrón, Stephen Curry (Curry)
Debajo del hoodie, del hoodie, del hoodie (Del hoodie)
Cabrón, ¿qué pasó? (¿Qué pasó?)
El hoodie e' Louis, e' Louis (Brr)
Te mueres tú o te mato yo (Brr)

[Verso 2: Bryant Myers]
La tengo debajo 'el hoodie por si hay nébula
Por si salen insecto', libélula'
Al la'o mío no se ven, parecen celula'
Ustede' no salen con nosotro' neverland (¡Ah, ah!)
Pero por si aca tengo mi casa rodea' de palo' y no vivo en el campo (¡Prr!)
Y cuando les mando se van over, por eso le puse R15 carbon
Tengo código' que no voy a revelar, y bajo el hoodie la .30-C
La Glock sin seguro, flow Gervonta Da
Y te damo' RKO si doy el okey (¡Brr!), ¡brr!
Papito, el más duro aquí fuera' tú (Jaja) si yo no estuviera, se (Jajaja)
No te sale lo de hijueputa porque no lo ere' ni lo era' (Eh)
La tengo bajo el hoodie hasta allá arriba en Florida (Allá arriba en Florida)
To' el que quiera beef lo vamo' a hacer carne molida (Prr, prr, prr)
Nigga, sin cojone', ¿de dónde you from? (¿De dónde you from?)
Voy pa' tu casa a cobrarte como Don Barriga a Ramón
'Tás muerto, cojo vida atrá' 'el portón
[Coro: Anuel AA & Bryant Myers]
Por eso debajo 'el hoodie
Ando con la .40 llegando a tu ubi (A tu ubi; ¡jaja!)
Debajo del hoodie
Le enganché los de .30, cabrón, Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry; ¡huh!)
Debajo del hoodie, del hoodie, del hoodie (Del hoodie)
Cabrón, ¿qué pasó? (¿Qué pasó?)
El hoodie e' Louis, e' Louis (Brr)
Te mueres tú o te mato yo

[Outro: Anuel AA & Bryant Myers]
Real hasta la muerte, ¿oíste, cabrón?
Ronquen lo que ronquen
La historia no cambia, los que pegamo' el trap fuimo' nosotro'
Mera, dime, Bryant
El Mynor, Millo Gang
Los intocable', ¿oíste, bebé?
Adentro y afuera 'e la prisión, ¡brr!
Mera, dime, Chris Jedi
El único que anda en Lamborghini en Puerto Rico, ¡jajaja!
Mera, dime, Gaby Music
Mera, dime, Nino, ¡jaja!
Los Marciano', ¿oíste, hijo 'e la gran puta?
Las Leyendas Nunca Mueren 2 coming soon
Mera, dime, Norton
Esta es pa' to' los hermanos míos que están preso' y pa' to' los hermano' mío' que tienen la puta calle prendía' en fuego, ¡brr!
El Mynor, Millo Gang
La Familia, Los Marciano'
Debajo del hoodie, del hoodie, del hoodie
Cabrón, ¿qué pasó?
El hoodie e' Louis, e' Louis
Te mueres tú o te mato yo

Hoodie English Lyrics

[Intro: Anuel AA]

Real to death, did you hear, lambebicho?


Real to death, you hear, motherfucker?


Norton got the willow

[Chorus: Anuel AA]

Under the hoodie (Under the hoodie)

I walk with the .40 arriving at your ubi (Ubi)

Under the hoodie (Brr)

I hooked the .30's on him, motherfucker, Stephen Curry (Curry)

Under the hoodie, under the hoodie, under the hoodie

Bastard, what happened? (What happened?)

The hoodie e'Louis, e'Louis

Do you die or I kill you (Brr)

Under the hoodie (From the hoodie)

I walk with the .40 arriving at your ubi (To your ubi)

Under the hoodie (From the hoodie)

I hooked the .30's on him, motherfucker, Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry; brr)

Under the hoodie, the hoodie, the hoodie (Of the hoodie)

Bastard, what happened? (Hey)

The hoodie e'Louis, e'Louis (Brr)

Do you die or I'll kill you (The AA, brr)

[Verse 1: Anuel AA]

My Nikes got bloody

We put the Jordan on his face and we did the fade (Brr)

Chicago Red 45 (45)

The demon mask is samurai

47, .40, Glock .30, I have more number' than Spotify (Huh?)

