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DESAFIANDO EL DESTINO (Letra) English Lyrics - Maria Becerra

DESAFIANDO EL DESTINO (Letra) English Lyrics - Maria Becerra
DESAFIANDO EL DESTINO (Letra) English Lyrics - Maria Becerra

[Verso 1]

Hoy me llamaste como cinco vece', pero no atendí

Sé que a veces hago que te estreses', pero soy así

Porque sé que aunque hago estupidece', siempre estás ahí

Queriendo sacar lo mejor de mí


Abrazarte, mirarte y sonreír

Como antes, dormirme junto a tí, ih-ih


Si no recuerdas lo mucho que te quiero, yo te lo diré

Si se apagan las estrellas en el cielo, las encenderé

Y cuando el paso del tiempo te dé miedo, yo lo frenaré

Y me quedo contigo, desafiando el destino


Ah-ah-ah, Ah-ah-ah

Ah-ah-ah, Ah-ah-ah

[Verso 2]

Sé que a veces crees que no te doy importancia

Te pido perdón, pero es culpa de mi ignorancia

No creas que no te extraño, que no tengo ansia'

Por verte de nuevo y que cortemo' esta distancia

Será que siento que estoy tan adentro de tí

Que no siento tu ausencia si estás lejos de mí

Me gustaría que siempre estemos así, poder tenerte aquí


Y abrazarte, mirarte y sonreír

Como antes, dormirme junto a tí, ih-ih


Si no recuerdas lo mucho que te quiero, yo te lo diré

Si se apagan las estrellas en el cielo, las encenderé

Y cuando el paso del tiempo te dé miedo, yo lo frenaré

Y me quedo contigo, desafiando el destino, oh-oh

Si no recuerdas lo mucho que te quiero, yo te lo diré

Si se apagan las estrellas en el cielo, las encenderé

Y cuando el paso del tiempo te dé miedo, yo lo frenaré

Y me quedo contigo, desafiando el destino


Y me quedo contigo, desafiando el destino


[Verse 1]

Today you called me like five times, but I didn't answer

I know sometimes I make you stress', but I'm like that

Because I know that even if I do stupid things, you are always there

Wanting to get the best of me


Hug you, look at you and smile

As before, fall asleep next to you, ih-ih


If you don't remember how much I love you, I'll tell you

If the stars in the sky go out, I'll turn them on

And when the passage of time scares you, I will stop it

And I stay with you, defying fate


Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

[Verse 2]

I know that sometimes you think that I don't give importance to you

I beg your pardon, but it's my ignorance

Don't think that I don't miss you, that I'm not anxious

To see you again and cut this distance

It will be that I feel that I am so inside of you

That I do not feel your absence if you are far from me

I wish we were always like this, to be able to have you here


And hug you, look at you and smile

As before, fall asleep next to you, ih-ih


If you don't remember how much I love you, I'll tell you

If the stars in the sky go out, I'll turn them on

And when the passage of time scares you, I will stop it

And I stay with you, defying fate, oh-oh

If you don't remember how much I love you, I'll tell you

If the stars in the sky go out, I'll turn them on

And when the passage of time scares you, I will stop it

And I stay with you, defying fate


And I stay with you, defying fate


"Desafiando el destino" is a Spanish expression meaning "defying fate" or "challenging destiny." It is commonly used to describe a situation in which someone is trying to overcome an obstacle or change the course of their life despite difficulties or negative expectations from others.

In addition to being a common expression, "defying fate" can also be the title of a movie, a book, a song, or any other art form that tells a story of overcoming and determination. In these works, the main character often faces difficulties and obstacles, but through his willpower and determination, he manages to overcome them and achieve his goals.

It is also commonly used in broader contexts, such as in everyday life, when someone is faced with a significant problem or challenge and decides to act to resolve it, despite the difficulties. These people are considered brave and strong because they do not give up in the face of adversity and fight for their goals and dreams.

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