Enjoy The Lyrics of the new song Bruk Days sung by Valiant. The Lyrics of Bruk Days is beautiful and catchy. Bruk Days is written by Valiant. Label for the song Bruk Days is ValiantMusicVEVO and Bruk Days is released on 30 January 2023.
Bruk Days Lyrics
‘Spongeselfbelieve mek melck hesreets
Hrm b chon
Youshould badmind a nna e bruk aye
Mommy houseupstairs
ma ko she nahcomplin
You should badmind ma nna mebruk aye
Mommy houseupstairs me knowshe nahcomplain
Awnilheapa fghtwhen yousrise
Butaprayer's a hghtbackyes hereis pain i my ey
st eading my smile
1inow them yah hesrt iy nd thurt e
Youshouid a bad mind me nna mebrukdays
Mommy houseupstairs
ma ko th nahcomplin
You should badmind ma nna mebruk aye
Mommy houseupstars me knowshe nahcomplain
Desthandia innadepowarof ditongue
Look pon me i nna meeyes cf me son
Remambar thetime when them saywe nah go make tout
Saywanan gomaksitout
Yes m praying for fivour
‘God potect e rom danger
Pasi 23 makadamfll pon dam knee
Mommy houseupstairs
ma ko sh nahcomplin
youshouidabad mind me
o mebroks s
Mommy houseupstalrs
Theycant fghtme
Im glad I a driver
Bruk Days Info
Song | Bruk Days |
Artist | Valiant |
Writer | Valiant |
Label | ValiantMusicVEVO |
Release Date | 30 January 2023 |
Bruk Days Description
A record label and music production company called Valiant Music focuses on promoting and disseminating music of all genres. The business probably collaborates with musicians to create and release their music, as well as to promote their professional development by giving them access to tools and resources.
One method by which the business advertises and distributes the music of its musicians is probably through the ValiantMusicVEVO YouTube channel. Music videos, live performances, and other materials pertaining to the artists on the label may be featured on this channel.
.Additionally, because it enables record labels and music production companies like Valiant Music to connect with a sizable and varied audience, having a presence on YouTube is crucial. They can present their artists and their work to a global audience on websites like YouTube, which will aid in their visibility and fan development. They may communicate with their fans, promote their music, and share news by using platforms like ValiantMusicVEVO.
Record labels and music production firms can sell their music, merchandise, and other products with the aid of a strong web presence. They can also make money through sponsorships and advertising on websites like YouTube.
In conclusion, Valiant Music's internet presence is likely made up in large part by the ValiantMusicVEVO channel, which is likely to be helpful to the business.
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