And we're going to get to Calle 13 and we're going to get you chulin culin chunfly, brr!

I give a couple of cars to the kids (Baby)

R and Draco' already have (They have)

Cabrone' at war and hanging out, they die easy one of those weekend' (Brr)

More bullet box' are coming

A new stick that I want to be released

That I sent it to paint all of Raytheon so that every time I turn it on it thunders (Brr!)

And suck me the bug you and all your corillo

The bad guy is bad with gun or knife

In mine, almost everything is a murderer (They are a murderer)

And the most asshole, at least, is a rascal (Haha!)

I ask God that mine do not fail me (Do not fail me)

That never inside 'and the prison they will guide me

That they do not see an enemy and do nothing

And say that this was a street problem, brr!

All the band with the drone, with the drone, with the drone (With the drone)

To 'the one who turned after' rested in peace (Rested)

I am from one, not from do', not from do', not from do' (Not from do')

He was also armed, the faster he won, he died, brr!

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[Chorus: Anuel AA]

Under the hoodie (Brr)

I walk with the .40 arriving at your ubi (To your ubi)

Under the hoodie (Brr)

I hooked the .30's on him, motherfucker, Stephen Curry (Curry)

Under the hoodie, the hoodie, the hoodie (Of the hoodie)

Bastard, what happened? (What happened?)

The hoodie e'Louis, e'Louis (Brr)

Do you die or I kill you (Brr)

[Verse 2: Bryant Myers]

I have it under 'the hoodie in case there is a nebula

In case they come out insect', dragonfly'

They can't be seen next to me, they look like a cell

You' don't go out with us' neverland (Ah, ah!)

But just in case I have my house surrounded by sticks and I don't live in the countryside (Prr!)

And when I send them they go over, that's why I put R15 carbon on it

I have code' that I will not reveal, and under the hoodie the .30-C

The Glock without safety, flow Gervonta Da

And we'll give you RKO if I say okay (Brr!), brr!

Daddy, the toughest one out here is you (Haha) if I weren't there, I would be (Hahaha)

You don't get the son of a bitch thing because you're not 'nor was' (Eh)

Got her under my hoodie up there in Florida (Up there in Florida)

Anyone who wants beef is going to make ground beef (Prr, prr, prr)

Nigga, no cojone', where are you from? (Where are you from?)

I'm going to your house to charge you like Don Barriga to Ramón

'You're dead, I take life behind' 'the gate

[Chorus: Anuel AA & Bryant Myers]

That's why under 'the hoodie

I walk with the .40 arriving at your ubi (To your ubi; haha!)

under the hoodie

I hooked the .30's on him, motherfucker, Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry; huh!)

Under the hoodie, the hoodie, the hoodie (Of the hoodie)

Bastard, what happened? (What happened?)

The hoodie e'Louis, e'Louis (Brr)

Do you die or I kill you

[Other: Anuel AA & Bryant Myers]

Real to death, you hear, motherfucker?

snore what you snore

History does not change, those of us who hit the trap were us


Mera, tell me, Bryant

El Mynor, Millo Gang

The untouchables', did you hear, baby?

In and out of the prison, brr!

Mera, tell me, Chris Jedi

The only one who rides a Lamborghini in Puerto Rico, hahaha!

Mera, tell me, Gaby Music

Mera, tell me, Nino, haha!

Los Marciano', did you hear, son 'e the great bitch?

Legends Never Die 2 coming soon

Mera, tell me, Norton

This is for all my brothers who are in prison and for all my brothers who have the fucking street set on fire, brr!


El Mynor, Millo Gang

The Family, The Martians'

Under the hoodie, under the hoodie, under the hoodie

Bastard, what happened?

The hoodie e'Louis, e'Louis

Do you die or I kill you

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