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Mi Tranza Lyrics - Bulin 47

Enjoy The Lyrics of the new song Mi Tranza sung by Bulin 47. The Lyrics of Mi Tranza  is beautiful and catchy. Mi Tranza is written by Bulin 47. Label for the song Mi Tranza is Label and Mi Tranza is released on 1 February 2023.

Mi Tranza Lyrics - Bulin 47

Mi Tranza Lyrics

Lyrics will be available soon.

Mi Tranza Info

SongMi Tranza 
ArtistBulin 47
WriterBulin 47
Release Date1 February 2023
Mi Tranza Details

Mi Tranza Description

"Mi Tranza" is a Spanish phrase that roughly translates to "my trance."

This phrase seems to be referring to a music production or music video that "Vulcano Music" and "Creador" have put together. It appears to imply that Vulcano Music oversaw the production or music video's filming and that Creador was in charge of its direction.

Congratulations Bulin, every time you release a track, it sticks, approximately translates from the Spanish. It appears to be a compliment or a declaration of admiration for the performer "Bulin," implying that each time they put out a new song, it quickly gains popularity and positive reviews.

God bless Bulin 47 and his team, loosely translated from Spanish. It is a message of support and well-wishes for the artist "Bulin 47" and any of his associates or partners. The phrase is frequently used to convey best wishes for someone's happiness and prosperity.

"The one who stopped to read this letter, may God bless you and your family always," roughly translates from Spanish. It is an expression of support and well-wishes for the recipient of the message. The phrase is frequently used to convey best wishes for someone's happiness and prosperity as well as for the welfare of their family.

Many blessings Bulin, may God bless your effort in the hands of God the Father, loosely translates this Spanish statement. It is a sentiment of goodwill, showing support for the artist "Bulin" and their creations. The phrase is frequently said as a way to send someone your best wishes for their happiness and success as well as to recognise that the outcome of their undertaking ultimately rests with a higher power.


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